Zod95 said:
This statement of yours has too many incorrections. First, I didn't say the genre isn't developing. I said the game seemed retro to me. Second, you fill many lines talking about game design and that has nothing to do with graphics. Third, the fact that the graphics are dated doesn't mean they aren't evolving from previous games in the genre, it means they are not as evolved as games in general (at least the ones that aren't retro). Plus, graphics are just 1 gaming aspect. Think about the gameplay. Is it as sophisticated as the games from 7th gen? Do the same thing regarding content. Etc.
First of all, artistic vision is extremely important but it has one problem: it is subjective. That means anybody in bad faith can pick a shitty producer and say it makes the best games ever, claiming that they are amazing pieces of art... And it has a 2nd problem: art costs nothing. Being artistic or very competent on making games doesn't mean the dev is working hard or investing a lot of money. That means it's possible to exist some producers in this industry that are talented enough to make low-budget games that are insteresting to play and thus extract huge amounts of money from the market that never goes back to the industry again. That's why it is so important that, at least in a first step, we focus just on what is measurable and proof of hard work / heavy investment (which show the real commitment of a dev). That is already the answer for all your questions: you can define any requirement (like I have defined 9 yet) as long as it fulfills these 2 criteria (1. it's measurable - 2. it's proof of hard work / heavy investment). Therefore, ingenious level isn't measurable. Number of levels is measurable but doesn't tell whether there was hard work, since the levels can be too simple and repetitive. The same for in-game bonus.
By now you have already concluded Metroid Prime isn't objectively deep. Metascore and other numbers from the critic are in fact measurable BUT they measure something subjective, not substential. So, that can't qualify.
Just saying that A is better than B proves nothing. Please show me a Mario Wii game with better graphics than this: http://download.ultradownloads.com.br/wallpaper/62066_Papel-de-Parede-Gran-Turismo-4_1024x768.jpg or this: http://uk.ign.com/images/games/geometry-wars-xbox-482233/4fa6c9c8cdc388ed13e876f4
But it is. Among the thousands of games ever created how many do you think that are photo-realistic? Why would that number be so small? Maybe because not everybody can do that. And, among those who can, not everyone is willing to do so. It demands a lot of equipment, time, effort and money. Also, creating fictional environments is a way of avoiding being evaluated. "If something goes wrong, change it. If there is a detail stucking the process, avoid it."...you can't do that in regards to reality. If the details are like that, you have to do them like that...otherwise your incompetence will be visible when comparing the environment with reality. Believe me, photo-realism is far more difficult and time consuming than simply creating environments at the devs will.
From the 9 requirements I've defined, you couldn't say 1 single Nintendo IP that fulfilled at least 1 of them. That's miserable and that strongly suggests Nintendo isn't a hard-working or heaving-investing producer. I can tell you 1 Nintendo game that qualifies: Pokemon (it has more than 100 gameplay variants, which are the pokemons...altough it's easier to do it with baloon-based games). As for Sony, I can tell:For Microsoft, I can tell:Then you have EA:Then Ubisoft:Then Codemasters: Then there are Activision-Blizzard, Atari and many more with 1 or 2 games that also qualify. And this is just as far as I know. Sony has most probably more than 11 games, Microsoft more than 5, etc. These are just the ones I'm aware of. But the point is: Nintendo, your so beloved billionaire dev with dozens of critically acclaimed games and the biggest veteran in the industry...has...just...1...game...qualified... We can all pretend Nintendo is the best, profits billions and deserves them, cares about gamers like no other does...but maybe the king has no clothes. No one dares to tell that because, after all, it's our so beloved king that saved the industry in 1985 and is fighting the HD lack of creativity and innovation. But the truth is there underneath and it becomes visible when we start looking at the numbers and the facts and everything that can really measure substantial matters. I'm sure I'm not the first thinking about this and probably most of Nintendo fans are aware of this disguised truth. But we tend to protect something we like, even if that protection isn't legitimate...even if we have to lie to ourselves.
You tell me how big are them. You tell me which Nintendo games are so big that someone cared to measure. I'm not blowing smoke anything since I haven't took my chances for any Nintendo game (except for Pokemon, which I know for sure that has more than 100 pokemons). If you do find any Nintendo game, besides Pokemon, that fulfills at least 1 of those 9 requirements, you say it. That was the challenge (for you to find at least 10 Nintendo games that qualify). At the beginning you tried. But now, if you think you can't, don't blame me for that.
If Wii Sports came to the PS3, I would buy it (if I hadn't bought already Sports Champions). I find that mini-games collection quite interesting. I find Nintendo Land even more interesting and I would like to have that experience on PS4. But both are far from making me to desire a Wii or a Wii U. But what if I hadn't this positive opinion about Wii Sports? Would that make you believe I'm not qualified to tell it's not 7th gen? Does my opinion make a difference regarding the facts I point out? I'm actually able to put aside my tastes (subjectivity) in order to focus on facts (objectivity) that support my arguments. I feel sorry for you if you don't think that's possible.
