Zod95 said: I'm sorry but I won't answer your mega-giant post. It's impossible for me to do so. I will just focus my energy into what is really relevant and was the core of this debate. Reading my previous post addressed to Final-Fan, you can already have an idea about what it is: Nintendo games have huge sales, great critic scores...but that's it. If we try to objectively assess what Nintendo produces, the result is miserable. First of all, and I think it's the most important thing, Nintendo does not re-invest on the industry like the other players do. Nintendo makes huge profits that go mostly to the pockets of its shareholders. That can be seen in Nintendo's financial figures as well as the contrast between the lists of "best selling games ever" and "most expensive games ever". This shows willingness to spend, re-invest, do more and better and ultimately respect the gamer's money. |
Zod95 at last! Was starting to think you would never answer my reply.
You say "Nintendo games have huge sales, great critic scores...but that's it"??? That's it???
Don't do it, Zod95. You know good & well that Nintendo has shaped game design COUNTLESS times throughout their history in this business.
I'm not gonna go over the intricate details to save space but Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros., Star Fox, Metroid, The Legend of Zelda, Metroid Prime, Super Mario 64, Wii Sports, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Mario Kart, Brain Age, Wii Fit, New Super Mario Bros., Pokémon Red & Green, Wii Play, Super Smash Bros., F-Zero, WarioWare Inc., Nintendogs, & so many others that I have not specifically named.
Games like these change how the REST of the industry MAKES their games.
They're full of copycats or at best those seeking to emulate aspects of the design into their own games.
Critic scores mean jack ultimately even though Nintendo gets its fair share of those.
INFLUENTIAL success is another hallmark of Nintendo.
I say time & time again that Nintendo IS the industry. They don't invest in the industry???
Without them doing what they do, the rest of the industry is lost.
They take their cues from Nintendo yet don't want to reciprocate support in their vain desire to run the business themselves.
Nintendo leads the way yet these guys can't even return the favor for the guidance Nintendo provides.
Nintendo's job is to make money for Nintendo.
Why are they gonna pay Capcom or EA or Activision or Rockstar money that they have earned themselves?
Nintendo wouldn't ask Capcom, EA, Activision, Rockstar to pay THEM the money these companies have earned.
Nintendo reveals its ideas & ideals & THAT'S what they give to the other companies.
The other companies won't even give Nintendo a simple backscratch. All they give Nintendo is grief.
Nintendo makes the best-selling games ever without making those games the most expensive games ever & that's why they're so successful.
I don't know where you're getting your reasoning from. Spending endless money on a game doesn't make it better.
It's bad business to spend without a purpose. It's just wasteful.
Nintendo spends less & sells their games for less BECAUSE they were smarter in their expenditure.
The other guys spend more & sell their games for more THEN come up with a bunch of anti-customer routines (on-disc DLC) to get those customers to spend EVEN MORE because their expenditures overshot what they sold their games for.
You call this "ultimately respecting the buyer's money"???
Nintendo gives you a lot of content for your money & THEN gives you stuff for FREE!
Microsoft, EA & others want you to pay a fee to play their games online.
Nintendo factors online play as part of the game's cost making it essentially FREE.
What Nintendo produces for this games business is INVALUABLE & it ensures that this business REMAINS in business.
When the 3rd parties get run of the show, we get the XBox One from E3 2013 as the rule.
Zod95 said: But one could think Nintendo profits a lot because it's very efficient. In other words, Nintendo would be able to deliver the same level of quality Sony and Microsoft do for much less money spent. That is again not true. Assessing quality through substantial requirements like those I've defined earlier proves that. Also the way Nintendo choses its niches: arcade racing, platformer, cartoonish games, fantasy RPG, fitness, party, motion mini-games, etc. And the way Nintendo closes doors such as: racing simulators, photo-realism, MMO, sandbox simulators, realistic games, massive sports games, fully editable games, etc. Even just talking about genres and niches, Nintendo avoids everything that is either massive money spending (which would dramatically lower their ROI's) or monsters of uncontrolled quality detail such as MMO and game expandable by users (which would demand much more effort in order to receive good critic scores). |
Nintendo is the most efficient company in the videogame business. Nintendo may be one of the most efficient companies in ANY business.
NOBODY epitomizes Quality like Nintendo does. That's why the word Nintendium exists.
That's why these videos exist.
Game Boy Damaged in Gulf War @ Nintendo World Store NYC
Morgan von Webb - Web of Destruction
Quality & Efficiency are the foundation of Nintendo's success.
It is how they are able to outlast & outpace all of these corporate goliaths trying to take them out.
Yes, Goliaths. Giants. Monoliths. Titans. Behemoths. Colossuses.
Right now Nintendo is simultaneously fighting off 4 Gargantuans: Sony, Microsoft, Apple, & Google.
They're fighting Sony & Microsoft WITHIN the console world...
They're fighting Apple & Google OUTSIDE the console world...
Nintendo through 3DS & Wii U fends off Sony's PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4 & Microsoft's XBox One to take full command of the console world.
