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Forums - Gaming Discussion - UNITY - Nintendo & Wii U Finish The REVOLUTION

linked a funny video, was removed, ah well.

On a side note, Drive Club has been confirmed to be delayed.

Around the Network

What is going on here? What is this madness?

Is the OP still posting?

Wright said:

What is going on here? What is this madness?

Oh well y'know..

hiimnew said:
Is the OP still posting?

Oh yeah, he will answer soon to the next challenger (Zod95) =) Preparing it since Tuesday.

I know because I was chatting with him on Miiverse :)

Around the Network

Sonic Lost World reviews are in. This video is worth a watch

This is interesting

It slowly turns into a flame war, with conspiracy theories. That is pretty sad, and makes this thread all the more interesting.

That is fascinating watching people move in, and then move out. Howard Lincoln as a lawyer was amazing, but as a president he wasn't as good.

I am fairly certain Arakawa has retired completely.

The people in that thread are quite disrespectful lol.

Do they even know these people they're talking about?

gooch_destroyer said:
'Sup Nintendo guys

Sup Sony man.