Anyone think Black Flag will move some units?
Fix dem awful character animations and models and sure.
Krysta likes it so thats one WiiU buy there.
Funny thing is it seams like Deus Ex is doing better.
Hi guys. I'm back.
Where have I been for the past week & a half?
Enjoying my Wii U, that's what.
Instead of jawjacking with doubters & disbelievers, I took a break & just played for awhile.
During my play it was confirmed REPEATEDLY that Wii U was one of the best purchases of my life. Dollars WELL spent.
Just running through the fun-filled theme park of NintendoLand, living through a National Geographic adventure in Pikmin 3, becoming Rocky the Flying Squirrel to Bullwinkle Moose in New Super Mario Bros. U, sampling the surreality of Game & Wario, gaining green peace through New Super Luigi U, sailing the sevens seas of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, wandering in the wonder of The Wonderful 101, tackling the technical combos of Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition...
...not just that but also enjoying a walk through Animal Crossing Plaza, letting my inner artist shine through in Art Academy: Sketchpad, transporting myself to my NES childhood in Ducktales: Remastered, testing my inner calm through Zen Pinball 2, even seeing the local sights in Wii Street U - powered by Google.
I explored the Miiverse & saw galaxies of fascinating drawings & comments. I gave 'em a good "Yeah!" & sent comments.
I posted my own drawings & comments to this Miiverse like when I beat Lemmy Koopa on New Super Mario Bros. U.
"Go suck a Lemmy" I said as I drew a defeated floored Lemmy on the ground with his deflated ball.
I drew a picture of Luigi in "The Year of Luigi" Community among many other sayings & drawings I made.
One such as the circular logo of Nintendo with the word LAND underneath for NintendoLand.
AND PEOPLE RESPONDED! That super-powered connectivity of Nintendo fans drawing upon one another.
Nothing like it!
I YouTubed from the crappy YouTube app as well as the much superior YouTube from the EXTRA-SPEEDY Internet Browser.
Searched for "starman theme" & played a clip with all the Starman remixes from the entire Mario series.
Played some Nation of Domination themes on it & even watched some Team Four Star Dragon Ball Z Abridged Parodies.
Looked to see what was crackin' at the eShop. Messed around with Nintendo TVii to see the coming shows.
Even checked my Download Manager to see when my downloads were done.
Throughout I checked to see how long I played on this Wii U on my Daily Log & had fun listening to how the music sounded on the TV & the Gamepad (Gamepad has voices going "ahh ahh" while TV has instrumentation).
When I wasn't doing that I was getting lost in fun city playing my 3DS & DSi.
Reestablishing my lost progress in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, getting my natural butt whooped online at Mario Kart 7, having my brain broken by Brain Age: Concentration Training, enjoying my 3DS Virtual Console adventures of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX (the only Zelda I had never played—CDi Zeldas don't count), trying to best my score & get the respect of Yoda in Star Wars Pinball, tweaking my game-in-progress from the Super MakerMatic21 of WarioWare D.I.Y., solving some tricky puzzles in Picross 3D & Picross DS (Picross 3D made me a Picross fanatic!), even keeping beat with The King in Michael Jackson: The Experience.
So as you can see I have been busy. ESPECIALLY laughing at Doctre81's commentaries on these Nintendo haters on YouTube.
It seems during my little break that I have a new challenger to debate with.
I think he goes by the name of Zod95.
I hope the '95' is just some random number because if it's Zod's birth year, I'm gonna have a field day with this rebuttal.
Somebody barely older than the Nintendo 64 trying to school me about this gaming business?
No no, I shouldn't be like that. Age isn't necessarily a determiner of wisdom.
There are younger people here who looked beyond their time & learned which straw really stirs the drink in this gaming industry.
But there are times when youth correlates with hasty thought. Half-baked conclusions. Incomplete theories.
So, let's get this underway.
Point by point rebuttal.
Since this thread is SOOOOO long, here's the link to his initial post from October 9th.
Zod95 said:
No, Wii returns to outer space due to a price cut of 50 euros. New Super Mario Bros. Wii was just another game among many ones that sold dozens of millions worldwide. |
Hahahaha–Wait a minute–Hahahahahahaha–Wait wait no–hahahahahahaha–no he didn't–hahahahahaha!
Oh my GOD no–hahahahahahaha–No he did not–hahahahahahaha–Oh no he DID NOT! hahahaha...WHEW!
OK John, get it together. Hold it down. WHEW!
Tell me you're not serious about this statement. You REALLY think it was ALL because of a price drop that Nintendo set that record?
Are you SERIOUSLY telling ME that that untouchable number Wii sold was ALL because of a price drop?
Are you ALSO seriously telling me that New Super Mario Bros. Wii was "just another game" among many others that sold?
