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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

kinisking said:
shikamaru317 said:
I'd say that if anything, today's events show just how little 343 knows about their fanbase. All it took was 7 seconds of video footage and the internet exploded. 343 couldn't possibly have not seen that coming unless they know nothing about us. Halo fans have always been highly resistant to change. Like I said before, out of all the game fanbases out here Halo fans are one of the groups that is most resistant to change. 343 took a very modern FPS approach with Halo 4 multiplayer and it blew up in their face, the end result was the fasted multiplayer player drop-off rate in Halo history, within a month of release Halo 4 had less concurrent players online at any given time then Halo 3 had a year after it released. Knowing that, why would 343 go for another highly modern approach with Halo 5?

It's like you guys don't want new games in your series at all. If you don't want change then what's the point of having a sequel. Just play the mcc forever then. Maybe they can send you maps your way 

You can have change without alienating your fanbase. Look at CE -> H2 -> H3

If any game changed this much their fans would complain also, not something exclusive to Halo fans.

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Halo 6 sounds more promising than Halo 5 already.

(I'm not a competitive halo player, talking about SP here)

shikamaru317 said:
kinisking said:

It's like you guys don't want new games in your series at all. If you don't want change then what's the point of having a sequel. Just play the mcc forever then. Maybe they can send you maps your way 

I'm not saying that changes shouldn't have been made, obviously some change is needed to keep things fresh. It just seems like they're making an awful lot of changes, and those changes are in areas that many Halo fans aren't ok with. Aim down sight, double jump, sprint, ground slam, etc. Based on the changes we know they've made as well as what we saw in that footage today, Halo 5 looks more similar to other modern series such as CoD and Battlefield, than it does to Halo 2 and 3. Maybe we overreacted a bit considering how short the footage was, but if tomorrow's longer footage confirms what today's footage showed, then the Halo fanbase is not going to be pleased. 

All they really needed was classic Halo 2/3 style multiplayer with the return of the old ranking system, new maps and some map remakes, returning weapons as well as a few new weapons, returning vehicles as well as a few new vehicles, and either sprint or increased movement speed to remedy recent complaints about Halo seeming slow. In the end that would have satisfied most Halo fans. 

Haha maybe I'm overreacting. I'm sorry bait how I put it but I just wish halo fans would accept change more often. But I probably don't understand because I'm not a big fan. 

Ltd predictions by the time 9th Gen comes out


Xbox one :75 million( was 65) 

Wii u: 20 milliion

Can I just ask, let's say every weapon in Halo 5 had ADS...but I mean as long as the hip firing is still as accurate as ever (which from that small clip seems to be the case), what?

It's not like it would be replacing something. Certain weapons in Halo have always had sights, those still will, they'll just look different and possibly be more responsive. Others didn't have sights and you just fired from the hip, but again what does it change if they have sights as long as it doesn't change the way the weapon fires? Nothing. Just your point of view.

I doubt anyone on this site is less of a CoD fan than I am (I've bought just one single game in the franchise), but I honestly don't see how ADS in Halo is a problem at all. And I've been playing Halo since day one.

I swear people are so hell bent on things never changing yet bitch when there's a lack of innovation. What on earth are developers supposed to do for us then?

It's a catch 22 and 343 if anything is erring (if that's how you wanna view it) on the right side of the fence. If you don't have the balls to go give a franchise a serious overhaul now and again then you're wasting your time and slowly but surely guaranteeing you'll be left in the dust.

Now I haven't seen enough yet, or played it, so right now idk whether I like or dislike anything they've done in regards to Halo 5 yet. Maybe I'll love it, maybe I'll hate it, but god damn one thing I KNOW I hate is how quickly the internet jumps on absolutely any little thing and turns it into a nuclear fucking bomb.

Chillax fools

That MGS2 Locke/MC ratio has me way more worried than that MP clip.

I need proper MC time in my Halo

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Since frank already confirmed both are primary characters and Locke isnt "the" primary character id imagine both are playable in a pretty big portion of the game.


If I have to hold LT to aim then I can understand the complaints. But if its click aim I see no problems.

I imagine, for the first half of the game you play as Locke, because he is searching for the Chief, and then in the 2nd half you play as Chief.

In terms of multiplayer I want to see a mix of Halo 3 and 4.

jlmurph2 said:
If I have to hold LT to aim then I can understand the complaints. But if its click aim I see no problems.

Very possibly could be options for either or


Ryuu96 said:
More footage

People getting their panties in a bunch over nothing confirmed. All looks well