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Forums - Sony Discussion - Assuming PS3 wins Week of Feb. 3, PS3 has outsold 360 for 10 straight weeks

Great stuff, although the gap is still too small for playing catch-up.

Hopefully with the big-hitters and new colors/budget games (In JP at least) this year, we'll see PS3 sales jump to even a bigger lead on a weekly basis.

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ps3 is more and more strong over the 360

Looks like the PS3 will be leading the 360 from here on out. Im not sure if it will pass the 360 by 2009/10 when microsoft realeases the next Xbox (720?).

well done ps3



This really isn't much of an accomplisment. The 360 is selling awfully outside of the US, and it would be extremely bad if PS3 didn't outsell it.

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ikilledkenny said:
This really isn't much of an accomplisment. The 360 is selling awfully outside of the US, and it would be extremely bad if PS3 didn't outsell it.

The PS3 wasn't outselling the 360 only a few months back.

A mark of accomplishment in business: successfully increasing demand for your product.

A mark of accomplishment in business: successfully outselling your direct competitor.

This is definetly a note worthy accomplishment for Sony, and definetly a step in the right direction.


ikilledkenny said:
This really isn't much of an accomplisment. The 360 is selling awfully outside of the US, and it would be extremely bad if PS3 didn't outsell it.

And what does that say of Microsoft's accomplishments?

You can't spin this as a negative for the ps3. It's situation has been improving continually since September. It is  now selling better than the 360 despite the cheapest ps3 being $130 more expensive than the cheapest 360, and despite having a much smaller library of games than the 360.

While the current difference in sales isn't much to boast about, i think the ps3 selling pretty well despite it's higher price and the inaccurate notion that it has no games is something to boast about. while i don't see it selling like crazy anytime soon, i think it has a strong shot at 2nd place worldwide.

blu-ray all but winning the format war is definitely good for the ps3, but Sony better have some pretty considerable tricks up their sleeve if they intend to make 2008 as big as some people think it will be.

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Goes to show that you can't do all that well in the console wars by having strength in only 1 region (US).

Munkeh111 said:
Still only a 20k victory every week is not much, it will take a year with that gap to decrease the gap by 2m

 20k x 52 weeks = 1.04 million, not 2 million. It will take 7 years for PS3 to outsell the 360 at this rate. I don't think microsoft will care if PS3 out sells them in 2015. 360 will make a comeback when they have a real price drop.