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Forums - General Discussion - Do you eat Breakfast?

I eat Special K.

The womans cereal that's meant to make you lose weight. Tastes so damn good though.


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I just ate breakfast. I never miss it and most days its the only meal I eat.

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i usually take some rolls pull cheese and ham on it, put it in the microwave
some ketchup .
a glass of cola, too complete it
et voila

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very rarely,i usually have a pop-tart or something



Some of you eat some strange (and unhealthy) breakfast food.

I mean, cola? Red Bull? Chips? You'd almost think that this was a site full of gamers-


"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



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hunter_alien said:
ArtofAngels said:
hunter_alien said:
ArtofAngels said:
No seriosuly, I don't ever have Breakfast, and I believe a huge frightening percentage of people also don't, food is the last thing I want as soon as I wake up, but when I do eat first thing in the morning, it's usually Pepsi and chips or some junk like that.

So dont act surprised if youl have cancer at the age of 35 ...


On topic : I allways eat breakfast , seriously , it gives you that morning energy that IMO everyone needs :)

LOL I know, but I honestly couldn't care if I had Cancer tomorrow.

 Maybe you think that way now , but when it will happen , bealive me , you wont be happy at all . Bealive me I know , my mother is a medic  and he has all the time at least 20 people who suffer of some sort of cancer . Most of them are extremly painfull , and bealive me , just looking at them you can tell that they are feeling miserable ... 

I know someone who recently died from Cancer, and my ex had Liver Cancer, I know it's miserable.

I usually have cereal for breakfast.

Nintendo still doomed?
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Very rarely, i know you are supposed to, but i'm pretty much never hungry right when i wake up.

When I do I usually just have leftovers from last nights dinner. Perferable some sort of beef.

I like Breakfest food, but only late at night.

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Welcome to VGC's, you sound healthy, I feel honoured you lost your forum virginity on one of my threads =P