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Lol... I don't want to imagine what seats look like under black light...

A legitimate question for X1 owners. Do you feel annoyed by ads on XBL?
I have to stumble or look for them to notice them.

Ryuu96 said:
Goatseye said:
A legitimate question for X1 owners. Do you feel annoyed by ads on XBL?
I have to stumble or look for them to notice them.

Lol I can honestly not even remember where adds are on XB1 or if i've ever saw one, will have to go check and see if I can find one, honestly couldn't care less if they put adds on just aslong as they are small and not hugely taking up space

Doesn't bother me at all =/

I'm having fun with people going ballistic over this. They REALLY get mad for people choosing XBL over PSN.

I can't believe it. Maybe I'm not hardcore enough.

As long as it doesn't diminish or degrade my gaming experience I don't really care to be honest!

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Goatseye said:
A legitimate question for X1 owners. Do you feel annoyed by ads on XBL?
I have to stumble or look for them to notice them.

It doesn't even bother me.  

Ads are everywhere, tv, music,and the web.  I remember when Satelite radios big thing was no ads.  I listen to the nfl on Sirius and 65-70% are ads/commercials in comparison to the talk show lol. Hell,  I have to scroll through ads everywhere on this site (very anoying on mobile).  It doesn't stop me from enjoying the site. As long as it doesn't interrupt gameplay, I don't mind.

Mark my words though, we will start seeing more during loading sections soon (similar to flash games)....... I can feel it.

Anyone planning on streaming from their Xbox? Link your channels. I'll probably stream.

Alright guys, I plan on taking the plunge. Got a new job that means I can afford spare cash, and I want an Xbox One. Already have a PS4 and WiiU.

Thing is, I already have a PS4, which is marginally better for multiplatform games so I'll get them on there. I need to know some exclusives to go with my new Xbox One! Here's the list of games I currently intend on getting on Xbox:

1 - Titanfall (don't like the lack of singleplayer, but it still looks awesome and the roomies will eat it up)
2 - Dead Rising 3 (didn't like the first two, but this one looks great)
3 - Project spark (when it comes out)
4 - Sunset Overdrive (it's Insomniac and I have been on a Ratchet & Clank Binge)
5 - Forza Motorsport 5 (not usually into realistic racers, but everyone I know says it's one of the best)
6 - Quantum Break (because Remedy)

I don't like Halo, and Gears hasn't even officially been announced yet, so I can't add them.

Anyone know any other Xbox One exclusives that are on the horizon I might be interested in? Indie games? RPG's? generally unique games?

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

I'd like to see Akira theme played here on VGC.