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Forums - Politics Discussion - Trayvon Martin not an innocent kid! George Zimmerman not a racist!

Max King of the Wild said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Very, very true. You can definitely tell someones political stance from the way some on both sides are responnding.

To me it points to who actually followed the case and who didnt and thus really have no clue what they are talking about

That has no bearing on the fact that you can tell peoples social and political stances from this case. 

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
Max King of the Wild said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Very, very true. You can definitely tell someones political stance from the way some on both sides are responnding.

To me it points to who actually followed the case and who didnt and thus really have no clue what they are talking about

That has no bearing on the fact that you can tell peoples social and political stances from this case. 

So what you are saying is the left is less likely to consider and analyz facts? Got it.

Max King of the Wild said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

That has no bearing on the fact that you can tell peoples social and political stances from this case. 

So what you are saying is the left is less likely to consider and analyz facts? Got it.

::Sigh:: Dude, I've realize there are people who have an extreme leftist attitude and are using this case to deliberately attack Stand Your Ground and the NRA while attacking states who support both things. On the right, you have a lot of people who uphold stand your ground and have a conservative stance on protection and how one should use a firearm. Some of them aren't deven defending Zimmerman, but have become pretty loud against the leftists.

Chris Hu said:
Bill Whittle is a asshole anything he says is right wing propaganda paid for by the Koch Brothers. Also George Zimmerman had more of a violent past then Trayvon Martin.

This. /EndThread. 

This Zimmerman thing has me pumped for some Ace Attorney 5!

My 3ds friendcode: 5413-0232-9676 (G-cyber)

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Max King of the Wild said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
richardhutnik said:

Zimmerman had a hero complex and wanted to try to fix the neighborhood.  He saw bad people all over.  He got in to too much trouble, and with superior firepower he put an end to the hornet's nest he stirred.  

The bigger case with this is how you can tell a person's political views by how they stand on the case.  It goes right down political lines, and THAT is the greater story here.  Discuss that.  Arguing who is more or less innocent is old news, which merely reenforces stereotypical thinking.

Very, very true. You can definitely tell someones political stance from the way some on both sides are responnding.

To me it points to who actually followed the case and who didnt and thus really have no clue what they are talking about

People follow the case to justify their own political views, and pull out whatever they see, in order to get what will justify their views.  The media feeds right into it. And, with the Internet playing its role, individuals fully get to create their own filter bubbles,

Max King of the Wild said:
Chris Hu said:
Max King of the Wild said:

He doesn't have a violent past. He got arrested once for pushing a cop and the charges were dropped. But again, lets spread lies and misinformation to try to make someone guilty. I didn't say he was a saint, though his neighbors of all races pretty much painted him out to be... the people who knew him personally, but you havent provided evidence to the contrary. There is no arrest or police report to go with the restraining order of his ex which to me just says bad break up... and I would see how considering they were engaged. If there was domestic abuse you would expect the prosecution to dig it up. But they couldn't. If there really was domestic abuse his ex would have been called by the prosecution. But she wasnt. Your not done because you want to stop arguing with me because you think Im wrong. You are done arguing because you have no leg to stand on. No facts to support your claims.

What about the domestic violence charges that where later on droped by his girlfriend Zimmerman is far from the saint the right wing media made him out to be.

People like you and keron should refrain from commenting on this matter. Its obvious niether one of you have any facts right. There were no domestic abuse charges. There was no police report or incident report of domestic abuse either. It was a bad break up that resulted in both parties getting a restraining order. The prosecution never even tried to get that into evidence like they did with the resisting arrest charge because there wasnt anything there. They probably got into a huge fight and insulted each other which is enough for a restraining order

WTF? Dude are you trolling? Why even mention me when i agreed with your stupid reasons and moved on? You have no idea what youre talking about and its obvious how you bring up Trayvon's past as evidence yet you completely ignore Zimmerman's mistakes and arrogant past. I will say it for the last time just keep me out of your argument and fuck off. I dont want to have a discussion or be mentioned by anyone that endorses senseless killing.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Max King of the Wild said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

That has no bearing on the fact that you can tell peoples social and political stances from this case. 

So what you are saying is the left is less likely to consider and analyz facts? Got it.

::Sigh:: Dude, I've realize there are people who have an extreme leftist attitude and are using this case to deliberately attack Stand Your Ground and the NRA while attacking states who support both things

so again you admit the left doesnt consider facts relevent because stand your ground has nothing to do with this case.

George Zimmerman is (or was) a leftist that voted for Barrack Obama (a black guy no less), the right or only for him because he did nothing wrong and that the left tried to turn this into a race and gun violence problem

keroncoward said:

WTF? Dude are you trolling? Why even mention me when i agreed with your stupid reasons and moved on? You have no idea what youre talking about and its obvious how you bring up Trayvon's past as evidence yet you completely ignore Zimmerman's mistakes and arrogant past. I will say it for the last time just keep me out of your argument and fuck off. I dont want to have a discussion or be mentioned by anyone that endorses senseless killing.

I haven't ignored Zimmermans mistakes. I have directly responded to your disingenous interpretation of them and correct the both of you about it. No one here endorses senseless killing (I believe thats the 4th misinformation/lie I've called you on now.)

richardhutnik said:
Max King of the Wild said:

To me it points to who actually followed the case and who didnt and thus really have no clue what they are talking about

People follow the case to justify their own political views, and pull out whatever they see, in order to get what will justify their views.  The media feeds right into it. And, with the Internet playing its role, individuals fully get to create their own filter bubbles,

Well for me it was to get under my moms skin but immediatly upon looking into this case alarms started going off and I have read almost every police investigation report on the matter, the autopsy report and witness statements along with following the trial on tv. I did my own independant research. But I see what you mean.