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Forums - Gaming Discussion - UNITY - Nintendo & Wii U Finish The REVOLUTION

RedPikmin95 said:
I hope johnlucas will have some good explanation down pat at the end of this year ...

... if Wii U will fail ...

Fail what? If they ship 3m that'd be a good outcome for Nintendo at this point, and not really a fail.

If it fails to hit 10m/12m target? It will, no if's about it.


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Final-Fan said:


2a1.  Calling a Wii Virtual Console port e.g. of F-Zero from the SNES a "newly created game" is blatant silliness, so I'm done here.

I was thinking about remakes, like Ocarina of Time. I don't Know whether F-Zero from SNES was a remake. The point is that you have games created from scratch (newly created games) that are: current gen original titles, retro original titles and retro copying past games (remakes). It's funny how you differentiate the last 2. One, just by being original, is a current gen game, in your opinion. The other, just by imitating a previous game, isn't. That, my friend, is blatant silliness.


Final-Fan said:

2a2.  Here's an example of a recent SHMUP, not one from 1990 or whatever.

That seems to be retro. If you think it isn't, then make a pool: "Is this game retro? Yes/No" and see the results.

As for my opinion, if that game, besides dated graphics, doesn't present a gameplay enough sophisticated to be clearly differentiated from the shoot-em-ups from previous generations and/or content significantly bigger and deeper...then it's retro.


Final-Fan said:

2a3.  Believe me, I've played deep Nintendo games. 

Then tell me the deepest Nintendo game you've ever played. But don't tell me it's deep because it has a touching story or an amazing graphic art. That's subjective and thus speculative. Tell me about a Nintendo game that is very deep because of a measurable factor that I can't ignore or understand in a different way (objective and thus non-speculative).


Final-Fan said:

2a4a. That's a video of a game for the 1998 Olympics, with many events.  To be honest though I've just realized that I'm not even sure what this Wii Sports argument it really about.  FIFA 13 actually came out for the Wii!  So what's all this debate about Wii Sports vs. whatever accomplishing in the end? 

First, you told me just 1 example. I'm still waiting for the other 9. Second, if you don't remember I tell you: Wii is known (and defined) by it's most emblematic games, including Wii series, Mario & family, dance and fitness games and motion 3rd party games. All together, they represent more than a half of the Wii's software totals...and all of them are retro / mini-games (they all lack of 1 or more of these: high quality graphics, sophisticated gameplay, deep content). FIFA 13 has come to Wii, that's true. But, in addition to not being representative on the platform, its graphics on the Wii aren't 7th gen for sure. And I wouldn't bet its gameplay and content are precisely the same as in PS3 or X360. Wii can't be considered 7th gen if only a few of its games have (or might have) only some 7th gen aspects. That's too little.


Final-Fan said:
2a4b.  Realistic graphics:  Geist, 1080° Avalanche, Eternal Darkness, Odama, and Wave Race Blue Storm for the Gamecube.   Excitebike 64, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Ken Griffey, Jr.'s Slugfest, Kobe Bryant in NBA Courtside, NBA Courtside 2, Ridge Racer 64, Star Wars Shadows of the Empire, Waialae Country Club Golf, and Wave Rave 64 for the N64.  Among others, Itoi Shigesato no Bass Tsuri No. 1 for the SNES.  I'm feeling lazy after the previous list, having already found over 10 games

Yes you've found more than 10 games. But there's a tiny little problem: "realistic graphics" is not 1 of the 9 specifications I had listed. Maybe you would like to refer to photo-realistic environments but that's something quite different. A photo-realistic environment is an area copied from reality, like the city of London in The Getaway or St Petersburg in Project Gotham. That's photo-realism, that demands hard work, that's not Nintendo style.


Final-Fan said:
so I'm not going to bother doing difficult research about how customizable the levels are in every game Nintendo has ever made.

It's not about how customizable they are, it's about whether there are any Nintendo games with fully customizable levels in which you can create a level from scratch like Nintendo did to create the ones presented in the game (using sophisticated tools for that matter). A game that gives power to the players (the same that the producer has). I tell you an example: TrackMania United. You have access to an editor mode where you can create any track you want (even the tracks from the game producer were made on that editor)...that made the game to have hundreds of thousands of tracks (unlimited content). That's fully editable levels, that demands hard work, that's not Nintendo style.


