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Today good day for xbox fans. IGn got Great news about xbox launch titles!

Crimson Dragon Scratches That Star Fox 64 Itch:

Killer Instinct Has Teeth:

Dead Rising 3 Lives!:

The Redemption of Ryse: Son of Rome:

D4 is Xbox One's Weirdest Game, and That's Awesome:

Forza 5's Next-Gen Difference:

The Surprising Depth of Powerstar Golf:

We Can't Stop Playing Peggle 2:

Wow! Ryse looks same quality as cutscene during gameplay, can't believe they actually got stable frames with quality and so many numbers of A.I on screen.

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^^ Wow that's a lot of articles. I'll post my opinions after I watch them.

Saviour said:
Today good day for xbox fans. IGn got Great news about xbox launch titles!

Crimson Dragon Scratches That Star Fox 64 Itch:

Killer Instinct Has Teeth:

Dead Rising 3 Lives!:

The Redemption of Ryse: Son of Rome:

D4 is Xbox One's Weirdest Game, and That's Awesome:

Forza 5's Next-Gen Difference:

The Surprising Depth of Powerstar Golf:

We Can't Stop Playing Peggle 2:

Wow! Ryse looks same quality as cutscene during gameplay, can't believe they actually got stable frames with quality and so many numbers of A.I on screen.

just for the fitness fans of you

xbox fitness

zumba fitness

Good news! GTAV is finally available on Redbox for 360. I have been waiting since it came out. It is two discs? Do I have to have both to play it? I got CoD Ghosts first since it will probably not be available again if I waited to long. But I want to rent GTAV next.
Just thought I would let you all know, I am sure you have all played it. But I was waiting for the Redbox.

< I got Killer Insinct

248,000+ gamerscore & 6 year 7 months a gold member.

Aint switched on my 360 today though (found out through my MSN account)

When i switch it on tomorrow it would be EXTRA sweet if i got a free ONE (happy regardless though)

Next big question is....... does this free Killer Instinct also include the Original Killer Instinct?

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OK here are my thoughts from what I've seen total.

Ryse: Son of Rome - Let me first start off by saying the game sincerely looks incredible and the slow-mo animations look sublime. The majority of previews that I've seen since E3 have said roughly the same thing, which is that the combat is great but can be too forgiving. Basically what that means is I'll be playing on a harder difficulty then normal. Overall Ryse is looking to be a very solid game.

Forza 5 - I think this is the best looking Xbox One game as of yet, the visuals are incredibly detailed and overall I would classify the game as pure car porn. Two things that kind of got me though are that there are only 200+ cars which really isn't a lot, I would have prefered closer to 400 cars but I can still work with 200ish. I'm hoping the fewer cars means more tracks. Secondly, the driveatar thing doesn't sound so good to me because you'll potentially have a good number of matches with terrible, agressive drivers. Hopefully people will be able to rate other people's driveatars and you'll be able to pick more professional-like drivers. Despite these things (and the other things that I've said was kind of disappointing about the game) this game is a 100% day one buy for me. I think it will be the best launch game.

D4 - Well I'm not really sold on the game yet but I do applaude the developers for making a Kinect game that actually is pretty compelling. Story looks decent (and quite awesomely crazy) and there are certainly some problems but most of those should be taken away at launch. Visually the game isn't anything amazing but the artstyle is pretty good.

Powerstar Golf - This game really surprised me not only because it's a X1 exclusive (which I didn't know) but also because it looks surprisingly fun. I love the colorful Pixar like graphic artstyle that it has. If this ends up being $15-30 I might actually get it on launch.

Peggle 2 - Looks decent, but not really my type of game. If it ever goes on sale for a few dollars I'd pick it up.

Dead Rising 3 - I never was able to get into the series much and this one doesn't excite me all that much either. It does look technically impressive though. I'll probably get it when it becomes a budget title.

Crimson Dragon - I really have nothing to say about this game other than meh, not interested in it at all.

Killer Instinct - Well I'm not a fan of fighting games at all but since the first character is free I'll give it a try. Who knows, maybe I'll end up liking it.

