Metalheadgamer said: The Wii U is on the market. The PS4 is on the market. The Xbox One is on the market. |
Welcome to the current-gen.
It's so cool to finally be able to say that!
Now everyone had entered the ring! The LAST CONSOLE WAR has finally begun! Enjoy to see the Wii U taking over the whole market within the next years and bringin Nintendomination back! PS4 and Xbox One are gonna be destroyed by Nintendo's army of justice!
In the end - after the heavy battle - Wii U will take the ride to victory!
This generation is going to be LEGENDARY! Just wait and see! :)
RedPikmin95 said: Now everyone had entered the ring! The LAST CONSOLE WAR has finally begun! Enjoy to see the Wii U taking over the whole market within the next years and bringin Nintendomination back! PS4 and Xbox One are gonna be destroyed by Nintendo's army of justice!
In the end - after the heavy battle - Wii U will take the ride to victory!
This generation is going to be LEGENDARY! Just wait and see! :)
FrancisNobleman said: @ZOD95 Project CARS is Wii U, PS4, Xbone and PC only. No last gen. |
You're right. And that's the only I example I'm aware of...which could make us wondering why is it the only case of next-gen only that also includes Wii U. But the answer is simple: the game was firstly designed for PC, PS3, X360 and WiiU and to be launched on 2012 (I think). Then it was delayed more than once and now it's scheduled to the late of 2014. Logically, the producers saw the new consoles coming and decided to shift the PS3 to the PS4 and the X360 to the XOne. WiiU couldn't be shifted to something better and cancel the game for the Nintendo platform would be then more critical.
Prediction made in 14/01/2014 for 31/12/2020: PS4: 100M XOne: 70M WiiU: 25M
Prediction made in 01/04/2016 for 31/12/2020: PS4: 100M XOne: 50M WiiU: 18M
Prediction made in 15/04/2017 for 31/12/2020: PS4: 90M XOne: 40M WiiU: 15M Switch: 20M
Prediction made in 24/03/2018 for 31/12/2020: PS4: 110M XOne: 50M WiiU: 14M Switch: 65M
Zod95 said:
You're right. And that's the only I example I'm aware of...which could make us wondering why is it the only case of next-gen only that also includes Wii U. But the answer is simple: the game was firstly designed for PC, PS3, X360 and WiiU and to be launched on 2012 (I think). Then it was delayed more than once and now it's scheduled to the late of 2014. Logically, the producers saw the new consoles coming and decided to shift the PS3 to the PS4 and the X360 to the XOne. WiiU couldn't be shifted to something better and cancel the game for the Nintendo platform would be then more critical. |
i thought these were the guys who said the WiiU had modern architecture and used it's DX11 features :P
RedPikmin95 said: Now everyone had entered the ring! The LAST CONSOLE WAR has finally begun! Enjoy to see the Wii U taking over the whole market within the next years and bringin Nintendomination back! PS4 and Xbox One are gonna be destroyed by Nintendo's army of justice! In the end - after the heavy battle - Wii U will take the ride to victory! This generation is going to be LEGENDARY! Just wait and see! :) |
Careful, guy. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but I don't know if this forum can handle another johnlucas!
Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys:
; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for
, let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia. Thanks WordsofWisdom!
JoeTheBro said:
I like these "pitch" ads. |
That's a pretty good ad. A lot better then last year.
In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.
Final-Fan said: Fair enough. However, IMO the point 2b1 is more important than any of the others. It is more of a "general" point than all the nitpicky points we were debating. That's why I put it in bold. We could just talk about that if you'd like; it shouldn't be likely to explode into sub-sub-arguments like the other stuff or need a lot of research. |
Ok, then I will just address what you have put in bold, which was this:
"The point is, if your objective criteria don't actually prove anything about how much work went into the game, then it's not really a filter for quality. It's just a filter that some games are more likely to pass than others irrespective of their quality. That renders the whole exercise pointless. We could instead talk about things that, while being subjective, actually directly have to do with the quality of the game. But I respect if you don't like to do that for whatever reasons you stated earlier that I don't recall offhand. "
First let me tell you the definition of quality: "conformance with the specifications". The same view claims: "the specifications are defined by the client". The client is the gamer, so for each one of us quality means a different thing. If I want an arcade racing game with big jumps and loops, then TrackMania has quality and Forza MotorSport doesn't. But if I, as a gamer, am looking for different things and both an arcade stunt racing game and a semi-simulator-RPG-style racing game are what I'm searching for, then both TrackMania and Forza have quality. And then I can look for many different things and thus many different games will have quality for me. But if I'm not looking for hard controls and if an endless list of repetitive and mostly japenese cars annoys me, then Gran Turismo 5 won't have quality, despite the 80M dollars invested in that game that are translated into a very large list of cars, tracks and championships created with huge depth. And that's what you get when you assess quality pure and simple.
I know different gamers will have different tastes than me, which will make the list of quality games to vary a lot depending on the gamer that is assessing it. Even game experts do so and at the end of their reviews they put a number they call "score", which is nothing more and nothing less than the measurement of the quality of that game (in their view). And it won't be surprising to find in most of quality lists games that no one was expecting, either because it's about a low-budget game or a game that sold few copies or a game that sucks in details (but somehow manages to be very appealing for someone). All of this may sound weird but this is what we get when we just assess quality. Because quality is a personal matter, not something we can freely share in an attempt to gather consensus.
I may dislike Gran Turismo, but I don't ignore the fact that the game is able to achieve marks few games do. And the reason those marks are very rare to be acomplished by games in general is because they require a lot of investment / effort / time. Now I'm talking about something objective / substential and thus it will not vary from gamer to gamer (as quality does). Plus, I'm talking about something that makes some gamers to tell the game has quality. It doesn't have for me, but it has for others. In a sense, I'm talking about quality, but by means of something substantial that no one can deny. It's not something like "an amazing story of a RPG" that can't be quantified and doesn't necessarily means investment / effort / time.
That's what I tried to do in this forum. To create objective requirements that would be more universal than our tastes and that somehow could be related to quality. To do so with a person that thinks very differently from me, I had to blindly accept any game that would fall into any of those requirements regardless the fact a game falling into a requirement to be proof of quality for some gamers or even proof of investment / effort / time. But it would be already a filter. Then we could make an assessment of what would come from that filter in order to separate the "legitimate" from the "illegitimate" games. And that's what I began to do when telling you that the 3 Nintendo games were qualified throught only 1 requirement, always the same one and that only 1 of the 3 was actually developed by Nintendo...and that game was a ballon-based-game (much easier this way to fulfill the requirement). This assessment of mine would translate the Nintendo's score 3 (objective number) into something like 0.5 (subjective number). As for Sony, it has 11 games qualified (objective number) through 13 requirements (2 games of the 11 are qualified under 2 requirements) from which 6 are unique (unlike Nintendo, which only had 1) and only 1 game isn't first-party, which would give them a score around 10 (subjective number). So, regardless of my tastes, I estimate Sony to be 20 times better than Nintendo. You can challenge my reasoning (my opinion) but you can't relate it to my tastes. And you can't ignore the objective numbers either.
Prediction made in 14/01/2014 for 31/12/2020: PS4: 100M XOne: 70M WiiU: 25M
Prediction made in 01/04/2016 for 31/12/2020: PS4: 100M XOne: 50M WiiU: 18M
Prediction made in 15/04/2017 for 31/12/2020: PS4: 90M XOne: 40M WiiU: 15M Switch: 20M
Prediction made in 24/03/2018 for 31/12/2020: PS4: 110M XOne: 50M WiiU: 14M Switch: 65M