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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

jlmurph2 said:
JayWood2010 said:

Its a good possibility but its always someone disappointed because they didn't get a big reveal at some show.

Oh yeah, people need to not expect so much that is for sure


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shikamaru317 said:
Hopefully E3 will end up being good. Give me at least one 3rd party exclusive (the bigger the better), 1 or more new AAA 1st/2nd party IP's, and of course gameplay for most of the games that have already been announced for XB1, and I'll be happy.

Why? For bragging rights? or dozens of threads with news explaining it will not stay exclusive?

JayWood2010 said:

Power has been off for the past 7 hours and it looks like i missed a lot.

OBviously excited about the Rare news but i wonder what third party exclusive(s) he was referring to? o.O

And if another Forza Spinoff is made, im hoping a kart racer

No, karts wouldn't really fit Forza imo, if they did make another spinoff it should be for motorcycles

Ka-pi96 said:
Slade6alpha said:

QB being 2016 is no big deal IMO... They already have a stacked Holiday lineup. 

Forza, Halo, Gears?, and Tomb Raider. 

Not to mention all the multiplats and unannounced E3 games. 

Meh, woo Halo, unconfirmed/rerelease, meh. Needs more games!

Sucks to be you, I'm hyped for all those games lol

shikamaru317 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Lol Aaron said they was some big 3rd party exclusives coming that he can't talk about, he avoided answering if they are exclusive or not though but Tomb Raider is on the list....


(He basically said they aren't working with Epic so that's ruled out, he pointed out that when Tencent bought some of the company they have been more focused on PC)

More 3rd party exclusives is always good, MS will need 3rd party exclusives over the next few years since their 1st party is still smaller than Sony and Nintendo. 


Why ? For first party games you dont need first party studios. Owning Ip is important and nothing more. I dont understand you obssesion with third party exklusives who MS are not the owner of the Ip. It only hurt us because they could spend that money for a new IP that would belong to them. For this you dont need a first party studio

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shikamaru317 said:

The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 needs to come to Xbox One, looks like a great adventure game. 82 meta so far on PC. Awhile back the devs said they were considering console versions since the game uses Unity, which makes porting really easy, hopefully they will.

Amazon leaked XBO/ps4 version 1 week ago, I actually posted it here (the link). It's now down it seems, too late tho

I do wonder how much Microsoft pays to get third party exclusives or pay independent studios like insomniac to make exclusives games for the platform as opposed to creating a new ip with their own studios.

Big Third Party Exclusives is in Microsoft's DNA. They are one of the most unexpected publishers in that regard because you never know who they will be working with. Whether i be 1st, 2nd, or 3rd party theyre still games. The mass market has no clue what that even means.

On the other side, i also want to point out that Microsoft Studios works on 2nd and third party games they publish including Scalebound, Sunset Overdrive, and Tomb Raider. All has Microsoft employees helping in developement.

What im saying is there is certainly perks with working with microsoft and that helps in these deals. Then you also have to remember that Microsoft has a lot of potential in advertising for these developers and funding them to make their project less of a risk.

Its a partnership, not a one way street.  Both gets something good out of it and thats something a lot of fans ignore i believe.  There is a reason they accept deals like this


Let's see third party exclusive not by epic, it must be shenmue.

An interesting read on Microsofts first party studios.. I agree with him 100%