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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

true_fan said:

Me too, I hopped on SO yesterday to get that 175 d'aaaawwww achievement and got sucked in again. I need that complete that mooil rig DLC, I also need to upgrade about 7 more guns to level 5.

Has the SO pass been on sale before? I can't remember if I saw it on sale before I got an X1 or not.

Around the Network

Season pass on weekly deals to celebrate the new dlc... It's what I'm expecting/hoping.

Linchpin said:
true_fan said:

Me too, I hopped on SO yesterday to get that 175 d'aaaawwww achievement and got sucked in again. I need that complete that mooil rig DLC, I also need to upgrade about 7 more guns to level 5.

Has the SO pass been on sale before? I can't remember if I saw it on sale before I got an X1 or not.

Not to my knowledge, hopefully it will be soon like Tiago said

Trueachievements is telling me that I need 8.1 points per day to achieve my yearly goal, going pretty well so far.

iceland said:

Not to my knowledge, hopefully it will be soon like Tiago said

I still haven't played the game yet and got it almost 2 months ago. I would have been able to buy pass if it wasn't for the ultimate sale. I had to get a couple of dem games :)

Around the Network

No wonder people dislike indies so much, most are "artistic" that way.

Ka-pi96 said:
TiagoCosta said:
No wonder people dislike indies so much, most are "artistic" that way.

I dunno if I'd call not being skilled enough to make decent graphics being 'artistic'...

Pretty sure is artistic choice, it's cool to use that kind of graphics. 

Using unity you can easily do better than that.. Without much skill :p

TiagoCosta said:
Trueachievements is telling me that I need 8.1 points per day to achieve my yearly goal, going pretty well so far.

Sounds time like you need yo aim higher 

I will set a new goal after achieving my current one.

I need to think about it, realistic one.

Woot Rayman, more free games!!

Really nice. 

also dl'ing TR just for the hell of it.