The system had already been on the market for nearly 3 years by that time. Constantly sold out the grand majority of that time.
At a $250 American price on top of that (€300 Euro Union/£180 U.K./¥25,000 Japan)!
The previous record holder Sony's PlayStation 2 with its 2.7 million from December 2002...
That PS2 had dropped ITS price to $200—$100 down from its $300 launch—a mere 1 1/2 years after its American launch (October 2000 to May 2002).
It was worse in Europe when PS2 didn't even clock one full calendar year before dropping to £200—£100 down from its £300 launch (November 2000 to September 2001).
Japan dropped TWICE in one year! First from launch ¥39,800 down to ¥35,000 in June 2001 (almost 1 1/3 years after its March 2000 launch). Then from that ¥35,000 to ¥29,800 in November 2001 when the Gamecube & XBox arrived (down ¥10,000 yen already & only 1 2/3 years after launch!).
And funny thing about the American drop is that they were thinking about doing it in 2001 to begin with!
Nintendo held out for nearly 3 years (2 5/6 years) before dropping the price of Wii ANYWHERE. America, Europe, OR Japan.
(America = November 2006-September 2009, Europe & Japan = December 2006-September 2009)
And when they dropped it, they only dropped $50 down to $200 for America, €50 down to €200 for Europe, ¥5,000 down to ¥20,000 for Japan.
And Wii held off on this drop with MUCH more formidable competition than PS2 had.
NO price drop makes sales like what Wii made in December 2009.
Price drops may give a little boost but they can't make consoles sell like that all alone.
It was New Super Mario Bros. Wii on TOP of the established promise of the Wii that made that 3.8 million in December of 2009.
That game was special. That's why it came in a red case. Mario Red.
For the first time since Mario Bros. arcade from 1983, we got SIMULTANEOUS multiplayer in a platform Mario game.
That was something that stuck in my craw ever since Super Mario Bros. We always got alternating Mario & Luigi not that Joust-style Mario & Luigi where they play on the same screen at the same time. To help each other or to hurt each other or both. That had been an element missing from the Mario Bros. games since 1983.
We got a taste of it with the Mario vs. Luigi mode in New Super Mario Bros. on the DS. But in that game they were always competing & it had to be done through the local connection between 2 DS's.
But no, not only did they give us simultaneous Mario & Luigi in one package deal but they ALSO gave us FOUR-PLAYER SIMULTANEOUS!!!
The 2 Toads multiply the madness in gameplay we just could not imagine until we witnessed it ourselves!!
The game was just BEYOND!!
It was not "just another game". That's like calling Grand Theft Auto: Vice City "just another game". That's the game that helped the PS2 make that 2.7 million that December. The best-selling game that December of 2002 (nearly 1.6 million). That's like calling Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas "just another game". That's like calling Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare "just another game". Like calling Wii Play "just another game". Like calling Tetris on the Game Boy "just another game". Like calling Mortal Kombat "just another game". Like calling The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "just another game".
It's absurd.
And nothing about "dozens of millions" can just be blown off like background scenery.
The 11th best-selling game of all-time can't be written off all blasé with its 27.06 million & counting.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii was a phenomenon & it helped Wii achieve that milestone in December of 2009.
It was such a phenomenon that during the 25th Anniversary of Super Mario Bros. it being packed in with the Mario Red color of the Wii console gave Wii the 2nd biggest monthly home console sales in the 7th generation (over 2.4 million). 3rd best monthly home console sales of all time.
Not to mention beat the new XBox 360 S (with Kinect) for the holidays of 2010 & the YEAR of 2010.
Against all naysayers.
Zod95 said:
Ultimately, it was. Once Wii was a less powerful console, most of hardcore titles couldn't be made on it...and, because of that, hardcore gamers didn't buy the Wii...which made the few hardcore titles to sell almost nothing...which then made the hardcore devs to avoid the Wii. |
"Hardcore Gamer" doesn't exist & neither does "Casual Gamer". There are gamers who play games in a hardcore fashion & those who play in a casual fashion but that could apply to grandmas who play Animal Crossing hardcore & college frat boys who play Madden casually.
No such thing as "Hardcore Games" or "Casual Games" either.
Let's get that straight right now.
PS2 was a less powerful console too. Didn't stop it from getting all the games in the 6th gen.
Sega Genesis/Mega Drive was much weaker than the SNES but I remember Mortal Kombat & Street Fighter II coming out for both systems in the 4th gen.
Developers can make games anywhere they want to. It wasn't Wii's horsepower that stopped them. It was gaming politics.
It wasn't the HD Brigade that stopped Wii. It was Nintendo themselves who stopped Wii.
Wii had already made the 360 & PS3 its "female dogs" forcing the 360 to shed its Blades for its Avatar-laden (Miis?) New XBox Experience (NXE) complete with motion-sensing Kinect & the PS3 to trot out Kevin Butler trying to get players to Move.
