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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What games have the most staying power?

This is my first tread so please forgive me if i break any rules.

What i mean by the title is what kind of games do you think can withstand the time the most (ex: RPGs, platformers, FPS, Racing games, etc.) and why.

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cel-shaded games/sprite-based games usually age better. Realistic games tend to age very badly.

For genres, puzzle games never really age. See Tetris.

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Strategy and fighting games nothing can beat those in staying power.

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puzzle games



i think racing games can

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I think the only genre that really doesn't age well generally, is first person shooter.

Good puzzle games never get old.

C&C , any RTS actually

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The games that have the most staying power are (generally) games that have an excellent and mature gameplay mechanic; this is why a game like Tetris, the legend of Zelda:OoT or Mario 64 are still so well received today. At the same time games with less technical flaws (like load times) age far better than those that have these same flaws; this is why so many people I know still enjoy N64 games but hate many of the best Playstation games.

Games that age poorly tend to be games with gameplay mechanics which are constantly evolving, have storylines that are dated, have many technical flaws, or are focused on graphics above gameplay.

I'd say RPG's age extremely well and always fit into the "retro" feel, like I could go back and play FFVI through FF12 and never mind any of the out-dated tech.

Same could not be said with Racing games in my opinion. I went to play midnight club 2 again and gave myself a hefty dose of wtf xD

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

the ones i dont see having the staying power are racing games and FPS just for the simple reason that pretty much every year something better comes out, but then again i still play the original doom