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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What game have you played the most on the 3DS so far?

1. Fire Emblem: Awakening - 260:37 (lunatic + xD)
2. SMT: Devil Survivor Overclocked - 224:54
3. Animal Crossing: New Leaf - 181:18
4. Ocarina of Time 3D - 164:08
5. Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones - 150:45
6. Mario Kart 7 - 150:26
7. Virtue's Last Reward - 118:44
8. The World Ends With You - 69:13
9. Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars - 62:22
10. Kid Icarus : Uprising - 58:24

my bro's activity log:

1. Mario Kart 7 - 182:02
2. Animal Crossing: New Leaf - 121:12
3. Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones - 94:46
4. SMT: Devil Survivor Overclocked - 76:33
5. Ocarina of Time 3D - 72:29
6. Fire Emblem: Awakening 68:30
7. Mario 3D Land - 55:38
8. Super Mario Bros. - 46:48
9. Luigi's Mansion - 35:27
10. Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story - 35:18

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Donkey Kong Country.

top 3 atm are:


Resident Evil:Revelations followed by 3D Land followed by Kid Icarus

For me, my most played (Mario Kart 7) is 17 hours, which is much smaller than most people here it seems.

1. Fire Emblem Awakening (approaching 500 hrs)

2. SMT: Devil Survivor Overclocked (approaching 300 hrs)

The rest of the top five are Devil Survivor 2, Etrian Odyssey IV and Pokemon White. Kid Icarus: Uprising is sixth and the only thing not a RPG or Street Fighter in my top 10.

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1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D-74 Hours (4 times through the game)
2. Fire Emblem: Awakening-66 Hours (1 play-through)
3. Kid Icarus: Uprising-57 Hours
4. Nintendo eShop-38 Hours (I have SLOW internet for downloads)
5. Pushmo-35 Hours (Completed EVERY puzzle)

That's the top 5 and then games 6th through 14th are all over 20 hours as well. I've DEFINITELY gotten my money's worth out of my 3DS. Looking forward to seeing where Pokemon X/Y fit after all is said and done.

Upcoming Games To Get

Definite: Kirby Star Allies (Switch), Mario Tennis Aces (Switch), Fire Emblem (Switch), Yoshi (Switch), Pokemon (Switch), Kingdom Hearts 3 (PS4), Monster Hunter World (PS4)

Considering: Fe (Switch), Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze (Switch), The World Ends With You (Switch), Ys VIII (Switch), Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition (PS4), Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Remix (PS4), The Last Guardian (PS4), Shadow of the Colossus HD (PS4), Anthem (PS4), Shenmue 3 (PS4), WiLD (PS4)

Kid Icarus Uprising. By far. I dunno how many hours, but its well over 100.

As for 2nd, I dunno. A bit too lazy to check the playlog right now. I have 45 hours in fire emblem, so that's up there. I may have more in animal crossing or SFIV.

spurgeonryan said:
TK14 said:
1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D-74 Hours (4 times through the game)
2. Fire Emblem: Awakening-66 Hours (1 play-through)
3. Kid Icarus: Uprising-57 Hours
4. Nintendo eShop-38 Hours (I have SLOW internet for downloads)
5. Pushmo-35 Hours (Completed EVERY puzzle)

That's the top 5 and then games 6th through 14th are all over 20 hours as well. I've DEFINITELY gotten my money's worth out of my 3DS. Looking forward to seeing where Pokemon X/Y fit after all is said and done.

Was this your first time with OoT? Or did you play it back in the 90's or on Wii VC?

No, it wasn't my first time. My brother got it back when I think I was 9 years old. I watched him play through most of it and then when he was done I played through the child-Link portion a couple of times. I'll be honest though, I was a scared little boy back then and couldn't bring myself to do the Forest Temple with the Wallmasters (TERROR! :p) and so I never beat it. I beat it for the first time a couple weeks after getting OoT 3D on launch day. After that I immediately replayed 2 playthroughs in 2011. And since then I've played through it once per year (2012, 2013). It's tied as my favorite game of all time and one I'm always happy to go back and revisit. Even as a kid who couldn't bring himself to beat it at the time, I was still hooked and kind of obsessed with it.

OoT was the beginning of my love affair with Zelda which continues to this day. I've beaten The Minish Cap, Twilight Princess twice, Spirit Tracks, Skyward Sword twice, and though I've played Wind Waker I've never actually beaten it either. So I'll finally be conquering that game when it releases for Wii U in October. :) And then if Grezzo remakes Majora's Mask for 3DS like I'm expecting in a couple years (2015) I'll go ahead and beat that one too and then I'll finally have all the 3D Zeldas beaten. I like the 2D games starting with A Link To The Past and have tried them all, but so far The Minish Cap is the only one I've finished. I'm gonna try and beat A Link To The Past on Wii VC and then hopefully beat A Link Between Worlds when it comes out too, but overall I'm just more of a 3D Zelda fan. Those are the system sellers for me. 

Upcoming Games To Get

Definite: Kirby Star Allies (Switch), Mario Tennis Aces (Switch), Fire Emblem (Switch), Yoshi (Switch), Pokemon (Switch), Kingdom Hearts 3 (PS4), Monster Hunter World (PS4)

Considering: Fe (Switch), Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze (Switch), The World Ends With You (Switch), Ys VIII (Switch), Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition (PS4), Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Remix (PS4), The Last Guardian (PS4), Shadow of the Colossus HD (PS4), Anthem (PS4), Shenmue 3 (PS4), WiLD (PS4)

My top 5 games:

1.-Devil Survivor Overclocked at 187:28
2.-Devil Survivor 2 at 127:18
3.-Kingdom Hearts 3D at 107:31
4.-Shin Megami Tensei 4 at 104:02
5.-Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey at 86:31

Looks like I became an atlus fanboy doesnt it?

Pokemon White. Got in over 60 hours on that game. :3
Then comes Black
Black 2
White 2
Mario 3D Land
Ocarina of Time 3D