Zoo Tycoon - So I've only seen one video for this game (but in my defense it was a really long video) and the game looks like absolute fun. If fun and relaxing had a baby, it would most likely be this game. Graphics are also awesome. Definitely looks like gaming nirvana material to me.


Good idea John!

Here are my thoughts.

Ryse: Son of Rome - Have always thought this game looked beautiful, the setting and story look amazing none of that was ever an issue. This game has fluctuated from day one to hmm since E3 for me, I'm going to have to wait on more feedback on this one (even though everything I hear is good). I definitely want to like it though! A demo would be helpful Microsoft *cough*

Forza 5 - Nope. Don't like sim racers! Give me Burnout Revenge 2! I can tell the game looks beautiful and faithful to the Forza franchise tho.

D4 - Not seen much of this and it's not really on my watch list, I will watch some gameplay videos though before it comes out (which I think is Jan/Feb time next year) but I'll be surprised if I pick this up.

Powerstar Golf - Looks great but I've had my fill with golf thanks to KS. I'm not a fan of the sport ...

Peggle 2 - Day One! (or whenever it comes out) I'm so excited for this game, despite not buying the first one (I have playd the demo 100 times though) no idea why I've never bought the full game .. but I don't need to now. Peggle 2 looks far more polished than the first and I like the characters, they seem more distinct this time.

Dead Rising 3 - Dead Rising was one of the first games I got on my 360, fond fond memories. Even though I found it hard (what with the er unique save system and time limit) but that seems to be addressed this time so it's pretty much the perfect DR game I've been waiting for!!!

Crimson Dragon - Looks fun but not really for me, I've heard comparisons to Star Fox? I remember Star Fox being far more awesome than this! (I'm sure it is) but yeah .. looks good for what it is!

Killer Instinct - I think this is my most hyped launch title! I love Mortal Kombat, possibly my favourite videogame franchise, and any other fighter doesn't come close to getting my attention (poor japanese art styles) none of them have any bite to the characters. KI is very similar to MK in that respect and the fighting looks more in depth. With Fulgore confirmed I'm pretty much at INSANE HYPE LEVELS!

Zoo Tycoon - Totally amazed this is even coming out, in a good way. I didn't expect MS to have a sim at launch (or ever!) looks amazing, I have a few gripes but nothing major.


Ryse: Son of Rome - It was the game that really encouraged me to pre-order the XBO.  Reardless of what people said about it, i wanted it.  And this video only hypes me up even more. Actually it is the best video ive seen on it.

Forza 5 - I do like Sim racers and the main reason i like Forza is because of the auction house.  However i dont get excited for sim racers either.  I will likely buy it, just not at launch.

D4 - looks kind of like The Walking Dead and its concept.  However Swervy5 or whatever his name is doesnt get me excited since ive never played any of his games.  Dont care much for D4 at the moment.

Powerstar Golf - Looks really good and i could definitely see myself liking it.  However with such a stacked holiday both exclusively and multiplatform i likely will not get it. 

Peggle 2 - I know it is popular and all but I have never seen anything about this game.  I dont even know what it is.

Dead Rising 3 - I hated Dead Rising 1 and 2.  Dead Rising 3 looks better now that they added a gritty style but im still not interested.  I like more serious zombie games like State of Decay and ZombieU.

Crimson Dragon -  Reminds me of Star Fox 64 and will likely by it right away xD

Killer Instinct - This was the other game that convinced me to buy a XBO.  Was a little disapointed with only 6 launch characters but having 1 character a month starting January is awesome.  Cant wait to try it out

Zoo Tycoon -  Looks really good but compared to Viva Pinata i just dont know.  Ill try it but ill have to wait and see on it.

Project Spark
-  Looks great and pretty excited to see what people can make out of it.  Im not going to be one of the people who create though

Max: The Curse of Brotherhood -  This one is a game that ive been excited for since it was announced.  Looks beautiful and charming.  The original games on phones however is rather meh in my opinion.

LocoCycle - Not even going to waste my time explaining what i think of this game.


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