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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Am I the only one concerned!

Why is Nintendo doing dual controls?

I was unaware that Nintendo was going to enable GameCube controls. I have been out of it alittle while because of sickness. (Not 100% caught up).

 So why continue to support the GameCube controller.

#1.The Installed fanbase that doesn't like to change or wants to retain some sort of normality. (Example I love the new IP's but I hate Nintendo changing or ignoring their existing IP's)

#2.Nintendo promised to continue supporting the classical control design when they announced the Wii. Nintendo is a company that usually keeps its word!

#3.The classical control design is more practical and in competing with Microsoft and Sony the classical controller design is required!

Maintaining Nintendo's established user base is the most important thing Nintendo needs to worry about. Nintendo is selling millions of consoles to the new casual base but that new base isn't a long term reliable user base. Nintendo with its success needs to do everything it can to maintain its already enormous user base.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


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How come most Wii-haters are passive agressive?

At least Nintendo fanboys aren't afraid to say how they feel.

I'll give that to Leo-J, at least he doesn't disguise his feeling and pretend he's an unbiased observer who just "happend" to come upon an anti-nintendo article once a day.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Riot Of The Blood said:
twesterm said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Mario Kart Wii is confirmed to have at least the GC and Wiimote as options, so...whining is not allowed.

I don't know, I still want to whine...

Sometimes it really bothetrs me how the Wii is supposed to be all about this new controller but then Nintendo keeps pussing out and allows for the Gamecube controller.

On one hand I like that they do allow options when I think of games like Lair but on the other I also think you should make a game good before releasing (Lair) and Nintendo should stick to their lets innovate idea since thats kind of what the Wii is about.

It just bothers me that I see them offer things like allowing the Gamecube controller and just makes me ask why not sell me a Gamecube when you're not even taking advantage of what the Wii is about?

You should be thankful that Nintendo is allowing us to use the Gameube controller. The Wii-mote is one of tha mian reason I don't buy Wii games. 80% of the time the controls will suck. Motion controls have no place in some games. I like the option to be able to play my games with great controls. Mario Galxy would have been a much better games if it were made with the GameCube controler in mind.

 Collecting Star Bits would have been a bitch

ZenfoldorVGI said:
How come most Wii-haters are passive agressive?

At least Nintendo fanboys aren't afraid to say how they feel.

I'll give that to Leo-J, at least he doesn't disguise his feeling and pretend he's an unbiased observer who just "happend" to come upon an anti-nintendo article once a day.

 And Leo-j always ends up banned. If I said how I feel about the Wii, I will get reported like there's no tommorow, which would then result in a ban. I'd rather just through out passive anti-wii stuff and not get banned.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Riot Of The Blood said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
How come most Wii-haters are passive agressive?

At least Nintendo fanboys aren't afraid to say how they feel.

I'll give that to Leo-J, at least he doesn't disguise his feeling and pretend he's an unbiased observer who just "happend" to come upon an anti-nintendo article once a day.

And Leo-j always ends up banned. If I said how I feel about the Wii, I will get reported like there's no tommorow, which would then result in a ban. I'd rather just through out passive anti-wii stuff and not get banned.

Passive agressiveness can get you banned.


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Joelcool7 said:

This forum is about marketing and the industry. You can call me a troll but I talk about Nintendo's moves within the industry. Yes Nintendo has in the past given me reasons to be concerned during the N64 they supported the cartridge at a much higher price point that lost alot of third party support.

Nintendo is hands down the greatest first party publisher, however their track record has shown that they are not completely perfect. The games industry is a living breathing organism pretty much and Nintendo is a part of that organism.

Nintendo has its ups and down and right now I feel it is having more downs then ups. Nintendo has always maintained a strong first party dominance with its first party franchises leading the way. But ever since the Wii and DS launched Iwata and Nintendo have made it blatently obvious they want change!

Change in their IP's change in their hardware , change in the way games are played. I discuss these changes such as Iwata stating Nintendo will be shifting focus from its established IP's to creating new ones, dropping the GameCube classical control infastructure entirely from future games, pushing third party games and holding back to give them space!

 Their are alot of things Nintendo does right now to discuss. I discuss them, I have been a Nintendo Power subscriber for 6-7 years I have been nominated to be a Sage and used to have a good relationship with two of the NOA's. I never bought a non-Nintendo console up untill the 360, I own almost every Mario, Donkey Kong and Zelda game made!

 I am the ideal Nintendo fan, so when discussing changes Nintendo is making who better then me, and I'm sure you and the other loyal Nintendo fans to call into question there decisions. Because thats exactly what my topics are all about a shift from games that target us the classical installed base to games that target non gamers with new controls and a removal of our established way of gaming!

I for one have been with Nintendo since the game&watch times and the only negative thing I have to say about this change is that it is one generation too late, they should have done this earlier.

I have been waiting for 10 years for the controls to change and hoping for motion controlls and I was hoping that Nintendo would do it first wich they did.

So not all old Nintendo fans are worried most of us trust Nintendo when it comes to their games and know that they will always be the best games around no mutter how much things change.

Vaio - "Bury me at Milanello"      R.I.P AC Milan

In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird.
Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

If laughing is the best medicine and marijuana makes you laugh

Is marijuana the best medicine?

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

“If any creator has not played Mario, then they’re probably not a good creator. That’s something I can say with 100 percent confidence. Mario is, for game creators, the development bible.

I have full confidence that it will turn out well.

I did grew up by playing Mario kart with the D-pad and the analog stick and none of them seem to be dissapointing, Im sure the wii wheel wont be dissapointed as well

There's a ton of control options in Mario Kart. I believe the nunchuk is confirmed, and I'm guessing the motorcycles are controlled with Wiimote alone, handlebar style.

Its a great idea. People not used to analog sticks can use the wheel or the motorcycles with their "real world" motions and play against Mario Kart veterans, without having to buy anything extra. I think that's awesome.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.

Riot Of The Blood said:
twesterm said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Mario Kart Wii is confirmed to have at least the GC and Wiimote as options, so...whining is not allowed.

I don't know, I still want to whine...

Sometimes it really bothetrs me how the Wii is supposed to be all about this new controller but then Nintendo keeps pussing out and allows for the Gamecube controller.

On one hand I like that they do allow options when I think of games like Lair but on the other I also think you should make a game good before releasing (Lair) and Nintendo should stick to their lets innovate idea since thats kind of what the Wii is about.

It just bothers me that I see them offer things like allowing the Gamecube controller and just makes me ask why not sell me a Gamecube when you're not even taking advantage of what the Wii is about?

 You should be thankful that Nintendo is allowing us to use the Gameube controller. The Wii-mote is one of tha mian reason I don't buy Wii games. 80% of the time the controls will suck. Motion controls have no place in some games. I like the option to be able to play my games with great controls. Mario Galxy would have been a much better games if it were made with the GameCube controler in mind.

Because pressing the A button to make Mario jump and moving him with the analog stick is just so hard with the Wii remote.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"