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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Thank you Sony ---> Xbox 180 ---> Internet 180


What now ?

Keep hating - we want moar ! 43 49.43%
Enough is enough ! 17 19.54%
It's never enough ! 27 31.03%
Figgycal said:
sales2099 said: story bro


Seems like a cocky thread post that just drips of self superiority, especially when the X1 Gamescom conference is in full swing. Seems like a insecure retort to all the recent announcements and good news. 

So I gave the appropriate response.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Around the Network
sales2099 said:
Figgycal said:
sales2099 said: story bro


Seems like a cocky thread post that just drips of self superiority, especially when the X1 Gamescom conference is in full swing. Seems like a insecure retort to all the recent announcements and good news. 

So I gave the appropriate response.

Cocky? Self superiority? Insecure retort? I think you might've read too much into my post.

- Exclusive Call of Duty Ghosts dedicated servers. I guess I should've quoted that part from the OP maybe?

Wright said:

Yeah. I guess Playstation buyers have to thanks Microsoft for online, but I don't see any "thank you" anywhere. Just souless arguments.

we all really have thank sega for that one

Figgycal said:
sales2099 said:
Figgycal said:
sales2099 said: story bro


Seems like a cocky thread post that just drips of self superiority, especially when the X1 Gamescom conference is in full swing. Seems like a insecure retort to all the recent announcements and good news. 

So I gave the appropriate response.

Cocky? Self superiority? Insecure retort? I think you might've read too much into my post.

- Exclusive Call of Duty Ghosts dedicated servers. I guess I should've quoted that part from the OP maybe?

Hes on your side. Not sure whats he upset by tho. 

Mmmfishtacos said:
Machiavellian said:
FrancisNobleman said:
Exclusive ?

More like xbox first,

also, nobody is stopping sony or nintendo to open up their own servers to host COD because that's not thanks to microsoft having "cloud" features on the console. It's due to servers, like everything stored in the beggining of the internet you know. Till nowadays.

Cloud is just a more friendly way of calling it and making really dumb people understand the concept of always accesible servers.

Why do gamers believe this is some type of switch a company can just turn on.  No, Sony and Nintendo cannot just turn on a switch and suddenly they have enough compacity to host COD or any other game with dedicated servers.  Also MS cloud feature is different from dedicated servers but MS is offering both.  Its an advantage MS has over Sony and Nintendo and its pretty clear one at that.

I wouldnt worry about sony. You act as if they dobt have sever farms already. Plus if they need they could strike a deal with amazon. 

Both of your points are hypotheticals. Sony probably has servers, but certainly not the scope MS has invested in.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Around the Network
sales2099 said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
Machiavellian said:
FrancisNobleman said:
Exclusive ?

More like xbox first,

also, nobody is stopping sony or nintendo to open up their own servers to host COD because that's not thanks to microsoft having "cloud" features on the console. It's due to servers, like everything stored in the beggining of the internet you know. Till nowadays.

Cloud is just a more friendly way of calling it and making really dumb people understand the concept of always accesible servers.

Why do gamers believe this is some type of switch a company can just turn on.  No, Sony and Nintendo cannot just turn on a switch and suddenly they have enough compacity to host COD or any other game with dedicated servers.  Also MS cloud feature is different from dedicated servers but MS is offering both.  Its an advantage MS has over Sony and Nintendo and its pretty clear one at that.

I wouldnt worry about sony. You act as if they dobt have sever farms already. Plus if they need they could strike a deal with amazon. 

Both of your points are hypotheticals. Sony probably has servers, but certainly not the scope MS has invested in.

Sony might have done a lot of things right, dedicated servers isn't one of them, at least not yet :

sales2099 said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
Machiavellian said:
FrancisNobleman said:
Exclusive ?

More like xbox first,

also, nobody is stopping sony or nintendo to open up their own servers to host COD because that's not thanks to microsoft having "cloud" features on the console. It's due to servers, like everything stored in the beggining of the internet you know. Till nowadays.

Cloud is just a more friendly way of calling it and making really dumb people understand the concept of always accesible servers.

Why do gamers believe this is some type of switch a company can just turn on.  No, Sony and Nintendo cannot just turn on a switch and suddenly they have enough compacity to host COD or any other game with dedicated servers.  Also MS cloud feature is different from dedicated servers but MS is offering both.  Its an advantage MS has over Sony and Nintendo and its pretty clear one at that.

I wouldnt worry about sony. You act as if they dobt have sever farms already. Plus if they need they could strike a deal with amazon. 

Both of your points are hypotheticals. Sony probably has servers, but certainly not the scope MS has invested in.

Do they need to, not right now, no. They have enough to run something like cod. Hell 99 percent of their first party  games run on dedicated servers. Whats one more. 

D-Joe said:
I never heard any thanks when PS3 changed

than allow me to thank you for (at the very least) trophies.  once ps4 launches i'll also thank you for cross-game chat.   i'm sure there are others but those are the two i really enjoy.

Edited OP adding

XBOX CoD Ghosts Bundle (Europe)
Exclusive content for The Division

Wright said:

Yeah. I guess Playstation buyers have to thanks Microsoft for online, but I don't see any "thank you" anywhere. Just souless arguments.

Thanks Microsoft, I love paying to play online =D