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It's true. Gears isn't my #1 shooter, but nothing beats it in the level of satisfaction you get from every kill

Speaking of Gears, 1 hour ago on facebook Xbox posted that for the next 3 days Gears 2 is on sale for 4.99. They need to just release the Gears collection this summer, it shouldn't be as hard as the MCC seeing as how the whole series is on 360.

Ka-pi96 said:
TiagoCosta said:

One of the tweets to Phil 'you have the English skills of a Chinese 3 year old.'

Although I did have to read it through a couple times to actually understand what he was talking about.

Same here lol

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Fable legends is looking better and better by the day.
Cannot wait to finally get some hands on time with it.

roborad said:
Fable legends is looking better and better by the day.
Cannot wait to finally get some hands on time with it.

Shika has all the details on the game, but is being all goodie goodie withholding the details. Fable Legends does look great, with a fantastic day/night cycle.

I thought you said that didn't like the game Shika?

Ka-pi96 said:
I think that's bad news about AC. I really disliked the modern day bits and wish they weren't there. It just kills the experience for me.

I agree. Especially after the way AC3 ended the modern timeline story with Desmond the whole thing has just left a bad taste to me. They keep interweaving with all this alien crap that seems to be nothing but some giant circle jerk. It doesn't actually ever go anywhere, and I'm sick of it. I honestly think the only reason it's there is because they want the games to have this extra layer of mystique, but when you don't demonstrate any intention of ever resolving any of the questions you're creating then nobody really cares anymore.

shikamaru317 said:

Life Is Strange episode 2 has been delayed from March 13th until the end of March. That makes it 2 months between episode 1 and episode 2. And it's been about 3 months since the last Tales from the Borderlands episode. I've already forgot half of what happened in the first episode of TFTB because we've been waiting so long. This is why I hate the episodic format, just release your game when it's ready instead of slowly feeding it to us in bits and pieces. It's truly sad that Capcom are the only ones doing episodic right, 1 week between episodes.

The problem isn't the episodic format, it's the inconsistent and overly long waits they make you go through. The developers making these types of games need to have their shit ready to roll out on a weekly basis, or at least every other week. Idk how they can possibly think it's go to have 1-3 or more months between episodes. That's completely absurd