Final-Fan said:
I don't know what you mean by "simulating gameplay".

How you don't know that?? It's about games that have gamplay that simulates reality. For example, a racing game in which cars behave like they behave in real life. Like this one: That's simulating gameplay, that demands hard work, that's not Nintendo style.


Final-Fan said:
Also lazy for square mileage research, especially since that information doesn't necessarily exist for many games.

True. But it does exist when the game is huge...which is not the case of any Nintendo game. Games like Test Drive, Just Cause and Fuel have much more than 300km2. Some might have 5 times more, others 10, others 20, etc. But Nintendo hasn't 1 single title with the easily reachable 300km2 mark. Why would that be if the company has so much money to invest in games?...hum, tough question...maybe because that demands hard work and that's not Nintendo style.


Final-Fan said:
MMO, motion capture, realistically behaving characters:  all lazy.  I trust you won't simply conclude that none exist. 

I never said MMO. I said online matches with more than 100 players. Games like TrackMania (250 players) and MAG (256 players) allow that. Next-gen games like The Crew will even raise the expectations to unlimited players at the same time. Destiny will also do something interesting. None of these games is actually MMO...and none of these games is from Nintendo either. How could? Nintendo has never invested on good online, that's not their style...because it demands hard work.

Gameplay with at least 100 variants, content expandable with features created by gamers, massive motion capture movements of actors and story performed with character replicated from reality are things you won't find on Nintendo games either. Why? That's another tough question...


Final-Fan said:
2b.  "Doesn't" is actually correct grammar, thank you very much.  As for the changes you mention, I'm afraid I haven't done the research   I will say about your later comment that Wii Sports is not intended to be the epitome of sports games on the Wii. 

It's the epitome of the sales (results --> what Wii actually is) and the protagonist of the console since it was the most bundled game with the system (intentions --> what Wii was sought to be). Wii Sports sales weren't an accident, they are the result of the Nintendo's core strategy. And, at the same time, Wii Sports is evolution of nothing. Not considering motion, the game is a regression from what Nintendo has done in Game Cube at every aspect.


Final-Fan said:
2c.  I don't see how the Mii-based game is not an evolution.  It is totally unlike previous Nintendo sports games.  It's just an evolution you don't like.

How you do know I don't like them? I like retro games. Yet, I'm still able to understand that: retro --> games from the past --> regression --> no evolution. There are tastes and there are facts. I'm not discussing tastes here. You can't even imagine the games I like the most.


Final-Fan said:
3.  One of the biggest reasons I called bullshit on the HDD thing was that you just slapped a frankly arbitrary number on the amount that the PS3 was better than the Wii.  Having a hard drive is an advantage, yes.  But saying it's 40x better because the standard HDD is 40x as big as the Wii's internal storage is just nonsense.  I guess the Wii is infinitely better than the 360 in that case, because there is a version of the 360 that didn't come with any internal storage at all!  The PS3's advantage is having a hard drive at all and not having a specific size of hard drive (that is freely swappable for a bigger one anyway, itself an advantage over the 360) so attaching a particular number by the logic of the size difference with the Wii's internal storage is nonsense. 

I know the overall result I get is an estimate based on rough calcs. But at least that's a number. I don't need to get the most precise number. Just one precise enough to tell me the order of magnitude. And PS3's power is definitely from a different order of magnitude than Wii's. I challenge you to say it's not.


Final-Fan said:
The fun you had in SA is a direct result of SM64 showing Sega how to do it. 

Like the fun you have in Mario Galaxy is a direct result of Sonic Adventure 2 showing Nintendo how to do it.

Prediction made in 14/01/2014 for 31/12/2020:      PS4: 100M      XOne: 70M      WiiU: 25M

Prediction made in 01/04/2016 for 31/12/2020:      PS4: 100M      XOne: 50M      WiiU: 18M

Prediction made in 15/04/2017 for 31/12/2020:      PS4: 90M      XOne: 40M      WiiU: 15M      Switch: 20M

Prediction made in 24/03/2018 for 31/12/2020:      PS4: 110M      XOne: 50M      WiiU: 14M      Switch: 65M

Zod95 said:

"Like the fun you have in Mario Galaxy is a direct result of Sonic Adventure 2 showing Nintendo how to do it"

This is a joke right?

