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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

JayWood2010 said:
starcraft said:

Thanka xD doesnt seem like itll really effect me then.  I usually always play games on hard difficulty actually. 

And you should start commenting in this thread more.

I wish I could. 

The last 24 hours has demonstrated a perfect example of what I (and other mods) spend a lot of our time doing on the site these days lol

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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starcraft said:
JayWood2010 said:


lol Honestly surprised at that even being a topic


maximrace said:
Live down atm. Works half for me but it won't load achievements app, crashes everytime

Im not having any issues but there is apparently some issues atm.  S.t.a.g.e. is having issues i know of as well


maximrace said:
Live down atm. Works half for me but it won't load achievements app, crashes everytime

Haven't been experiencing any issues, but I've only been watching Netflix xD

Hope it all gets sorted soon!

Really hoping that Square Enix Z game is something good. I want a good announcement this week

Microsoft really needs to work with getting some japanese games though. Scalebound and Phantom Dust is a start, but they need to get some others as well. Luckily i have other consoles but some people dont so i hope some of these japanese studios start doing multiplat more often


Around the Network
shikamaru317 said:
-I really hope that AC Japan 2016 rumor is true. Feudal Japan and Victorian London have been my 2 most wanted AC settings for many years now, to get those 2 settings back to back would be amazing. It's worth noting that both Feudal Japan and Victorian London were on the official AC survey that Ubi sent out a few years ago, and based on forum polling that I saw after that survey went out, Feudal Japan and Victorian London probably had the most votes out of all of the options on the survey. Ubi could very well be doing settings in order of how popular they were on that survey now.

-I really hope that MS 3rd party rumor is true, I;d love another 3rd party exclusive announcement, in fact I'd say that more 3rd party exclusives are necessary since we now know that most of Microsoft's new 1st party studios are actually working on HoloLense, not Xbox One.

-I agree that MS should acquire Ruffian, Remedy as well.

-Nice to see Brothers on GWG, I've been wanting to play it for awhile. However I'm sad that Halo Wars still isn't on there, I believe this is month 8 since Phil said he'd work on putting Halo Wars on GWG. At this point I think he's either forgotten about it, or he's decided to save it until the month that Halo Wars 2 is announced (hopefully at E3 since they teased Halo Wars 2 last E3).

I looked forward to the first Assassin's Creed so much and then was so let down I haven't touched one since.

But Feudal Japan would probably see me take another look.

Although the pirate one looked pretty good as well.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

JayWood2010 said:
Really hoping that Square Enix Z game is something good. I want a good announcement this week

Microsoft really needs to work with getting some japanese games though. Scalebound and Phantom Dust is a start, but they need to get some others as well. Luckily i have other consoles but some people dont so i hope some of these japanese studios start doing multiplat more often

Already lost all my hope on that, phil made it clear it doesn't care for jp games.

Next gen you will find in other threads, more than likely.

I'm looking forward to Scalebound and Phantom Dust. I especially can't wait to see gameplay vids for both of them.

Linchpin said:

I'm looking forward to Scalebound and Phantom Dust. I especially can't wait to see gameplay vids for both of them.

Same here.  Actually two of my most anticiapted games xD


But still, I would like a few jp games to entertain me until then.

1-2 per year isn't enough. Sure I'm looking forward to type 0 and DOA, then naruto should arrive this year.. sonic maybe? And that's it.

Next year probably scalebound and phantom dust, that's fine, but more than that? Maybe ff15 but I'm not looking forward to it at all.

Looking back to 360 it was jp games left and right, most exclusives. I literally couldn't manage them all. I don't ask for the same scenario here but come on.. everything got a mid term. And loosing all multiplats isn't part of that.