Wii had conquered & continued to conquer these behemoths working out of Standard Definition no less.
But this political standoff from the fearful 3rd parties was getting annoying.
So Nintendo pretty much shut the Wii down to make sure this obstruction never happens again.
They offered the olive branch with Wii & the 3rd party refused.
So Nintendo was prepared to scorch the earth beneath their feet & FORCE them over through Wii U.
When Wii U finishes its mission, the 3rd party will bow to Nintendo at long last.
They will have nowhere else to go outside of bankruptcy so they will play along.
They will not be able to hide behind Sony & Microsoft anymore.
They will finally use Nintendo's tools to redefine genres & enhance their gamecraft for the good of the players & the gamemakers themselves.
For instance, first-person shooters should have been defined by the Wiimote/Nunchuk combo instead of clumsy dual analog.
Zod95 said:
Nintendo wasn't cooked but it was losing momentum pretty badly...and it wasn't because of Kinect or Move. Motion was finally losing its temporary supremacy and the solid sales from the old school gaming were conquering the first places of the charts while Nintendo didn't have any more short-term ideas to continue the revolution as you say. |
Old school gaming? Microsoft & Sony are "old school gaming"? What in the Gargamel are you talkin' 'bout?
There is only one console maker left that epitomizes "old school gaming" & that is the oldest company of the bunch, Nintendo.
Motion losing its temporary supremacy??? What does the existence of Kinect & Move mean to you?
Motion had gained ABSOLUTE supremacy. That's why Kinect & Move are with the XBox One & PlayStation 4 from the start.
And Wii wasn't cooked that year in 2010. Everybody said that the 360 with its 'S' revision & Kinect would topple the Wii in 2010.
The headlines were prematurely written up as if it was already a done deal.
Here's a sampling of that 2010 foolishness.
Analysis: XBox 360 poised to pass Wii in US sales by year's end
Will Nintendo be able to essentially run out the clock and maintain its dwindling US sales lead until Microsoft finally stops producing the Xbox 360?
It seems exceedingly unlikely. Over the last 12 months, the Xbox 360 has outsold the Wii in the US by an average of about 278,000 units a month. At that rate, the Wii's current accumulated lead will be completely dried up just in time for Christmas.
The XBox 360 Will Win The Console Wars
Even more important, Natal is effectively a refresh for the Xbox 360. It transforms the concept of the console enough to make it appear like a new product. I have no doubt that if Natal works and receives positive reviews, then buyers will flock to the Xbox 360 this Christmas and Nintendo and Sony will have a tough time to keep up.
Microsoft teaches us that it isn’t really about how fast you run at the beginning of a race, but instead, it is about your strategy, your ability to react to changing conditions, and finishing first. There is no doubt in my mind that Microsoft will win this console race and my hat is off to the Xbox 360 product team.
XBox Christmas sales set to eclipse Wii thanks to Kinect
XBox 360 On Track To Be Best Selling Console Of 2010
Game Console Market Dissected: Nintendo Wii Is Dying
Nintendo has to face reality that the Wii is dying in the U.S.: It peaked in May of this year, and has peaked in January of this year, and entered a state of decline in May. It will be nearly impossible for Nintendo to return to positive growth again.
Who's Winning The Console Wars?
Going into this article I planned on closing it out by saying "The Xbox 360 has won, not just winning, has won the console wars." But after evaluating everything, the PS3 still has a chance. It may not be a large chance, but it has a chance.
So I guess the Wii just didn't exist in that guys' equation, huh. And funny thing about the 360 "winning the console wars".
Currently & PERMANENTLY it is #3 out of 3. They start first, they end last.
All that noise they made about the 360 stopping Wii in America & then Nintendo just does this.
And this.
Shut all that noise down with a simple red paint job, a pack-in of two world wonders—New Super Mario Bros. Wii & Wii Sports, & a fancied up port of a then-17 year old SNES compilation of NES remakes.
For more gaming press comedy, check this 2010 headline about the PS3 & Wii.
Analyst Says PS3 Will Outsell Wii by 2013
Last time I checked Wii's moving north of 100 million & PS3 has JUST crossed the 80 million mark FINALLY.
Even with their 10 year plan they're not gonna see Wii's 100 million.
It took 'em over 10 to sell what Wii did in over 5. Hahahahaha!
Sony will have to deemphasize PS3 in order for the PS4 to gain traction or they'll be in the same boat they were for the PS2 & PS3 transition.
And this time they don't have a successful hangover from the last gen to depend on.
