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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Frequency said:
The news means nothing to me, when sales results come in there's always the possibility of change.
Despite getting an Xbox one I will be buying it for PC regardless, as it will be the hands down superior version even if they someday 180 like Microsoft and release it for PS4.

Soooo on my PC using a dual shock 4 just for fun :)

maybe for graphics but that's it.... it's been said more than once by the dev that the most feature reach version will be the XB1 version.... and beside who wants to play with DS for FPS ???


and what 180 ???? if a contract is signed they can't break it unless both party agree and I doubt MS will greenlight that...


so yeah the real home of titanfall will be XB1 like it will be for halo....

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endimion said:
Frequency said:
The news means nothing to me, when sales results come in there's always the possibility of change.
Despite getting an Xbox one I will be buying it for PC regardless, as it will be the hands down superior version even if they someday 180 like Microsoft and release it for PS4.

Soooo on my PC using a dual shock 4 just for fun :)

maybe for graphics but that's it.... it's been said more than once by the dev that the most feature reach version will be the XB1 version.... and beside who wants to play with DS for FPS ???


and what 180 ???? if a contract is signed they can't break it unless both party agree and I doubt MS will greenlight that...


so yeah the real home of titanfall will be XB1 like it will be for halo....

Its a game released on console and PC, there is no "real home", sorry to burst your bubble, a game is just a game.

Too_Talls said:
Frequency said:
The news means nothing to me, when sales results come in there's always the possibility of change.
Despite getting an Xbox one I will be buying it for PC regardless, as it will be the hands down superior version even if they someday 180 like Microsoft and release it for PS4.

Soooo on my PC using a dual shock 4 just for fun :)

Soo um, you getting an xbox one to play halo or just for the heck of it?

For real exclusives that are not released on PC?

Seece said:
Been thinking about next years line up.

I believe Q1 looks like this

Garden Warfare
Project Spark (Possibly?)
Kinect Sports Rivals.

August onwards will have Fable, Forza Horizons (Or PGR if we're super lucky) Halo and some other surprises.

I hope we don't get a drought between April - July. This is the perfect slot for Sunset Overdrive and Quantum Break!!

I think we will have a bit of a drout honestly where we rely on third party games for a while.  Ive been saying for a while now that after the holidays there is only a few games coming out for XBO and PS4 and I expect a pretty significant decline for a up until E3.  However TitanFall should give XBO a nice spike as well as infamous a nice spike for PS4

Psst, we also have a member above me trying to start something in XBO xD  Everybody ignore him lol


oh btw, look at the poll. 35 to 35 >.


Jazz2K said:

Don't know if this has been posted but they're doing Ryse's armor and it's pretty well done

It is on the front page at the moment but I dont mind watching it again.  It is an awesome video :D


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there is no point in releasing games in the summer, it is the best time to not have good sales... people don't buy game during that period.... best time to release game are during school time :D

JayWood2010 said:

I think we will have a bit of a drout honestly where we rely on third party games for a while.  Ive been saying for a while now that after the holidays there is only a few games coming out for XBO and PS4 and I expect a pretty significant decline for a up until E3.  However TitanFall should give XBO a nice spike as well as infamous a nice spike for PS4

There is also that game from that big developer. Destiny targetting spring 2014. 53% chance of delay expected.

updated the forza showroom thread for the sixth time with new cars

iceland said:
I've seen 3 Xbox One ads in 1 hour of watching TV :O

haven't seen any xbox one or ps4 ad yet but i see ps3 ads in every single commercial break since the release of the last of us. it's truly unbelievable, as if ps3 would be the new console which has a hundreds of million dollar ad campaign behind it.

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