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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

JayWood2010 said:
MoHasanie said:
JayWood2010 said:

But in Banjo you have to collect musical notes. Isn't that the biggest clue to what the game is? 

That is true actually.  Very well could be xD

Yessss, yessss deep in your heart you know its true :P

But yeah, I really do hope its a Banjo game. I'd be fine with Perfect Dark too but I think there's enough shooters on the Xbox One right now. Could use a really good platformer.

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RavenXtra said:
JayWood2010 said:

That is true actually.  Very well could be xD

Yessss, yessss deep in your heart you know its true :P

But yeah, I really do hope its a Banjo game. I'd be fine with Perfect Dark too but I think there's enough shooters on the Xbox One right now. Could use a really good platformer.

Nah, don't see it being Perfect Dark. It could be something completely different ofcourse. But I doubt it. 

If it's Banjo I will scream in delight and cry tears of joy.


EDIT: Oh damn! You made me post again dear! I hope you're happy  

This is my 24,000th post though. That's pretty good.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

JayWood2010 said:
kekrot said:
*Tries to hum those sheet notes.. Nope doesn't ring any bells. Then again I've never really played Banjo so I haven't heard all the music from there, not Conker either. Also doesn't look like that Kameo excerpt. All I can see is the start of a melody, and most probably a good one since it's Robin Beanland.

So you dont think it sounds like Kameo?  That would be my first guess giving the name is Enchated Kingdom.  It could also be a new ip though, or a world in Banjo seeing as there is many different worlds.

Is the name Enchanted Kingdom though? Wasn't it only the topmost picture that was tweeted? Or am I missing something again...


Rogue legacy is a must buy.


Lostplanet22 said:
Rogue legacy is a must buy.

This is something I can agree with; if you haven't already played it on another system then be sure to pick it up when it comes to the One.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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My Assassins Creed Rogue review, let me know your thoughts

FrontlineJaguar said:

My Assassins Creed Rogue review, let me know your thoughts

Nice review. I like the detail you put into the "Few twists" section; it explains a lot of the concepts without spoiling things, which is tough to do. 

Haven't played the game yet so can't comment on the score, but it seems to reflect well on the overall review. You should be pleased!


Also I didn't know you were a writer. That's pretty neat! I also do the odd article here and there.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Lostplanet22 said:
Rogue legacy is a must buy.

I am sold to. Havent found it cheap enough on PC, and I prefer most games on my consoles.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

kekrot said:
JayWood2010 said:
kekrot said:

Is the name Enchanted Kingdom though? Wasn't it only the topmost picture that was tweeted? Or am I missing something again...

Apparently it isnt named Enchanted Kingdom.  That was somebody else that posted the name.

This is the original tweet

This is a HUGE year for Rare...and these notes


Conegamer said:
FrontlineJaguar said:

My Assassins Creed Rogue review, let me know your thoughts

Nice review. I like the detail you put into the "Few twists" section; it explains a lot of the concepts without spoiling things, which is tough to do. 

Haven't played the game yet so can't comment on the score, but it seems to reflect well on the overall review. You should be pleased!


Also I didn't know you were a writer. That's pretty neat! I also do the odd article here and there.


Most of the people in Empire know that I am writer since they helped me to conduct my very first interview with Press Play and how can one miss Wright he is resposnsible for giving starter for my first article so I owe all this to Xbox Empire and Wright.