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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Ryuu96 said:

List off all headsets compatible with the Xbox One headset Adapter

Sweet thanks dude. Glad to see the XP400 on the list. 

Around the Network
shikamaru317 said:
Seece said:

Not sure if that's good or bad, for £45 ($75?) I get Cable TV, Landline and the 100mb internet. I'm happy enough with that.

In my area Comcast charges $125 a month for 50 mb/s internet + 80 channel cable + landline phone.

Wow, that's a lot!!


When's the patch supposed to come out?

Jazz2K said:
FrontlineJaguar said:
Why you guys have so much hatred for selnor.

I don't think anyone hates Selnor. It's the downplaying that people don't like especially in Xbox Nation. If you want to downplay anything even if it's on other consoles keep this behavior outside Xbox Nation otherwise anyone seems to be welcomed and free to discuss anything gaming.

That. And his expectations are a little too high when it comes to a lot of things.

First experience with Titanfall:
- Stop by Gamestop on the way home and pick up my copy. (crazy hyped at this point)
- Get home and wait for the game to fully install. (Just to be safe)
- Play through the incredibly tedious tutorial stuff. (I know how to play/control a FPS but thanks anyway)
- Finally get into a match and kill my first Titan. (Immediately yell at my Xbox to record that)
- Game locks up and system starts making a crazy grinding noise.
- Yell at my Xbox to go home and eject the disc.
- Check disc. Everything looks good. Put it back in and immediately get locked up at the "signing in..." screen.
- Goes off to cry in a corner somewhere....

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:

Getting me more hyped =P


The Stryder is pretty awesome, didn't think I would want to use it at first but it's execution move is awesome and it's speed!

Well that's just a little bit graphic.

Can somebody make a Xbox Gif of this?

Ryuu96 said:

Lolol, Halo x Titanfall =P would be amazing


Guys as you all know iamdeath is on a roll downplaying and trying to bait. Watch yourselves so you don't get banned.

@imp is your titanfall working all right now
If not go can complaint Microsoft they will give you a new copy if you have the bill.