Zod95 said:
It wasn't just a simple paint job. In that year, Wii had several new bundles and suffered small price drops without damaging the "200 euros to get a Wii". Yet, YoY sales continue to drop during the entire year, while PS3 and X360 were selling like never before. This was the HD turn around. 2011, 2012 and 2013 were just a continuation of this. |
Yawn. A simple paint job, brother. The power of the 25th Anniversary of Super Mario Bros. was all it took.
You talk about "several new bundles" & forget that the 360 TOTALLY OVERHAULED THEIR ENTIRE SYSTEMS.
THEN added a Kinect! And Microsoft had been doing this 'shifting bundles' type of thing from doggone near the beginning.
Does Kung Fu Panda/Lego Indiana Jones ring a bell? You sit here & try to tell me about bundles. Hahahahahaha.
No, I kept up with the sales month after month watching the NPDs. Keeping track at VGChartz's tallies.
It was always EXCEPTIONAL to see the 360 OR the PS3 best the Wii on the American charts.
Like in September 2009 when Sony redesigned the PS3 into the PS3 Slim & beat Wii for the first time ever with 491,800 to Wii's 462,800.
I remember specifically noting that when the 360 sold 422,000 to Wii's 397,000 in March 2010 that it was the first time since September 2007 that the 360 beat the Wii for the month. And September 2007 was when Halo 3 came out.
And even still the 360 sold 527,800 to Wii's 501,000 so even when it beat the Wii it wasn't by very much.
It wasn't until after the revision that the 360 consistently challenged Wii on the charts...and STILL lost in the end.
Once Nintendo took their emphasis off of Wii only THEN was the 360 allowed to top Wii.
And by then the generation was headed into its 6th year. Wii came, Wii saw, Wii conquered, Wii moved on.
2011 & 2012 was when Nintendo stopped striking with Wii & focused on their new part of the Revolution, the Wii U.
The HD consoles were picking up Wii's scraps. Wii's leftovers. Nintendo just let Wii run on autopilot picking up lazy sales.
2012 is also when Sony & Microsoft realized that Nintendo put them in a trap as Nintendo jumpstarted the 8th generation with Wii U.
They knew they didn't have long to finish eating Wii's scraps & that they couldn't stay eating Wii's scraps while Wii U prepares new meals.
2013 is them rushing to the cafeteria hoping to get some meat on their plate.
But joke's on them. Wii U is the lunch lady & will determine how much they get served.
Zod95 said:
Then Zelda: Skyward Sword is nothing for you? 2011 was just another year. Nintendo was never able to launch as many titles as 3rd parties anyway. |
Nintendo quit on Wii after the 2010 holiday season. This is the period when they focused more on Wii U's development (Project Café).
Like I said they let Wii run on autopilot picking up lazy sales by sheer past momentum.
Then Nintendo FULLY showed how much they were taking Wii from its philisophical strength to just another mere console by making Wii Family Edition that same year. Isn't the 'Family' part redundant? Isn't that already covered by the name Wii?
Even the Wii website changed focus. Whereas before the Wii website at Nintendo felt like an experience with testimonials from people playing, the revelational Iwata Asks segments, the whole general Playing Is Believing/Togetherness Wii philiosophy, afterwards it just became "Well this is where you can buy your Wii Family Edition to play Netflix". It became so ordinary after once being so extraordinary.
By the time Zelda: Skyward Sword came out, the lifeline to the console had already been cut.
Wii was slowly headed on its way out to make room for Wii U.
Nintendo planned it that way. To my one-time disgust. That's what this thread is all about.
Me realizing why Wii's life was cut prematurely short & understanding that Wii U is still a part of their Revolutionary plan.
They didn't want to fight their own phenomenon like PS3 had to do with PS2.
They were disgusted at the 3rd party's obstinance & obstruction & devised a nuclear strategy to UNIFY these rebels under them.
Wii had to take a backseat to Wii U as painful as that decision may have been for them & for the fans.
It took some fans a long time to get over it—like me for instance.
There was nothing more to be gained by punking the 360 & PS3 over & over. They conquered those systems already.
2010 was yet another showing of their dominance. But these consoles were already whipped.
They had been themselves changed by Nintendo's Revolution. It was time for the next step.
And that next step had to take place in a Super Wii. The Wii they would have no chance to deny.
Skyward Sword was just one last hurrah for the Revolutionaries of the first movement.
The REAL power came from Act 2, the second movement of The Revolution, the Wii U.
Zod95 said:
I don't think so. Nintendo has been copying Apple, not the other way around. |
Yeah you might have a point if you're talking about certain superficial design aspects (especially with Wii) but Apple saw what Nintendo did with DS & Wii & incorporated it into their plans.
The iPhone & iPod Touch both came out in 2007.
The DS came out in 2004 & the Wii came out in 2006.
The original iPod came out in 2001.
BEFORE, the iPod (now known as the iPod Classic) made selections by click wheel & had a GUI (graphical user interface) like this.
