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Forums - Sales Discussion - "Sony cut the PS3 price twice" line is getting old... Read and find out why

libellule said:
""LOL ... nah, Monsieur ... I paid $30 to have the 40gb shipped to me. I bought the 20gb PS3 locally and paid $300 for it. ""

==> why have u buy 2 PS3 if u only wanted the 20gb and since the 40gb doesn't have the BC u should not hav bought it ?

@ Libellule

I wanted either a 20gb or 60gb PS3 for the full BC part. However, I had a 60gb on layaway at a local KMart, and had traded games for a 40gb PS3. I figured it's pretty much free, so why not? I traded the games and got the 40gb PS3.

However, I saw a 20gb PS3 listed on craigslist and inquired about it. I bought it the same day and cancelled my layaway on the 60gb one.

So now, I have a 40gb PS3 and a 20gb PS3. However, since I have a 20gb PS3 now with full BC, I am selling the 40gb PS3. There's no need to keep it now. 

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Once and for all:

3 x360 SKU had 1 pricecut each and 1 SKU had 0 pricecut.
2 ps3 SKU had 1 pricecut each and 2 SKU had 0 pricecut.

3 x360 SKU had a pricecut at SAME time.
2 ps3 SKU had a priceut at DIFFERENT time.


Every 5 seconds on earth one child dies from hunger...

2009.04.30 - PS3 will OUTSELL x360 atleast by the middle of 2010. Japan+Europe > NA.

Gran Turismo 3 - 1,06 mln. in 3 weeks with around 4 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Gran Turismo 4 - 1,16 mln. with 18 mln. PS2 on the launch.

Final Fantasy X - around 2 mln. with 5 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Final Fantasy X-2 - 2.4 mln. with 12 mln. PS2 on the launch.


1.8 mln. PS3 today(2008.01.17) in Japan. Now(2009.04.30) 3.16 mln. PS3 were sold in Japan.
PS3 will reach 4 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 25k.

PS3 may reach 5 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 50k.
PS2 2001 vs PS3 2008 sales numbers =) + New games released in Japan by 2009 that passed 100k so far


You got it down. now can't we all be friends?

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

DOATS1 said:
Sqrl said:
DOATS1 said:
what makes you think i'm a sony fanboy?

Your statement that the PS3 is public enemy #1 on this site.

Sure there are more Wii fanboys here than PS3 or 360 but you will have a very hard time making a serious argument that there is some conspiracy against the PS3 going on behind the scenes. At best you could make a case that there are times when Wii fanboys get off their leash and need to be reigned in, but that happens on all sides of these issues.

ok, first, i'm not a sony fanboy. just because i prefer the ps3 and choose to defend it while it get's attacked doesn't make me a fanboy. that term gets thrown around like a cheap hoe nowadays. i enjoy games on every platform, which is why i don't commit to one platform. but like somebody before me said; everybody has a slight bias to one platform. mine is the ps3.

i said ps3 is public enemy number 1 on this site, because i honestly think it is. nothing to do with conspiracies. i just think it is. that gives you no right to call me a "fanboy". i'm allowed an opinion and i'm going to use it. it's not like i think my console is god, like certain console owners on his site.

now, i'm not saying everybody that doesn't have a ps3 has a beef against it. but some people are just ridiculous on this site.

like the OP said, the price cut excuse, and the let's wait until...excuse, are just getting tired. just like the wii is a fad, and rrod is getting tired. today is a new year. NONE of those excuses are excuses anymore. so give it a bloody rest.

 Well to be honest I think you're putting a lot more stock into the comment than you should. My point wasn't that you are necessarily being irrational but that you are in fact supporting and defending the PS3.

Truth be told, I really don't care what labels people have applied to them and my comment was never an attempt to insult you and actually had a helluva lot more to do with trying to string together a few sentences that flow well (PS3 supporter just doesn't flow as well /shrug). 

What I'm getting at is that I don't care about the labels, I was trying to make the point that every side percieves a little unfair treatment every now and then.  And while you are correct that you're allowed an opinion you're absolutely wrong if you think that entitles you to not be challenged when you express it.  There would be no point to these boards if everyone had to accept each other's views and couldn't debate them.  Ironically a lot of the perceived unfairness comes from Sony fans who don't like that they're views are challenged. They in turn try to challenge other views (which is a good thing) but they seem to have a harder time keeping their anger in check (which is a bad thing).

So far you haven't really expressed much of an argument for your belief that the PS3 is PE#1.  You of course aren't required to do so, but it would lend some credability to your position if you could.  But really this issue has been beat to death, the best you would be able to do is show a handful of occasions out of the thousands of threads and post where a Wii or 360  fanboy got a little out of hand.   Sony fans will call that proof enough, but I call it paranoia.

To Each Man, Responsibility
steven787 said:
Sqrl said:
steven787 said:

Sorry for sounding dumb, but what were the three Xbox360 price cuts?

Arcade/Core was 299, now 279.
Premium was 399, now 349.
Elite was 479, now 449.

That is really one price cut. If you want to count it as three than you have to count the PS3 cuts.

60gig 599 to 499
20 gig 499 to 399


60 to 80 gig HDD would be a price cut. And 20 to 40.

Both have had numerous cuts in Japan.


Edit: For the record, this is an argument over symantics. And my post is only meant to point out that it is just an excuse to get out the flame throwers.

Oh I agreethere is an issue of semantics here, and said so back when the argument first came up months ago. But just because the argument arises from a difference in semantics doesn't mean that there isn't a difference between the two positions beyond that.

Essentially there was a difference of opinion based on whether you viewed the PS3 as one product or if you wanted to look at each SKU.

But really there is no single SKU that has recieved two price cuts and the "one product" view reveals that the only change was made in October when the price was cut by $100.

Sqrl, I respect you, but I think you missed my point... Most of the posts are fanboy raving, and the even the OP is really just an attempt to "explain" the real situation to trolls. Other than that, the whole subject just doesn't matter.

Oh, and sorry for spelling semantics wrong. I was running Symantec PC anywhere earlier... and I spelled that wrong too.

I kinda had a feeling you would feel this way.  What I am saying is that the tedium surrounding this issue is in getting people to recognize the semantics of the issue.  And on that point specifically it really is an aggrivatingly and pointless topic.  Which is where I believe you are coming from, and like I said I don't disagree.

What I was trying to say is that there is another issue below this one that does have meaning.  Unfortunately it requires people to sort out the pointless debate above it.  Its really a matter of if the effort required for the first debate is worth the reward for the second and I'm pretty sure now that the answer is definitely not.

PS - I'm not really a spelling nazi No need to apologize.

To Each Man, Responsibility
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You Sony fanboys are sooo funny ... please tell me, how old are you guys ... really I want to know. If your under 10 then I can understand all this "my daddy can beat up your daddy stuff." If your over 15 then I feel sorry for the lot of you.

PS: I do own a PS3 and 360 and I enjoy playing games on them ... not sniveling with insignificant and irrelevant numbers .... get a frigging life .... play the games.