Nintendo through 3DS & Wii U fends off Apple's iPhone, iPad & Google's Android to maintain the existence of the console world.
This little playing card company from Kyoto is holding its own against the King of Electronics, the Kings of Computers, & the King of the World Wide Web all at the same time.
Nintendo currently has a worldwide workforce of 5,095 employees.
Sony currently has a worldwide workforce of 146,300 employees.
Microsoft currently has a worldwide workforce of 97,000 employees.
Apple currently has a worldwide workforce of 80,000 employees.
Google currently has a worldwide workforce of 46,421 employees.
Not only do these other companies have staffs FAR BEYOND what Nintendo has but they also have other wells to draw from in case one of theirs runs dry.
Diverse businesses that can cover the losses in one sector with the gains from another sector.
All Nintendo has is playing cards, toys, & videogames. And the grand majority of their business depends on videogames.
They can't draw from the card sector. They can't draw from the toy sector. They have to make games work or else.
Yet somehow with basically one business sector—videogames—they can outlast, outwit, outpace, outgain all these other omegatrons.
Now then...
You called these "niches": arcade racing, platformer, cartoonish games, fantasy RPG, fitness, party, motion mini-games...
This is DIVERSITY IN GAMING, Zod95! Also there's nothing NICHE about these genres. That's why Nintendo has those sales.
Nintendo has done virtually every genre IN the business & has even created some of its own.
You left out plenty of other genres they make, by the way: fighter, brain game, puzzle, adventure, music/rhythm, flight simulator, cooking, art, real-time strategy, pet simulator, just to name a few.
I don't know where you come from with all this because you're not making any sense with anything you're saying.
To example this I'm going to repost this excerpt you said here:
Zod95: "...Nintendo avoids everything that is either massive money spending (which would dramatically lower their ROI's) or monsters of uncontrolled quality detail such as MMO and game expandable by users (which would demand much more effort in order to receive good critic scores)."
So Nintendo should spend MASSIVE MONEY in order to receive GOOD CRITIC SCORES. Hmmm...
Do you understand how business works, Zod95?
Are businesses in business to receive good critic scores?
Or are businesses in business to sell lots of their products to make a profit?
Yes, Nintendo avoids moneypits LIKE THEY SHOULD. If other companies avoided those moneypits they would still be in business right now or wouldn't have a weak business right now or wouldn't have to greed out on anti-customer practices to make their money back right now.
The only critic score Nintendo cares about is the customer. And their critic score is measured in dollars, euros, & yen.
When they spend much yen, when they ensure-o much euro, when they holler much dollars, that's when Nintendo reaches the high score.
Who are you selling to, Zod95? The critics or the customers?
All critics do is criticize. All critics do is talk crap. All customers do is buy. All customers do is spend money.
I'm gonna spend my time around the people who buy & spend money rather than the people who criticize & talk crap.
Yeah I remember a game which SPENT MASSIVELY. An MMO game expandable by users which received good critic scores.
Its name was Star Wars: The Old Republic & it's the game that sunk LucasArts!
Five Lessons Learned as SWTOR Surrenders
"Star Wars disaster" led to EA CEO's departure, says Michael Pachter
What went wrong with Star Wars: The Old Republic?
Disney Shuts Down LucasArts, Cancels Star Wars 1313 And Star Wars: First Assault
Zod95 said: This way, Nintendo is able to get everything it needs: high sales and high critic scores. The gamer is not a priority, only his/her money. The sales are the milk and the critic scores are the grass the cow eats to happily continue milking. What happens to the milk? It's removed (it's far too much precious than the grass) to the pockets of a very small amount of people. I know Nintendo is very competent in developing games and so I believe Nintendo could have been creating state-of-the-art masterpieces that would go trough the boldest game concepts so far invented (such as MMO, sandbox simulators, etc.) or even create new ones...but that's not the way Nintendo works. In comparison to Sony or Microsoft, Nintendo is far more greedy and this contrast between earnings (money and critic scores) and spendings (money and intellectual achievements) leads me to think the king has no clothes. When someone like you creates a forum topic like this (saying Nintendo is the best and it's doing the revolution) my answer can only be: the king has no clothes. |
Nintendo has been creating state-of-the-art masterpieces for over 30 years. They don't need any help in that department.
I said many times in this thread that Nintendo is the Groundskeeper.
They make sure the soil is fertile, they make sure to tend those fields of seeded crops, they make sure the harvest is plentiful, & they make sure that all farmhands & livestock get nourishment.
After being well-nourished the cows give Grade A milk happily every time.
The grass on the grounds are well-manicured & the lushest shade of green you'll ever see.
They're so smooth & lush that you can slide down on them like in Super Mario Bros. 3.
The King of Games has WARDROBES. Plural! With an 'S'! He has more clothes than he knows what to do with.
Iwata even picked out a Leather Jacket to wear.
The King's about to add more clothing to his wardrobe in the 8th Generation.
And the clothing he will have will signal that all others bow down to The King.
(King Mario U - Credit to invisiblekid555 from deviantART.com)
John Lucas
Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot