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Forums - Politics Discussion - Trayvon Martin not an innocent kid! George Zimmerman not a racist!

I get it you like to saintify people but guess what Zimmerman isn't a saint and never will be no matter of what he does with the rest of his life.  Unlike keron I will never call Zimmerman a saint no matter how long you want to carry on this conversation.

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Chris Hu said:

I get it you like to saintify people but guess what Zimmerman isn't a saint and never will be no matter of what he does with the rest of his life.  Unlike keron I will never call Zimmerman a saint no matter how long you want to carry on this conversation.

You are the only two suggesting anything of the nature. Im just telling you the facts of what you are trying to bring up so you can stop misrepresenting them... but its obvious you will refuse to and continually spread the misinformation and lies.

thismeintiel said:

Casey Anthony has nothing to do with this case, as all the evidence in the Zimmerman case supports Zimmerman's version of events.  In other words, a open and shut self defense case.  Am I pissed by the Casey Anthony verdict?  Yea.  I believed she murdered her baby.  Am I going to call for the Federal government to change the outcome of the trial, while labeling Casey Anthony a racist?  No.

The sad fact about the Zimmerman case is people still want to focus on the dead "innocent black boy" and the "racist white murderer who stalked him."  The problem with that is it's not factually accurate.  But to those people, facts don't matter.  It doesn't matter that Trayvon was much taller than Zimmerman and was athletically built.  It doesn't matter that Zimmerman actually stopped following Trayvon after the dispatcher told him they didn't need him to.  It doesn't matter that Trayvon had plenty of time to get home, but instead decided to stick around.  It doesn't matter that Zimmerman had a broken nose and was having his head repeatedly smashed into the concrete sidewalk.  All that matters is Trayvon, the "victim," was black and Zimmerman, the "murderer," was "white."

The saddest part is that is if Zimmerman didn't have a gun and was unable to call for help, and Trayvon had actually been able to smash his brains in, then this would have stayed a local story.  Just like all the black murders done by other blacks in the inner cities.  Those are ignored because they illustrate a real problem that would actually take people who care, and are willing to put the effort in, to fix.  It also doesn't allow the media and politicians (mostly on the left)  to do what they love doing most, stirring the race pot.  Why else would they call a Hispanic a white man, and yet call Obama black, when they both have the same amount of white in them? 

Sorry, but your arugment holds very little water.

The argument that "Trayvon should have gone home", while ignoring the fact that Zimmerman should have done what both his own Neighborhood Watch policy AND the fucking police said he should do, instead folling Trayvon, with a fucking loaded gun tucked in his pants like some kind a gangsta........please.

The argument that Trayvon was MUCH BIGGER AND ATHLETIC than the poor, short, dumpy, fat Zimmerman, is rather immaterial. Sorry, but if some creepy fat fuck was following me in the dark, I'd kind of want to know what the fuck was up too. Would I turn around and confront the guy? Who knows? But the fact that Travyon didn't run straight home doesn't excuse the fact that Zimmerman followed him with a loaded weapon, with every intention of getting into a conflict. If that WASN'T his intent, the motherfucker wouldnt' have followed him, would he? The better question here is, why the hell, after calling the police, which is ALL any neighborhood watch EVER says to do, did old Georgie not GO HOME himself? The entire situation could have been easily avoided if he would have kept to his own dumbass self, called the cops if he felt it was so neccisary (it wasn't), and then stay the fuck inside his own home like he was supposed to.

Implying that it's Trayvon's fault he died, because he didn't run home, instead confronting a guy who was following him with a loaded weapon (and in all honesty HAD to have said or done something to provoke the fight), is about the same as saying that a girl who dresses slutty is "asking to be raped".


And quite frankly, no, it wasn' an "open and shut self defense case". The ONLY real testimony to the incident there was, was Zimmerman's. No one was outside watching all this go down. It was Zimmerman, Martin, and some texts/phone calls made. That's literally IT. The dead guy can't testify as to what happened. Thus Zimmerman's testimony is the only thing anyone actually has to go on. That's literally as far as it goes.

And I'm sorry, the fact of the matter is, if Zimmerman had been a black dude, who shot Trayvon, a tall, athleticly built white kid, this would be a very different story for a LOT of folks.

Max King of the Wild said:
weaveworld said:
TM is dead. I just like to stick to the facts.

Deleted the stuff that wasnt facts from your comment. Yes please stick to them

Lol, there's no hope for these people.  Facts don't matter to them.  Most only have heard the BS the media spread at the start of the trial, and that is all the "facts" they need.  I'll admit I was pissed when I first heard the story.  I was pissed at Zimmerman.  But, once I learned he was actually Hispanic, alarms started going off in my head.  Then, as I followed the story and did my own research, I just started getting pissed at the media.  It's just a sad time to be living in this world when you deal in facts.

Max King of the Wild said:
Chris Hu said:

I get it you like to saintify people but guess what Zimmerman isn't a saint and never will be no matter of what he does with the rest of his life.  Unlike keron I will never call Zimmerman a saint no matter how long you want to carry on this conversation.

You are the only two suggesting anything of the nature. Im just telling you the facts of what you are trying to bring up so you can stop misrepresenting them... but its obvious you will refuse to and continually spread the misinformation and lies.

What misinformation and lies its a fact that Zimmerman had a shady past no matter how much you want to saintify him.  If he really was this saint that you want him to be he would have followed the orders from the dispatcher and none of this would have happened.

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The way the media has handled this case has been despicable. I don't know how any red flags didn't go off when tabloids had more misleading images of a young 14 year old Martin as a defenceless victim as opposed to his 17 year old self. And yet people fed into this media constructed image of a saintlike baby-faced Martin. Hell even the president fell for it by delivering one of the more embarrassing comments a US president has ever made. The most obvious red flag however, was how the media tried to construe this into some sort of race issue. There is no race issue here, if Zimmerman was black he wouldn't have been found guilty.

thismeintiel said:
Max King of the Wild said:
weaveworld said:
TM is dead. I just like to stick to the facts.

Deleted the stuff that wasnt facts from your comment. Yes please stick to them

Lol, there's no hope for these people.  Facts don't matter to them.  Most only have heard the BS the media spread at the start of the trial, and that is all the "facts" they need.  I'll admit I was pissed when I first heard the story I was pissed at Zimmerman.  But, once I learned he was actually Hispanic, alarms started going off in my head.  Then, as I followed the story and did my own research, I just started getting pissed at the media.  It's just a sad time to be living in this world when you deal in facts.

Yup, I followed this case from its inception into the media so I can push my moms buttons with it at the begining... but immediatly things started setting off alarms and raising questions on what was reported and it started grabbing my interest even more. So something that was "let me find out information about this case so I can rile up my mother" turned into me closely following all the developments in the case over the last year. I searched numerous source for each story and went straight to the sources (AKA GZ defense and the trial itself) for most of my information. I never once called GZ a saint but leave to the people who said TM defense attorney prosecuted GZ to be the ones who come up with that

Chris Hu said:

What misinformation and lies

if he would have followed the orders from the dispatcher


Max King of the Wild said:
weaveworld said:
TM is dead. I just like to stick to the facts.

Deleted the stuff that wasnt facts from your comment. Yes please stick to them

TM is dead. GZ is a killer.


weaveworld said:
Max King of the Wild said:
weaveworld said:
TM is dead. I just like to stick to the facts.

Deleted the stuff that wasnt facts from your comment. Yes please stick to them

TM is dead. GZ is a killer.


Yes thank you.