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Forums - Sales Discussion - We need Daily sales updates know most other places like NPD do monthly updates so you should be thankful ioi does this not only weekly but for free.

I am really Xeo_842 but I can no longer log in under that name.

Bet with OriGin: Within 1 year Super Smash Bros. Brawl will be ahead of Mario Kart Wii (when aligning the one whole year from each region). 2 week ban from VGChartz for the loser. 

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I need hourly updates. Actually, I need updates to the minute.

Yeah I think you're right, I also think that it is very bad that this site only updates every week, this is very outdated. I was already thinking about leaving this site, but now that I see that here is a new intelligent poster I might change my plan again. I already loved your thread with this great analysis about the Wii sales in north america, and now you finally speek the truth about how unsatisfactory it is with the numbers on this page. I like you!

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

thekitchensink said:

Yeah... you realize ioi does all this FOR FREE, right?

 No he doesn't, he makes a ton of money off adsense all over this site. 


Actually I want Hourly Updates... no minute by minute updates!!


@OP These weekly updates are already a big step from the monthly updates we use to get from last year.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


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Kayanator said:

thekitchensink said:

Yeah... you realize ioi does all this FOR FREE, right?

 No he doesn't, he makes a ton of money off adsense all over this site. 


rofl he has costs

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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By the way when are the japan figures coming in, i want to see whats going on there

daily updates is very hard to do,atleast we dont have to wait a month for sales data like npd

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

we need daily sales, weekly ones are becoming obsolete, we're in 2008 people.

Kayanator said:

thekitchensink said:

Yeah... you realize ioi does all this FOR FREE, right?

No he doesn't, he makes a ton of money off adsense all over this site.


 You sir, are a terrible troll.

Weekly data is unprecidented outside of Japan, Ioi simply can't get data daily to update.


Oh go join Nexgenwars! They constantly update, thats the place for you.