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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 10-million VC sales an embarrasment!

Joelcool7 said:

I never said that the service wasn't profitable or worth setting up. I said that 10-million isn't an amount to really be proud of considering the amount of hardware they have sold. I mean there are 20-million Wii's and only about 10% are downloading content.

As for whether people are willing to download classics. Fact is the hardcore gamers are going to want to buy at least one classic. I can gaurantee every hardcore Nintendo gamer is going to want at least a single classic game. That means only 10% of the user base is hardcore.

The attach rate of VC games shows the success of Nintendo's online network and the installed user base of hardcore Nintendo fanboys. How many hardcore gamers are there how many online gamers are there how many buyers are willing to purchase online games.

That is all important!

 Well, since this is a "hardcore" issue in your eyes, wouldn't many "hardcore" gamers already have a lot of these games? More casual gamers are far less likely to have classic games, so I'd think that a lot of the VC downloads come from non-"hardcore" gamers. I'd think a "hardocore" gamer would be less likely to download, unless there are financial reasons or they prefer the convenience of the VC. 

Personally, I'd rather play a game with the old console or controllers it was made for. I think it's ridiculous that you think everyone who downloads is "hardcore". 

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I wouldn't doubt it. I myself have purchased around $100 worth of VC games but I haven't purchased any in more than 4 months. The recent lineup is weak for me. Plus the fact that $6 for a download of an NES is very overpriced, considering they know damn well my laptop plays just as well for free.


$2 is more reasonable, you may think that is cheap but consider the fact that they are only profiting since nobody has bought these games in more than 10 years. The last time I even considered purchasing an SNES game was almost 10 years ago when my local Funcoland had a copy of Chrono Trigger.

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I'd consider myself a somewhat hardcore Wii owner (I've got 19 games for it already), but I've yet to purchase a single VC game. The reason? I already own most of the games I want from those eras. If I want to play the original metroid or zelda, I'll just put in the cart. Once there are new titles (WiiWare), I'll probably buy something, but until then, probably not.

1) stupid thread
2) somone said casual nature of wii hence why it onyl sold 10million

like most said not EVERYONE puts their console on the internet.
like most said not EVERYONE buys old games
like most didnt say the VC offers about 60% shit games (just from a quick look). So most rnt even worth buying atm.

and somone mentioned that VC games are over prices. Load of crap. I pay way more for cartiges of these games then they sell for on VC.



Lol, what's PSN, 15%?

Get off you asses Sony and add more titles.

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Some of us don't have Wifi and don't feel the motivation to spend money buying a wifi router to simply rebuy games we already own.

I think it's ok though not great, and that's what Iwata said as well. According to mrstickball, Microsoft have sold 17 million downloads on XBox Live Arcade (including a few million give-aways). The Famicom Mini series on the GBA has sold close to 5 million times in Japan only, according to Vgchartz.

Both numbers suggest that 10 million are ok. VC has always been a niche product, but at something like $75 M in revenue VC is bigger than any single full price game on the Wii so far. I do think that Nintendo could promote it better and make the shop more accessible.

I think WiiWare will sell a little faster, though not much. Depends what quality the titles will reach by the 2nd or 3rd year.

Hardcore gaming is a bubble economy blown up by Microsoft's $7 $6 billion losses.

I seem to remember that one year ago the early attach rate for VC titles was 0.6. It certainly has gone down since then.

And Nintendo named lapsed gamers as the target audience for VC, not just hardcore gamers.

Hardcore gaming is a bubble economy blown up by Microsoft's $7 $6 billion losses.

Some people have no interest in VC because they still have the original systems in working condition and would rather play that way. My N64 still works and I play MK64, Goldeneye, OoT and Mario Tennis from time to time.

The profit margin on vc games must be huge, even for the games they had to license.