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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Ka-pi96 said:
I already have Tomb Raider in my PS3 and Xbox One backlog and now they are giving me the 360 version as well?

Bioshock Infinite I have in my backlog too (PS+) and I'm getting that again as well

Somehow I couldn't help but laugh at this lol 

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damn so pissed I sold my xbox 360... ;/

oh well, rayman legends sounds awesome anyways.

rayman legend for free? feck, I will feel the urge to totally complete rayman legends again (dit that on PS4) =p..

Bioshock Infinte has one of the best stories in gaming history. I think y'all will enjoy it.

Versus_Evil said:
Oh and what happened to that d'awww achievement for SO? I didn't have internet so I couldnt update, have I missed it?

No, come back 175GS *Tries to reach out* ;-;

You can still get it.

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But this is what I want to see, more AAA on GWG.

And doubling the games should be all months :p ok this is going too far, increase to 2 XBO would be great already.

On a side note, D4 was the only game to not be 2 months on gwg :/

Versus_Evil said:
TiagoCosta said:

You can still get it.

Do I need to update my game?

Maybe, I didn't see it but XBO does it without me doing anything.

Rayman sounds good to me, thought about picking it up a couple times, but never got around to it so it being on GWG suits me just fine.

Versus_Evil said:
TiagoCosta said:

Maybe, I didn't see it but XBO does it without me doing anything.

Oh, just checked my achievements, got it 05/11/2014 lol i remember finding all them drawings when the game hadn't long come out. Pretty cool the game remembered that.

Did you find anything else? 

I wonder if there are more collectables achievements yet to be unveiled. 

So how long did it take for that deal on Amazon to sell out.? It provided good momentum to Xbox one though, still staying at 5-6 even electrostatic it

Ltd predictions by the time 9th Gen comes out


Xbox one :75 million( was 65) 

Wii u: 20 milliion