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Quantum Break all the way

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JayWood2010 said:

Not to mention all the thumbs down for anything xbox related.  Even the Xbox channel gets a lot of thumbs down immediately.  Since they are immediately my guess would be that there is trolls subscribed to the xbox channel just to spread negativity.

And honestly im fine with it but it does get annoying.  As soon as i get on VGC today you have like 10 threads just to talk about how XB sucks and their is a power difference between PS4 and XBO.  Why was these things not an issue in previous gens like PS2 vs Xbox as an example? We (Or most people know) they are minor differences and not something substantial like Wii vs Ps3.

Ive always said this but I really do like Sony but i cant stand their fanbase(When i say fans im talking mr angry pants fans, which all thre companies have, i just see Sony as having the most).  Nintendo's for some reason has never bothered me.

I've quit looking at those negative threads.  I want to respond, point out their failures, and it gets me into trouble.  So I just skip over them.

They are just a bunch of negative people gloating over a precieved problem - like it somehow makes their games more fun or something.  I have some PlaySation fan friends in real life, and they are kind of like they that too.  They will spend 45 mintues telling you things they hate, for every 15 talking about something they like.  I've gotten so I just cut them off and get them to switch subjects.  Doesn't always work though.

I've never seen anything this negative before.  But I have my own theories as to where the original source i -but I do have inside knowlege.  Some not named company is in a desperate situation and they are trying to do what they can to stay alive.  I've seen it before, I don't hate them, pity is a more aproprate word.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

Forza 5 Gameplay


Seece said:

Woo!  Less than 3 Weeks to go :D


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Should be getting mine delivered a couple hours before midnight, going to be a pain deciding which game to play before bed.......

Libara said:
Should be getting mine delivered a couple hours before midnight, going to be a pain deciding which game to play before bed.......

Make it Ryse :P 

Lol just playing.  Im picking up Ryse and Battlefield 4 at launch. Prob download Killer Instinct when I go to bed that night.


Where Can I get Day One edition still? Online or physical store.
I don't accept negative answers. You don't wanna see me mad.

I'm still debating on going to a midnight launch, first game I play will be Killer Instinct tho!!!


JayWood2010 said:
Libara said:
Should be getting mine delivered a couple hours before midnight, going to be a pain deciding which game to play before bed.......

Make it Ryse :P 

Lol just playing.  Im picking up Ryse and Battlefield 4 at launch. Prob download Killer Instinct when I go to bed that night.

If I have the money il get Ryse, otherwise itl be a tough decision between BF4, Ghosts, KI and DR3. Ryse and Zoo Tycoon will all have to depend on the money I have left over lol. First world problems.