AFTER the DS & Wii came out, the iPod Touch & its more robust telephonic version the iPhone made selections by multi-touch touchscreen & had a GUI like this.
Looks familiar, don't it?
All those squarish rectangular TV-screen like panels all lined up side by side with something touching the screen to activate programs on the system.
The timeline: Apple iPod - 2001 — Nintendo DS - 2004 — Nintendo Wii - 2006 — Apple iPod Touch & iPhone - 2007.
You tell ME who's copying who.
The Wii Menu was a REVOLUTION in GUI design as well if you remember. Not long after it came out you saw many companies inside & outside of gaming adapting elements of that design into their GUIs.
Apple for one. Microsoft & Sony for another. That's why Sony ditched the Xross Media Bar for its Vita layout & why Microsoft saw its Blades & said "NXE!"
Oh & one more thing.
Zod95 said:
Abruptly? How? 3DS followed a normal DS life-cycle. 3DS was announced in 2009, an year and a half before its release. There's nothing abrupt on that. |
The DSi came out in Japan on November 1, 2008. The rest of the world didn't get it until early April 2009 (Australia getting theirs on the 2nd, Europe getting theirs on the 3rd, & America getting theirs on the 5th).
The 3DS was announced in 2010 not 2009 (2009 would have been even worse!) & its announcement overshadowed the large-size revision of the DSi XL.
The DSi XL (known as DSi LL in Japan) came out November 21, 2009 in Japan, March 5, 2010 in Europe, March 28, 2010 in America, & April 15, 2010 in Australia.
The 3DS announcement was made on March 23, 2010 pretty much relegating the recently released DSi & newly released DSi XL into outdated status.
DSi barely got its feet wet before the 3DS came & stole its thunder.
People said why get a DSi when I can wait it out for the 3DS in 2011?
Abrupt just like I said. And it was like this because DSi wasn't enough to stem the tide of Apple & the rising Androids from Google.
The iPod Touch & iPhone had a camera on it much like all smartphones & dumbphones even.
Nintendo built the DSi with TWO cameras. It had music playing functionality built inside of it.
They had their own version of an app store through Nintendo DSi Ware.
It was practically like a smartphone except without the phone functions.
I should know since I used my DSi just like one with me not owning a smartphone. I use the Mario & Animal Crossing Calculators, the Mario & Animal Crossing Alarm Clocks. I take family pictures with the DSi cams. I listen to music through Nintendo DSi Sound. I use the Metronome & the Instrument Tuner. I use the piano from the 'Music on' series of touchscreen keyboards & other instruments. I have even used the Internet Browser on it in public. Checked emails from it & everything.
Nintendo needed a little more so they took everything that was done in the DSi, replicated it in the 3DS & add even more functionality through its SpotPass/StreetPass functions as well as its breakthrough no-glasses 3D screen.
They were making the argument that a dedicated handheld gaming device was STILL necessary even with the new PC platform of the smartphones & tablets.
And they are succeeding in that argument as evidenced by the marvelous sales.
Zod95 said:
If that's so, then why is the Wii U less than 1 generation ahead of the Wii? If Wii is on a kind of 6.5th generation, Wii U is on the 7th generation along with the PS3 and X360. Hardcore today, casual tomorrow...once PS4 and XB1 (consoles that really belong to the 8th generation) Wii U isn't for hardcore anymore. The few developers that tried the system are already realizing that looking at the miserable sales of their hardcore titles on the Wii U, while the others won't even touch it. |
Generations talk about competitive systems on the market not merely tech.
That's why the technologically superior Mattel Intellivision & the technologically inferior Atari 2600 were both considered part of the 2nd generation.
That's why the technologically superior Super Nintendo Entertainment System & the technologically inferior Sega Genesis/Mega Drive were both considered part of the 4th generation.
Even the EXTRA technologically superior SNK NeoGeo was considered part of this 4th generation despite being beyond both SNES & Genesis.
Both the technologically superior Nintendo 64 & technologically inferior PlayStation were both considered part of the 5th gen.
Even the more technologically inferior Atari Jaguar & 3DO were considered part of this 5th gen.
What? You don't count the technologically inferior PlayStation 2 as part of the same 6th gen as the technologically superior Nintendo Gamecube & Microsoft XBox?
Wii was 7th gen by market competition AND tech. It was stronger than all of the past 6th gen systems.
Wii U is 8th gen by market competition AND tech. It is stronger than all of the past 7th gen systems.
You seem to be the type that buys into a lot of bullspit. That saliva won't do you any good.
All the propoganda, all the talking points. Hardcore this, Casual that. Next-gen next-gen next-gen. Non-game, Game, Non-Game, Game.
XBox One & PlayStation 4 are full of hype. They're not gonna be able to deliver on that hype.
