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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Zero Punctuation Thread!!

The review of DNF was epic. The Bionic Commando one ended well to. Watch and see his reason for voting thumb's down.

By the way, anyone want to comment on the plot twist that ZP ripped to shreads in review, that involved the wife of the lead character in Bionic Commando?  The review drove to look for it, and all I can say is, "YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!"  I am referring not to the ripping but the actual plot twists.  Anyone want to defend it? 

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Bionic Commando

richardhutnik said:

The review of DNF was epic. The Bionic Commando one ended well to. Watch and see his reason for voting thumb's down.

By the way, anyone want to comment on the plot twist that ZP ripped to shreads in review, that involved the wife of the lead character in Bionic Commando?  The review drove to look for it, and all I can say is, "YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!"  I am referring not to the ripping but the actual plot twists.  Anyone want to defend it? 

I beat Bionic Commando (and even though Yahtzee's review is spot on, I still enjoyed it!) and I can't even remember what happened to Nathan's wife.  I just remember her running away.  I was pissed about Super Joe, though.  Fond childhood memories ruined!

That Duke Nukem Forever video made my day.

inFAMOUS is reviewed:

He gives it a big thumb's up.

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And it was a good review too

Yeah Infamous review was great.

Check out my game about moles ^

Staude said:
Yeah Infamous review was great.

As as review, yes.  As entertainment, it is less then when he really hates a game.

DNF was probably his best video and I've seen them all :p

also RE5, The Witcher and Far Cry 2 are great

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