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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

I thing TR will be XB1, 360, and PC. Just look at the deals that MSFT has made with Ryse, DR3, Titanfall... none of them have ever showed up on a playstation console. i think the difference is that TR will go through the Windows 10 store as opposed to steam.

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maximrace said:
I'm in for an Empire gettogether! Timezone is CET or GMT +1

We could do morning/Afternoon US and evening UK/EU.  Looks like a 6 hour difference so what is some good times for you during the evening/night?  

If we did 2pm EST it would be 8pm for you.  Is that good?


JayWood2010 said:
maximrace said:
I'm in for an Empire gettogether! Timezone is CET or GMT +1

We could do morning/Afternoon US and evening UK/EU.  Looks like a 6 hour difference so what is some good times for you during the evening/night?  

If we did 2pm EST it would be 8pm for you.  Is that good?

8pm is maybe a tad late ( my console is in a shared room :p), 7pm fits better. But 8pm is good I just won't be able to play for very long long :p

maximrace said:
JayWood2010 said:


8pm is maybe a tad late ( my console is in a shared room :p), 7pm fits better. But 8pm is good I just won't be able to play for very long long :p

Nah its fine.  We will try and find a time that everybody can agree on :)  We could shoot for 7pm.  Maybe even 6 if thats better with everybody.  Let me make sure before i set things up and confuse everybody.  

Right now its 10:40am where  I am.  What time is it where you are? I want to make sure its a 6 hour difference and not 5


This week has just been horrendous for news -_- I think its time to start thinking about the next tourny or community activity to help with the this very slow time


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Ugh, too difficult to choose a winner here...but I'll go for Quantum Break. Like to see a new IP do well really.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

JayWood2010 said:

Nah its fine.  We will try and find a time that everybody can agree on :)  We could shoot for 7pm.  Maybe even 6 if thats better with everybody.  Let me make sure before i set things up and confuse everybody.  

Right now its 10:40am where  I am.  What time is it where you are? I want to make sure its a 6 hour difference and not 5

Right now it's 17:17 or 5:17 pm I think :p

Gears 4 Hype!



Halo because it's my favourite gaming franchise overall.

You should have used the Spartan Locke Ad. #AllHailSpartanLocke.

This is very very very tough, I am interested in the Locke vs Chief theme, but I am also intrigued to see where the Gears Viking take takes the series.

I'll go with Gears, simply because from what i have already seen and played, Halo 5 is headed for greatness!!!