In an earlier post somewhere WAAAY back in this thread I posted this pic.
It comes from a Kotaku article called Just How More Detailed Are PS4 Characters Over PS3 Characters?
It shows the same character from PS3's Killzone 3 & PS4's Killzone: Shadow Fall.
As you can see from the naked eye, there's no discernable leap in graphics.
Nintendo President Satoru Iwata already warned you about this in 2004 at E3.
He said, "The time when horsepower alone made an important difference is over."
That's why Wii in all its SD glory mopped the floor with the HD twins the 360 & PS3.
8 years later the 360 STILL hasn't quite breached the 80 million mark & is now #3 of 3 despite starting this generation on the home consoles.
Wii U moves to HD when HD doesn't break the bank. I made this point in the very opening post of this thread.
I have made this point repeatedly THROUGHOUT this thread. Graphics aren't going much beyond this anymore.
The graphics race is over. Wii buried that contest. You can't sell consoles with the promise of graphics anymore.
NOW you have to rely on gamecraft. You're walking RIGHT into Nintendo's trap because they are the Grandmaster of Gamecraft.
With both XBox One's & PlayStation 4's lack of backwards compatibility, there's gonna be a LOOOOT of buyer's remorse after launch fever wears off this holiday season.
The monster known as Grand Theft Auto V is not planned to have a version for the XOne & PS4.
You REALLY think players are just gonna walk out on all that library they built up just to play a more expensive system that may not even deliver the graphical 'WOW!' factor they expect???
Talk to my man Doctre81 for more details.
Zod95 said:
Sorry, I couldn't get you here. What are you trying to say? In my opinion, 3rd party devs didn't sabotage the Wii. It's just that you can't run a game like GTA IV (with so many objects, AI units, complexity and freedom at the same time) in a so low powered system as the Wii is...unless you use graphics and game engines from the 5th generation. And the same happens with Assassin's Creed, Batman, The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Tom Clancy's games, Bioshock, Fallout, etc. Were you willing to play any of those games with graphics and physics similar to Crash Bandicoot? Of course not. |
I remember them saying they couldn't run a Call of Duty game on the Wii at one time. Years later I see Modern Warfare 3 on the Wii not long after Black Ops was on there, not long after World at War was on there.
5th generation huh? Really really cocky this guy is.
Many of today's developers are bums. Back in the 4th gen, they made magic happen with the weaker Sega Genesis/Mega Drive.
They MADE stuff work on there DESPITE its supposed limitations.
Donkey Kong Country on the SNES slowed down the race to the 5th gen because people couldn't fathom those beautiful visuals coming out of a 4th gen 16-bit system.
They maxed out the resources & got the best out of the machines back then.
All the pioneering has been done now & today's developers don't have the balls to make the magic happen.
That or the politics won't let them have the balls.
I don't remember the PS2 putting up with all these excuses.
Wii WAS INDEED weaker than the 360 & PS3 but it wasn't a pocket calculator. It could handle those games. Maybe in an SD fashion, sure.
But it can handle those games. They just didn't want to put them on there.
Crash Bandicoot?? Yeah funny that. I remember when he was supposed to the challenger to Mario in the PS1 days.
Looks like Machinima will be doing a web cartoon called 'Bandicoot for Hire' since Mario's still going strong 32 years long.
Zod95 said:
I agree with your matephore. But I would rather see it as a good thing. In the end what matters are games, so game creators should have control of the industry, not console makers. Previously we had a dictatorship. Now we are in democracy and I understand if some devs eventually fear Nintendo to be dominant again and restore the dictatorship. |
The 3rd parties PROVED why Nintendo must set the terms for the health of the industry.
XBox One's fiasco was the 3rd parties' doing. These were the things they have been pushing for & you see the results from the gamers' reaction.
Don Mattrick got tossed out of Microsoft & into the quicksand of Zynga because of that stupidity.
The Kids just don't know what the flock they're doin'! They can't handle democracy & turn things into anarchy instead.
A banana republic. Irresponsible, foolish, shortsighted recklessness that'll wreck the industry for EVERYBODY if they get their way.
Nintendo has shown itself to be the responsible one. The steward, the groundskeeper, the tiller, the sower, the harvester.
Pops has wisdom & he knows how to keep these gaming grounds fertile.
He built this farm. He has the deed to the property. He pays the taxes.
This land is his land, this land is his land
From California to the New York Island
From the redwood forest, to the gulfstream waters
This land was made for U and Wii.
The only reason The Kids continue to eat is because Dad provides the food for these ungrateful brats.
Them young'uns will have to deal with Dad sooner or later. Discipline is coming.
Might as well make it easy on themselves. Perhaps Dad might be lenient this time around.
Their games don't sell if they don't have a platform to play them on.