Things that need to die in 2016: Defeatist attitudes of Nintendo fans

johnlucas said:
zorg1000 said:


Wii was on track to do this before Nintendo withdrew the console support

U keep saying this but Wii sales started dropping 2 years before Nintendo stopped supporting it.

2008-24.2 million sold, peak year

1st Parties-Mario Kart Wii, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Wii Fit, Animal Crossing, Wii Music

3rd Parties-Sonic Unleashed, Call of Duty, Force Unleashed, Boom Blox, De Blob

2009-21.2 million sold, -12% YoY, $50 price cut

1st Parties-Wii Sports Resort, New Super Mario Bros Wii, Wii Fit Plus, Mario & Sonic Olympics, Metroid Prime Trilogy

3rd Parties-Just Dance, Sonic Black Knight, Modern Warfare, Darkside Chronicles, House of the Dead, EA Sports Active

2010-17.3 million, -18% YoY

1st Parties-Super Mario Galaxy, Wii Party, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby Epic Yarn, Metroid Other M

3rd Parties-Just Dance 2, Skylanders, Epic Mickey, Monster Hunter Tri, Sonic Colors

It wasnt until 2011 that Nintendo stopped focusing on Wii and even then it had a few big games like Skyward Sword and Return to Dreamland.

There's a difference between a natural ebb & an abrupt dropoff.

Every console ebbs eventually. It's inevitable in this transient business.
Even in its natural ebb it was still doing breakout numbers.
Wii's 2.4 million in December 2010 was the second biggest monthly home console sales in the 7th generation & the 3rd biggest monthly home console sales ever in videogame history.
Wii's 3.8 million in December 2009 was THE BIGGEST monthly sales ever—home OR handheld—& PS2's 2.7 million in December 2002 was the 2nd biggest monthly home console sales ever.

But when Nintendo pretty much moved all resources to Wii U in 2011 that's when Wii dropped off the cliff.
You could see the change starting in 2009 in the middle of the year.
Wii began to sell more like a normal console in that period compared to what it was doing before.
It dipped in the middle & picked up on the ends.
Same thing happened in 2010.
You can tell in hindsight that Nintendo was beginning to divert resources & attention to the making of the 3DS & Wii U during those dips.
They put focus back on Wii in the fall, ran the holidays, then went back to focusing on the coming 3DS & Wii U afterwards.

They stopped doing even that in 2011.
Kirby's Return to Dreamland & The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword were sendoff gifts.
Yeah they were big games but Nintendo did not have a strong campaign to move the system like they did in years past.
Those games were the kiss goodbye.

Why didn't they release a gold Wii alongside Skyward Sword instead of that Sky Blue one for Zelda 25th Anniversary?
Do you know how much gold Wiis would have sold???
They painted it red for SMB 25th & topped the competition. If they painted it gold for Zelda 25th AND had actual focus on Wii for a better part of the year, Wii would have trounced the HD Twins one more time that year.
Especially if they didn't make that godawful "Family Edition" Wii.

But I see EVEN YOU agree with me that Nintendo withdrew virtually all focus on Wii in 2011.
I have been saying this all over this thread.

If they maintained focus on this console, PS2's record would have been topped by Wii. EASILY.
But it's all good. They'll achieve that through Wii U, the one Wii they cannot deny.
John Lucas

Look, you have about one month for the Wii-U to hit 9 million units sold. If that doesn't happen, everything you say from this point forward will be without credibility. So if you know some dictators or really famous people, you better call them up and tell them to bail you out by buying some consoles ASAP.

Nintendo has up to March's end to sell 9 million WiiU's^

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Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
Nintendo has up to March's end to sell 9 million WiiU's^

Hes talking about John Lucas prediction for 12 by the end of the year

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

You mean his hyperbole?

Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
You mean his hyperbole?

I mean what he has stated multiple times in this thread

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

His hyperbole he uses to facilitate the message of his idea?

Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
His hyperbole he uses to facilitate the message of his idea?

Why do u keep questioning me? All I did was explain what prayformojo meant

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.