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Forums - Gaming Discussion - UNITY - Nintendo & Wii U Finish The REVOLUTION

I hope nobody's expecting too much, I'm just going to add more supporting evidence to what I already said. Helpful evidence, but evidence, nothing major.

Around the Network

So. As i understand it, Nintendo is preparing to launch WiiU this fall in the following territories?

Brazil (Population: 201 000 000)
Mexico (Population: 118 000 000)
South Korea (Population: 50 200 000)
Malaysia (28 300 000)
Taiwan (23 400 000)
Hong Kong (7 700 000)
Singapore (5 300 000)

What will this do to WiiU sales? Are these countries buying power enough to facilitate massive growth for Nintendo. If so, is that the reason John believes WiiU sales will reach 12 000 000 by dec 31 2013?

JohannStrauss said:

The average price of the Xone is around R$ 2.200 wich is about US 1000, one thousand dollars thanks to all those cursed taxes and stuff, so it is very, very expensive for the average consumer here. 

The Ps4 is a little bit cheaper, its price varies from R$ 1.800 to R$ 2.000 , wich is like US 820 - 900 dollars, still out of reach for the majority of brazilian customers.

Now the Wii U might come here for R$ 1.200 to 1.400 = US 540 - 620 dollars.

So as we can see the Wii U is much more interesting for its price range, let alone the games itself.

What is the actual price range of the 360 and PS3 in Brazil?

Aren't they even more affordable and have a great selection of price reduced top titles?

Incubi said:

So. As i understand it, Nintendo is preparing to launch WiiU this fall in the following territories?

Brazil (Population: 201 000 000)
Mexico (Population: 118 000 000)
South Korea (Population: 50 200 000)
Malaysia (28 300 000)
Taiwan (23 400 000)
Hong Kong (7 700 000)
Singapore (5 300 000)

What will this do to WiiU sales? Are these countries buying power enough to facilitate massive growth for Nintendo. If so, is that the reason John believes WiiU sales will reach 12 000 000 by dec 31 2013?


Source pls...

RedPikmin95 said:
Incubi said:

So. As i understand it, Nintendo is preparing to launch WiiU this fall in the following territories?

Brazil (Population: 201 000 000)
Mexico (Population: 118 000 000)
South Korea (Population: 50 200 000)
Malaysia (28 300 000)
Taiwan (23 400 000)
Hong Kong (7 700 000)
Singapore (5 300 000)

What will this do to WiiU sales? Are these countries buying power enough to facilitate massive growth for Nintendo. If so, is that the reason John believes WiiU sales will reach 12 000 000 by dec 31 2013?


Source pls...

Source of what? it's speculation and rumours. I dont know if its true. Thats why I ask the question so I can get some validation for that.

Around the Network
Incubi said:
RedPikmin95 said:
Incubi said:

So. As i understand it, Nintendo is preparing to launch WiiU this fall in the following territories?

Brazil (Population: 201 000 000)
Mexico (Population: 118 000 000)
South Korea (Population: 50 200 000)
Malaysia (28 300 000)
Taiwan (23 400 000)
Hong Kong (7 700 000)
Singapore (5 300 000)

What will this do to WiiU sales? Are these countries buying power enough to facilitate massive growth for Nintendo. If so, is that the reason John believes WiiU sales will reach 12 000 000 by dec 31 2013?


Source pls...

Source of what? it's speculation and rumours. I dont know if its true. Thats why I ask the question so I can get some validation for that.

Mh, it's not impossible.

Incubi said:

So. As i understand it, Nintendo is preparing to launch WiiU this fall in the following territories?

Brazil (Population: 201 000 000)
Mexico (Population: 118 000 000)
South Korea (Population: 50 200 000)
Malaysia (28 300 000)
Taiwan (23 400 000)
Hong Kong (7 700 000)
Singapore (5 300 000)

What will this do to WiiU sales? Are these countries buying power enough to facilitate massive growth for Nintendo. If so, is that the reason John believes WiiU sales will reach 12 000 000 by dec 31 2013?

Also keep your eye on Japan.
John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot



When Wii U takes over the generation...
What Nintendo does to the competition...


John Lucas

P.S.: Charlie Murphy!

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot



BossPuma said:
johnlucas said:

Wii U WILL BE THE LEADER of the 8th Generation Consoles BY FAR. It will outsell the XBox One & PlayStation 4 HANDILY throughout the generation.
And should The Revolution go as planned, this will be the LAST CONSOLE WAR between Nintendo, Sony, & Microsoft.
Wii U obtains what was denied to Wii. Wii U at last becomes EVERYBODY'S CONSOLE.

Oh & you want a number? Here's one for you: 12 million Wii U's sold by December 31, 2013.
Here's another: 35 million Wii U's sold by December 31, 2014.
Here's one more: 60 million Wii U's sold by December 31, 2015.
And one more for the road: 240 million LIFETIME Wii U sales.

Thats a pretty big, esimation. To win a console war, a platform needs games and good sales. I guess Nintendo will have that sooner or later

I think that 60 million units sold by 2018 seems more reasonable.

Yoshi's the best of the beasts

Presumably, the Steambox will be announced in a few minutes...This will maybe change the whole console war scheme.... :S Did you count that in your prediction, johnlucas?