The 1st Party, the gamemaker/console maker, STILL & SHOULD call the shots.
Zod95 said:
You know that's simply not true. But even if it was, that means they aborted it in 2009 to start Wii U significantly (lets hope in 2014 already). 5 years? That's way too much. In the middle having a declining Wii, which is doing around 12% of the yearly market share (with some weeks doing 4%) while they had more than 50% in 2008. Why such a pause? I tell you: there's no pause. They simply can't do better than this. They are doing their best like they've always did. Wii was a huge success at the beginning but a long-term failure considering the whole generation. And the Wii U isn't able to be strong not even in the beginning. Now Nintendo is scare, not the devs anymore. |
They began work on Wii U in 2008 & you can look back & see them draw back a little from Wii in the middle of 2009.
A good deal of their resources was getting tied up with Wii U more & more.
By the time 2011 rolled around they were knee deep in Wii U pudding so almost all focus on the Wii was withdrawn to get this console out by 2012.
100 million Wiis sold is a long-term failure??? Good God this guy!! That is ridiculous what he's saying.
Does he hear what's coming out of his mouth? Or is he just mad-libbing?
The other 7th gen systems didn't win one year once all 3 competitors were on the market until 2011.
Wii kept them away from the championship every full year it was on the market starting in 2007.
Wii ran 2007, 2008, 2009, & 2010 virtually unchallenged. And when it WAS challenged by that 360 upstart in 2010, it spanked that challenger in the end showing who was REALLY The Boss of the 7th generation.
Nintendo gave those jabronies a breather in 2011 as they switched focus onto Project Café which would become the Wii U.
Nintendo's scared?? Hahahahahaha! The Comedy Machine this guy!
Nintendo is flush with cash. War chest bigger than Dolly Parton, bigger than Norma Stitz.
You'll see who's scared once the turnaround is complete.
It's already underway, don'cha know?
I suggest Capcom get on board before the train leaves their station permanently.
Zod95 said:
This is the era of the Game Cube to Wii where most of 3rd parties can't put their games running on the Nintendo's system and Wii fans have no choice but to catch star coins all the way and say "Yupiii!" :) Now, seriously, graphics aren't the only outcome power can deliver. Physics, AI, number of objects, draw distance and many other aspects that affect gameplay they all rely on power. |
"Yupiii!" sold over 27 million in that red case called New Super Mario Bros. Wii.
"Yupiii!" sold nearly 30 million in a still-full-price-7-years-on case called New Super Mario Bros.
"Yupiii!" sold over 22 million in a still-full-price-8-years-on case called Mario Kart DS.
"Yupiii!" sold almost 34 million in a Wii Wheel compatible case called Mario Kart Wii.
Sounds like "Yupiii!" makes Scrooge McDuck go "Yupiii!" when he sees Nintendo's money bin.
"Yupiii!" has been busting records & making bank for 32 years now & it ain't gonna stop any time soon.
When you wish upon a Star Coin, your dreams come true.
This is the era of NINTENDOMINATION...AGAIN.
Physics, AI, yak yak yak. It's already done, dude. It's already accomplished.
PS4's so powerful it burns up at E3. Now that makes for a good furnace but I'm not spending all that money for a furnace.
The buyer's remorse is coming. The XBox One & PlayStation 4 will have a hard time living up to their hype.
You wait & see.
Zod95 said:
I believe you're absolutely wrong. You naturally believe you're right. But we will all be here to see that. My prediction is that Wii U will do between 50M and 70M lifetime sales. |
No, they'll be seeing that 50 million within the year 2015 & that 70 million within 2016. They'll hit 60 million by the end of 2015.
Lifetime will be 240 million.
And yes, we will all be here to see that.
I can't wait to see your reaction.
I'm expecting more comedy.
John Lucas
Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot
Well, welcome back! So I've got this interesting short story which I think I'll leave you to decipher what this means.
So, here's one issue with all of our discussions. We are all biased and have a skewed view on the larger scale of things. We are all Core Gamers. In some way or another we care about gaming, at the very least enough to take time off discussing it. It comes as no surprise that we are not the full audience, in fact, we are the lowest common denominator, the market minority. Now we can spend all week fighting about who started it and when, or we can just accept that it's the reality now. I vote for the latter. The market revolves around the hundreds of millions of Sally's and Joe's that don't take it as seriously as us. What do we account for 5, 10, 15 Million. Even those numbers seem bloated. No matter which side of the discussion you are on, we can't fully grasp what Sally and Joe care about (I'm probably offending a Sally or Joe right now, ah well).
