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Forums - General Discussion - Clinton vs. Obama: Who's gonna win?

mr-money said:
First things first: from Obama's wins in some Southern states, it's very obvious that race/gender will play no part in this election. Thankfully, it looks like America has got past serious racial and gender-based discrimination.

In terms of policies, genuineness, sanity, openess, Obama wins on every count.

With that said, they're both frauds, so vote Ron Paul.

P.S. the elections are 100% rigged.

 No his victory in the south shows that black people are heavily voting for a black candidate. I do not doubt that what has happened is that the highly conservative and racist white southerners (which do still exist, trust me) are not registered as democrats while the moderate white southerners who are democrats voted in a mixed fashion while the black southerners voted largely for Obama. Thus he has the advantage.

 You seem to have forgotten that the same people who are racist and sexist are in general republicans due to the fact that the republican party is the more conservative of the two.

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Rath said:

 You seem to have forgotten that the same people who are racist and sexist are in general republicans due to the fact that the republican party is the more conservative of the two.

 Odd, you seem to think only white people cam be racist. Racism will win him some votes too.

TheRealMafoo said:
Rath said:

You seem to have forgotten that the same people who are racist and sexist are in general republicans due to the fact that the republican party is the more conservative of the two.

Odd, you seem to think only white people cam be racist. Racism will win him some votes too.

 Indeed, if you had quoted the rest of my post you would have realised that I did post that I think the reason why he won southern states was because he got a majority of black votes.

That was reffering to the racist and sexist extreme of the conservative right however, which is extremely white. 

Rath said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Rath said:

You seem to have forgotten that the same people who are racist and sexist are in general republicans due to the fact that the republican party is the more conservative of the two.

Odd, you seem to think only white people cam be racist. Racism will win him some votes too.

 Indeed, if you had quoted the rest of my post you would have realised that I did post that I think the reason why he won southern states was because he got a majority of black votes.

That was reffering to the racist and sexist extreme of the conservative right however, which is extremely white. 

 Well he need not worry about them. They were never going to vote for a democrat anyway. It's the raciest white democrats he needs to worry about.

Here is a little known fact about the last election:

if every Democrat that voted for Bush had voted for Kerry, and every republican that voted for Kerry, had voted for Bush, Kerry would have run. Democrats put Bush in office.

Obama needs to make sure this does not happen again. I think he will. The reason Bill Clinton and Bush won, is because there was very little dirt to sling, as they had no experience. Obama has this advantage. 

Bad news for Obama: Karl Rove thinks Clinton is going to win.

You know Karl Rove, right? He's the guy who in 2006 he said there was no way the Democrats would win control of either house of Congress.

He also thinks Clinton is going to win Virginia easily, which is news to the majority of voters who have expressed a preference for Obama.

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She's not going to win Virginia if I have anything to say about it (and I do).

so wouldn't that be GOOD news for Obama? since Karl Rove has been wrong for a while now.

the Wii is an epidemic.

Im glad a lot of people see it the way I see it, if Obama wins the nominaion, he will win the presidency, but if Clinton wins, then McCain will win the presidency.

I really dont mind either McCain or Obama, both are good with me as long as Clinton doesnt win. (Im rooting for McCain though as Im more conservative)

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McCain ftw.




If McCain becomes president, it will be the Bush years all over again, but probably worse. There will be a second 9/11, the world economy will take a nose dive and fear will reign.

If Clinton becomes president, America and possible Europe will see lots of "violent" videogames get banned and chaos will reign.

I don't know, but to me it looks like Obama is the best option for you Americans...