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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Final: What is the Best Xbox Character/Mascot



Marcus Fenix  


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you know who to vote for...


I vote for the Generic Xbox Male Avatar


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Some of the gifs I found lmao

How Marcus even made this far after originally being knocked out by the Arbiter is beyond me lol

Maybe it's just me, but as much as I love Gears, I think Marcus is pretty lame. Dom was by far the best character in that franchise so far

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I think we have our winner, lol

6 weeks bitches!!!!!


I better get a Gears anniversary collection in 2016.

Anyone have an iPad mini? Thinking about getting one.


I found this really strange glitch in Titanfall. I started a LST match with a strider, decided to change to an atlas but changed again to the ogre ( 3 changes in the first seconds). Now all my titans are faster than a strider and my pilot runs faster too :p. My screen is slightly trembling because the speed is to fast and my titan sounds like an overcharged machine. Did some tests with a friend and my sprinting ogre can catch up with his sprinting Strider even with a headstart.