That's precisely what I think. I see Wii Sports as a bunch of demos to introduce the player in the Wii.
Now you're trying to be philosophic. "Retro games" is not the same as "games from the past"?! Videogaming (which is part of Information Technology) can evolve into something simpler?? Sure, I'm immagining the next gen PCs to have less processing power, less memory and less features. A PC with 20MB HDD...amazing! That's not regression, no! That's just an evolution some won't like.
Is the HDD the only spec of a console?
You are confused. I've talked about Sonic Adventure 1 when comparing to the impact Mario 64 has produced. And I've talked about Sonic Adventure 2 when comparing Sega to Nintendo and who copies who. Mario Galaxy copied Sonic Adventure 2 on the 3D planet gravity gameplay, which is the core of the Mario Galaxy's concept. |
2a2. I guess you misunderstood me regarding the graphics. I was saying, "I disagree with your claim that the graphics are dated. What is the evidence you have for this claim?" You have given none.
The rest of what I said is about the development or evolution of the genre. But you claim that even if the genre is evolving, it's not evolved from other genres; IMO you're making a pretty subjective judgment about that. For instance, if you want to pursue this point, explain how you judge how "sophisticated" the gameplay is.
2a3a. "Art costs nothing."
If a game has great art it doesn't mean the developer put effort or money into the game? Either simply pointing out the ridiculousness of this statement will be enough to turn you around, or it would take so much effort on just this one thing that it's not worth derailing the debate. If the latter, this point is done, stick a fork in.
2a3b. "By now you have already concluded Metroid Prime isn't objectively deep."
I don't know if you intentionally misread what I said, or just have a poor grasp of the English language. What I ACTUALLY said was that the REVIEW SCORES didn't objectively PROVE that it was a deep game. All my earlier points still stand; and if we were to peruse the individual reviews, they might well provide objective evidence of depth. Try again, if you like.
2a4a. I am confident that upon objective examination Super Mario Galaxy 2 will prove to have superior graphics than PS2 and Xbox games including those. Of course, just by glancing at them it's impossible to say because they have completely different graphical styles. I'm sure you wouldn't make such a subjective judgment.
2a4b. I am curious to know what you mean by "balloon based games", but on the other hand, I'm a little afraid of the answer. Anyway, I already told you I didn't research that much into it after getting my initial list of 10+ (which you rejected). Also, since you care much more about these kind of criteria, of course you are more likely to know about games that fit them. For instance, at the time of my earlier response, I didn't remember WarioWare, which I just thought of. WarioWare games have hundreds of little minigames in them. Wii Sports Resort has dozens of variants, possibly over 100. And so on. You, however, categorically state that only Pokemon qualifies, proving that you are making claims without sufficient evidence. You ought to have known about a Nintendo franchise as important as WarioWare if you thought you had done enough research to make such a bold claim. Also, at least one of the Brain Age games has well over 100 gameplay elements, a fact I just discovered when I thought about other Nintendo franchises that might qualify for that one. These are huge games, selling as much as 20 million copies! There is no excuse for being ignorant of their existence if you are purporting to know all about Nintendo games, enough to deny that they qualify for your criteria.
So we've gone from 0 (after you threw out the ones I'd done and then stopped looking) to 1 (after you came up with one and then stopped looking) to 3 (after which I stopped looking again because I've proven my point).
2b. That was actually just to settle the question of your personal opinion of Wii Sports. I now have your word on the answer: that you like it enough that you'd buy the game if you owned the system but not the game.
2c. "Retro games" is not the same as "games from the past"?!
As crazy as that may sound, it's entirely true that those are no longer one and the same thing by the way you've defined the term retro, if something can be retro and unlike anything from the past.
2d. Videogaming (which is part of Information Technology) can evolve into something simpler?? Sure, I'm immagining the next gen PCs to have less processing power, less memory and less features. A PC with 20MB HDD...amazing! That's not regression, no! That's just an evolution some won't like.
Your mockery notwithstanding, games evolving to be simpler is a completely different thing from the technology evolving to be simpler. Consider a simple game like "Flower" on the PS3. Surely you don't deny that the gameplay is extremely simple. I am sure you would call it a minigame. But that doesn't mean that it is skimping on the presentation. I don't know if it could have been done on the PS2 and look remotely as good as it does. I wouldn't like it, frankly, if all games moved in that direction. Flower is a nice game to visit but I wouldn't want to live there, if you get what I mean. But if that happened, it would be an EVOLUTION in games. Not the same thing as people spontanteously deciding to go back to 1995's computer hardware. And Windows 95.
3. That's the one this particular issue was about.
4. If you're talking about the gravity shifting as shown in this video, that is a completely different gameplay concept from the "Little Prince" style planetoids in SMG, each with their own gravity. If you have better evidence, please produce it.
Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys:
; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for
, let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia. Thanks WordsofWisdom!