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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

MoHasanie said:
TiagoCosta said:

New banjo by rare is more than confirmed.

I wish they'd just confirm it though. A future Banjo game is one of the reasons I bought an X1. 

Wait for E3, the release date is set for 2015 anyway. 

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TiagoCosta said:
MoHasanie said:
TiagoCosta said:

New banjo by rare is more than confirmed.

I wish they'd just confirm it though. A future Banjo game is one of the reasons I bought an X1. 

Wait for E3, the release date is set for 2015 anyway. 

But E3 is sooo far away, and what if they don't announce a Banjo game, but something else? 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

MoHasanie said:
TiagoCosta said:

Wait for E3, the release date is set for 2015 anyway. 

But E3 is sooo far away, and what if they don't announce a Banjo game, but something else? 

I woudn't mind(conker or Kameo), but all hints point to Banjo.

shikamaru317 said:

Borderlands 3 announcement on Sunday? That would be awesome.

Nah, they'll talk about some general ideas they have for it, their ambitions and such. Probably open it up to the audience about what they'd like to see. All under the very obvious veil of "if/when we do make it"

Been a while since ive posted one of these but here you go.  Me as Riptor vs a level 28 Maya and a level 10 TJ Combo.  Obviously Maya was a tougher match.  Riptor is awesome btw xD

View on YouTube


Around the Network
TiagoCosta said:
MoHasanie said:
TiagoCosta said:

Wait for E3, the release date is set for 2015 anyway. 

But E3 is sooo far away, and what if they don't announce a Banjo game, but something else? 

I woudn't mind(conker or Kameo), but all hints point to Banjo.

Yeah I'd like a Conker game too. The worst case scenerio is a Banjo Kinect game -_-


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

shikamaru317 said:
Angelus said:
shikamaru317 said:

Borderlands 3 announcement on Sunday? That would be awesome.

Nah, they'll talk about some general ideas they have for it, their ambitions and such. Probably open it up to the audience about what they'd like to see. All under the very obvious veil of "if/when we do make it"

Personally I hope it's really big and ambitious. I want to be able to travel between multiple planets looking for the vaults on the map at the end of Borderlands 2.

Ya that would be the logical thing to do.

I mean ideally, Borderlands 3 should be Destiny, except good.

Add MMO elements, like seeing other vault hunters out and about, and teaming up on the fly. Make city hubs, where you can have gambling, weapon trading, etc.

Vaults = Raids 

And then you just expand on all the stuff people already loved about Borderlands, and you're golden

Oh wow, I forgot Furious 4 existed. It was announced so long ago already.


Looking into it, wasn't it canceled? at the very least, ubi is no long publishing the game and it doesn't belong to BiA anymore.

shikamaru317 said:
Angelus said:

Ya that would be the logical thing to do.

I mean ideally, Borderlands 3 should be Destiny, except good.

Add MMO elements, like seeing other vault hunters out and about, and teaming up on the fly. Make city hubs, where you can have gambling, weapon trading, etc.

Vaults = Raids 

And then you just expand on all the stuff people already loved about Borderlands, and you're golden

That sounds great to me. They just need to copy Destiny's instanced loot system, I always hated the fact that loot isn't instanced in Borderlands, I play Borderlands solo for that reason.

I honestly think that we're going to be waiting a few years for Borderlands 3 though, Gearbox is only a 200 man studio and they have at least 4 games in development right now other than Borderlands 3, Homeworld Remastered Collection, Homeworld: Shipbreakers, Battleborn, and Furious 4. The first 3 are scheduled for release in 2015, so I'm guessing once those 3 are done development will begin on Borderlands 3 alongside continued development of Furious 4. So we're probably looking at a 2017 release for Borderlands 3 at the earliest, unless they're going to co-develop with another team, in which case we might get it as a 2016 release. 

Speaking of which, I think Battleborn is gonna be a super mega flop you know, like every other Gearbox game that isn't Borderlands

Someone remind me again why they make anything else?

Furious 4 reminded me of Inglorous Basterds when the first trailer came out