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Forums - General Discussion - Video Games Vs. Woman

artofangels, i really love this FFXII concept :D(wasn't it disturbing?) for me it would be great if i could meet girl who would dig that stuff(you know games and FF XII concept:D). best way to find a gamer girl(or at least girl who will accept your hobby) - go to a anime&manga convent(there are plenty of them). i love nintendo consoles and party games(plus many non-casual games) so it wouldn't be hard to spend time with gf and playing games.

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Someone needs to buy AoA a hooker.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



ctk495 said:
Well whatever I'm out of here no soriku no leo j no dtewi this place has become a bit boring I will probably be back next week In the meantime I will try to get a girlfriend and get all the stars on smg.

 You make leo-j's grammar look good. I lol'd when I seen that.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Half of my friends that are girls love video games.
I knew a 17-year-old guy who argued with his girfriend if the wii or PS3 was better. To my surprise, he was for the wii, & she was for the PS3.

RCTjunkie said:
Half of my friends that are girls love video games.
I knew a 17-year-old guy who argued with his girfriend if the wii or PS3 was better. To my surprise, he was for the wii, & she was for the PS3.

wow that's something new. i know many girls, but most of them don't like games, only few play the sims and that would be all. plus there's some totally nerdy girls(i'd never thought there is such thing) who play more games than anyone i've ever knew, but you shouldn't come near them without a stick. they aren't ugly but they're just like....nerds - well except dangle in the pants and you can't talk with them about other things than games(it freaks me out). 

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superchunk said:
@phendrana --- lol ahhaahahahahahahaaha. You never look at people's bio's do you. Here check this.


 Yeah, I think I'll start to from now on. lol

My sister and her bf are both gamers. They mainly play a lot of WoW, Wii, and DS. When I'm home we'll all sit around and drink and play games. Good times, good times. 

How can I focus on a game while I was getting my dick sucked you ask?

Well coming from a guy who most of the last six years of my life I've been getting virtually frequent sex, blow jobs are no longer the 'be all end all' sexual activity, sure it's great, but this was fresh in our relationship, I had a new game to play with (FF XII) and she had a new Penis to play with, it was great.

Of course this amazing combination did not last forever, but it was great for the first 2 months.

I think madskillz said it right, once you hit 7 months it's game over.

OK... based on the comments in here 98% of you have 0 experience with women... I guess that's not to be unexpected seeing that this is a gaming/geek site... but seriously.. if video games is a passion of yours, why would you settle for a woman that doesn't at least somewhat share in your passion?

No wonder you all went nuts over those Victoria Secret model pics.

If you think the most important thing about a woman is the way she looks you are going to be looking for the wrong things in your women.

Remember, looks fade with age and experience, video game skills only improve :)

PSN ID: TheSimkin

GamerTag: TheSimkin

WII friend Code: 0002 7972 4522 2681


DaSimkin said:
OK... based on the comments in here 98% of you have 0 experience with women... I guess that's not to be unexpected seeing that this is a gaming/geek site... but seriously.. if video games is a passion of yours, why would you settle for a woman that doesn't at least somewhat share in your passion?

No wonder you all went nuts over those Victoria Secret model pics.

If you think the most important thing about a woman is the way she looks you are going to be looking for the wrong things in your women.

Remember, looks fade with age and experience, video game skills only improve :)

 I think most of the comments here were not about looks...just about the kind of women they prefer and whatnot...

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )