JayWood2010 said:
tbone51 said:
just to give you a heads up, its not really evolving! Mewtwo is shown going into his new MegaMewtwo form but changes back to normal. So technically its a form not evolution. Beside that i hope your prediction comes true 
Not trying to derail your thread but I have a question about the mega forms. Do they go mega randomly or at the beginning of a battle? Also does it happen at the beginning of every battle? And is the stone permenate or is t a 1 time use?
I think its officially confirmed, only certain pokemon will have mega evolution! Facts as of now... 1.Even the Evolution is the term, its more of a form cuz its not permanent 2.Every pokemon that has a Mega Evo has to hold its specific mega stone 3. Only appear in battles 4. Supposebly only 1 per Team(meaning you can have both Lucario and Mewtwo, but only one can go through Mega Evo) 5.Mega Evo changes Stats/Sometimes Typing/New Abilities! Thats all info thus far... Also they will be hard to obtain i believe(the mega stones) as of now we only kno blaziken mega stone will be wifi only. Practically people who dont download by jan 15 or people that buy after the game wont be able to get mega stone for blaziken. This gen will definitely be the hardest to get pokemon so be on alert for all events!