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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

the-pi-guy said:

If you mean the exclamation mark, then no there's nothing you can do about that.  

Otherwise I have no idea what you mean.  

The explanation mark is directly linked to new messages over that mass thread. If you opt out of that message thread, you would no longer be getting the notifications. Sorry if i didn't explain it well. But like you said, there's no way to do it.">"><img src="

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Ryuu96 said:
1 month until my amazing sig returns......

Can't believe Fox cancelled Almost Human xD

Star, ask Wright if he doesn't reply in here =P it was the best out off the 3 but I heard it has a lot of technical problems, you could probably use your money on something better...on XB1 Lol not played it yet though...

I challenge you on this Ryuu...

I believe Wright stated Fable 2 was his favorite. 

Unless that was YOUR opinion.

Damn, I'm getting all mixed up. Distracted by that Gooch.">"><img src="

Ryuu96 said:

My opinion, Lol

That damn Cooch Gooch :(">"><img src="

shikamaru317 said:

Is that in game....holy sh*t.

Also: Kevin Spacey is a boss. And it looks like MS is still in good graces with Activision and COD

I wonder what system COD is going to sell the most on this gen... Should be interesting.">"><img src="

Around the Network
shikamaru317 said:
jlmurph2 said:

Is that in game....holy sh*t.

Also: Kevin Spacey is a boss. And it looks like MS is still in good graces with Activision and COD

Yeah, looks like it might be in game. You did see the screenshot earlier today, right? And the first teaser they posted?

Yeah, but those were just screens lol nice to see it in somewhat action.

Slade6alpha said:
Ryuu96 said:

My opinion, Lol

That damn Cooch Gooch :(

what now???

Hmm new cod looks interesting again for the first time in a long time!

lol, you guys are crazy if you think that Kevin Spacey video was in game. It absolutely was not

Gotta admit though, I just watched the leaked trailer, and I'm actually interested for once. It's probably mostly the Kevin Spacey effect (man is a boss), but there was some cool stuff in there