Now as I'm sure we all do, I know a Joe. I'll skim through his story last generation. In 2007 Joe bought himself a Wii, he owned quite a few games and was a huge fan of Galaxy, so much that it's his favorite game. Now he's no 'casual gamer'. He's actually a big fan of the DmC franchise and is very, very good at those games. He picked up an Xbox 360 in 2008. He owned both until late 2009 when his house was broken into and robbed. At that point he stopped playing games for a while. Fast forward to mid 2012. Halo 4 comes out later this year and I'm still enjoying AC:Revelations. I'm getting ready to buy a Reach Edition Xbox 360 for quite a bargin seeing as it's been over a year. As this transition to the new box happens he ends up coming over one Saturday and playing some games, Halo CEA, ACRMP, DMC4. It is there where he buys my 360 with a few games, including DMC. He's had and stuck with that since, (I also gave him AC1 and he's now a big fan of the franchise). It's been a year now and the next generation is kicking off. I occasionally send him a trailer or two to watch during e3 week, a lot of cool stuff happening, and with all the XBO issues it's out the window for both of us. PS4 is looking mighty fine.
Then I discover the Wii U and what it's all about. Having not owned a Nintendo home console since the GC and not played the DS since around 2009 I'm thinking it's time to get back home to I've missed Mario. As I wait for enough games to release I start to tell Joe about the Wii U and he's curious. Finally the price drop happened and it was time to buy. We'd set up a few meetups but for some reason or another we had to postpone a few times. Today we both have our schedules clear and he passes by to check out the system. After a bit of hyping it up he's been very interested to check it out, and more than once while discussing it on the phone I've heard him passing on the information to others in the background, I guess he's been telling other people about it through my recommendations.
So we start with Sonic Racing then move onto a game he knows, Black Ops 2. He seemed to get quite into it, looking up and down to see the map. I then showed off Wind Waker and less him mess around for a bit. He started getting it then. Having things on the secondw screen, a map real time inventory. It was funny to see him forget that looking down doesn't pause the game and he had a few near misses because of it. That did however seem to spark his interest more, the on the fly second screen management of stuff, I think he enjoyed having to pay attention to both screens. Sadly I had previously deleted TW101 and ZombiU demos to make room for the LEGO City Undercover download, (19 GB!), he is however looking forward to trying them this weekend (I'm getting a 1TB Hard Drive as I'm going all digital, I've decided), being a DMC fan I've let him know of what it is and he's excited to play it. We did some browsing online and YouTube videos, showing off the TV playing video while you browse on the gamepad feature (anyone got a shorter name for that?). Then finished up by watching Breaking Bad on Netflix.
In the end he told me that he liked the system and he understood the second screen, he was looking forward to buying it and will likely do so for AC4, he'll be playing it here to finally make his final decision with how one of his favorite games plays on the system. Now here's where it gets really interesting, and the main point of my story, the moral of that Disclaimer of sorts about Joes, Sallys, and Core Gamers. He said something that struck me as... well interesting. As he was leaving the discussion was on the UI and using the gamepad to browse the home screen and such. He said this:
"You know, there's actually one thing. It's missing something that the Wii brought. I kind of miss the Wii controller and being able to do things with that"
"You mean, you like the motion controls?"
"Yeah it gave you that 'Wii' feeling, like this is what the Wii is. I think I'll use that controller when I buy the system."
He left me on that note, and left me quite surprised. He wanted motion controls, he felt the wand defined what 'Wii' is.
I'll let you make of that what you will.
Its simple. The WiiU needs an FPS and more motion games. Pikmin 3 is very awesome
Definitely looking forward to it myself. I've held back on it for lack of Wiimotes so I'm keeping myself in the dark about it until Mario and Luigi wiimotes are released. Never played the first two so it'll be great to play what I hear is the definitive Pikmin, Miyamoto's latest IP.
So there's this kind of smelly, socially awkward guy that I work with named John Lucas, and he's a Nintendo fan. I've just gotta you work at Target?
I'm not trying to be mean, but after reading posts like these, it just makes too much sense.
DucksUnlimited said: So there's this kind of smelly, socially awkward guy that I work with named John Lucas, and he's a Nintendo fan. I've just gotta you work at Target?
I'm not trying to be mean, but after reading posts like these, it just makes too much sense. |
Holy shit I work at target with a guy named john lucas
When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.
nin10do said:
"You know, there's actually one thing [about the Wii U]. It's missing something that the Wii brought. I kind of miss the Wii controller and being able to do things with that" |
This was a good anecdote and I'm glad you shared it with us! I'm sure a lot of different speculations could be made about what it "means" but it's definitely food for thought, and in general, like I said, it's a valuable story that I'm glad to have read.
Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The old smileys:
; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for
, let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia. Thanks WordsofWisdom!
zorg1000 said:
Holy shit I work at target with a guy named john lucas |
This isn't surprising. It's not well known, but Target actually has a company policy that every store should have a John Lucas working in it.
Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The old smileys:
; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for
, let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia. Thanks WordsofWisdom!