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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

JayWood2010 said:
FrontlineJaguar said:

This tweet actually made me thinking until I saw the date of the tweet.

It was a teaser for the Windows 10 event (Xbox Streaming).  

Yeah read your reply in thread.

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If resolution suddenly became the most important priority, xD hahahaha

Edge of eternity got some extra goals....160K new characters and 220k for extra summons.

Pneuma is as bad as it looked, I rarely fail when it comes to reviewing with the first look.

TiagoCosta said:
Pneuma is as bad as it looked, I rarely fail when it comes to reviewing with the first look.

Sounds about right

Slade did buy it after all. When was the last time he bought a good game?

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Angelus said:
TiagoCosta said:
Pneuma is as bad as it looked, I rarely fail when it comes to reviewing with the first look.

Sounds about right

Slade did buy it after all. When was the last time he bought a good game?


He started the walking dead game and sleeping dogs today, those aren't bad to his defense. 

Malice looks pretty badass. Might be my hero


There was a sale on those 2 games recently, so who knows x)

On another note, I was thinking in how different could E3 be for Microsoft, then I remembered this idea from uservoice.

Seems doable.

Guys when does Cuphead come out? Hopefully Ori is a good and not so easy game

Anyone knows if in Fable you'll be able to customize your character or are they set in stone? I mean like the archer stays an archer but you could change attributes like hairs, skin color, clothes etc?