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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Hopefully we get something I care about next time.

We will probably get to know soon.

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shikamaru317 said:
Slade6alpha said:
I'm guessing you got it Shika? Nice game I kept missing those easy points though

I loved when you shot it into your own goal that one time xD

The actual gameplay mechanics of that game are too wonky to be a good arena game, it's decent at best. At least the story mode and some of the things the announcer says are kind of funny. And I love some of the hilarious tweets you see scrolling across the bottom of the screen. All in all not a bad choice for GWG, but there were better indies they could have chosen imo. 

lol that wasn't even the worst part. The first round, I kept forgetting which color I was. And yeah I kept moving around in the first part to give you a good shot at the achievement, but it's so sensitive. Decent at best describes it well. And I didn't even know what the hell that halftime thing was xD">"><img src="

I actually really liked their approach this past year in game after game. I do want more exclusives shown (who doesn't) and a little less emphasis on 3rd party. I did like the format in game after game though. And I do expect 10-15 minutes of COD.">"><img src="

shikamaru317 said:
Hopefully E3 will end up being good. Give me at least one 3rd party exclusive (the bigger the better), 1 or more new AAA 1st/2nd party IP's, and of course gameplay for most of the games that have already been announced for XB1, and I'll be happy.

Speaking of next GWG, usually about when on average do they announce the following month? Like timeframe and such. Like a couple days before it begans?

A different approach to E3? I thought last year was pretty good. Lots of talk about games, lots of reveals and lots of good stuff shown. It would be nice if, as a catch-all, we see more gameplay and fewer pre-rendered cutscenes for upcoming titles. Seeing a movie for a game doesn't get my motor running, whilst good honest gameplay does. It's why the Treehouse which Nintendo did last year was so great, hope we see that again and something similar from MS and Sony.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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It wasn't exactly a hyping that show kind comment, not expecting much.

shikamaru317 said:

Usually 1-2 days before the end of the month. I'd guess the 27th this month.

Ok thanks. That's another reason why I haven't picked up the games from the current sale yet. I'd hate the thought of buying a game and end up seeing it on GWG a week later. Has that ever happened to you?

Time for put up or shut up time... Come on Rare, don't disappoint.">"><img src="

Horizon 3 confirmed.

Forza Franchise

Aaron started off by confirming that Forza Motorsport 6 will ship this year. While no exact release date was given, Greenberg did say that Forza was an annualized franchise from this point on. There was some confusion about the release date of Forza 6 when it was first announced. Many assumed it would come out in 2016. Racing fans will be pleased that they will get to experience a new title every year from now on.

TiagoCosta said:

Horizon 3 confirmed.

Forza Franchise

Aaron started off by confirming that Forza Motorsport 6 will ship this year. While no exact release date was given, Greenberg did say that Forza was an annualized franchise from this point on. There was some confusion about the release date of Forza 6 when it was first announced. Many assumed it would come out in 2016. Racing fans will be pleased that they will get to experience a new title every year from now on.

WOOO! Can't wait for Horizon 3. If they alternate between the two it's not that big an issue IMO.">"><img src="