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Forums - Sales Discussion - Wii NA sales plunge, can anyone give me an explanation why?

If tendo releases 200k wii's a week in US all of them would be gone.

And no, its not recession. We still got $$$ up the ass over here :)

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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kingofwale said:
isn't Wii region locked? How can they shift all those units on a weekly basis?

And for that matter, if they can actually predict user buying trend for once, why couldn't they make more SSBB on launch?

700,000 sold in 4 days isn't enough? That's a hell of a lot really... See they don't make more because if they make too many they're stuck like Microsoft with the halo 3 Xbox's. I see dozens of them every store around me, each one just laughing and I laugh along with them. Here's a lesson in economics, if you overshoot your production, you end up eating the difference and then it's expensive to even ramp up production, let alone buy new facilities and hire new workers to facilitate that production. If you make 5,000,000 products a week in 5 factories 3 of which needed to be opened you shelled out millions per factory, assuming you didn't have to build it. Plus cost in employment & items to make said product. The first week you sell 3,000,000 second week 1,000,0000. You're stuck with 6,000,000 units which you have to house, money. That you already paid for, money. That you paid people to make, money. And you'll continue to produce 5,000,000 or start making lay offs which hit's the press and people tend to not think highly of it. (you always hear about large scale lay offs.) It decreases public view of the company which is never good. So do you scale down or keep max capacity hoping to god next week you can sell 11,000,000? You scale down. Lay offs, excess product etc. And you still have the money you'd shelled out for the facilities. It'd be stupid for nintendo to produce to much they actually have a nice sweet spot for their games, consoles... they could probably ramp up, I'd say around 2,000,000 - 2,200,000 would be ideal without overdoing it in the long run.

Not sure if the video game industry is recession proof.

Wii Code: 4819-7684-2396-4558

jheco05 said:
Not sure if the video game industry is recession proof.

Typically it holds up better than a lot of industries. America tends to decline heavily in the first 2-3 months after Christmas anyway though so it's not really a surprise. Everyone is paying off on Christmas debts they're not buying new stuff right this moment.

my god we've had this same topic 3 times a;ready in different weeks and it's only February - soon people will come on and say the Wii's bubble has burst then next week sales will go back up and people will come on, bmp the thread and say ha - you were wrong.

So it's having a low week - in Japan there's massive demand right now in terms of Wii fit still riding high and SSBB, given that the Wii had the larger drop off in figures around sep, oct, nov time in Japan - why wouldn't they push as much as they can into that region right now as they finally have some demand?

This would have been planned in advance and is probably the logic in delaying US release of SSBB - allow Japan to have next few shipments for SSBB / Wii Fit then ship to US in time for their SSBB release when they will also get more hardcore gamers buying the system as these are the people thats waited for a more traditional hardcore title to get released to commit to buying a Wii.

I think 08 is obviously gonna be the year when demand is met but only briefly and certainly not first week in February as titles like Wii Fit, SSBB, Wii Mario Kart will push demand through the roof again.


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Zucas said:

You know I"m going to say I disagree. Nintendo with both DS and Wii is in complete control of Japan. But I think as a whole as wwell, I'd say that Nintendo is in complete control of Europe/Other as well. I think that even for Wii, they have nothing to worry about there.

I personally think America is the market that they haven't secured dominance in, and this is shown, as week by week, America is the only place where with DS and Wii they don't get a 50% majority of sales. I personally think that Nintendo would recognize that not only is America still a work in progress, but the place where they can gain the most, so I question why they would take anything out of that market.

Zucas: I usually agree with lot of your opinions, and usually you do give good explanations to your views,but now I disagree.
Nintendo is not in complete control of Europe/O. In most parts of Europe, except for UK and perhaps some other countries, Wii has not been supply constrained, and still they do not own the market in big countries like Italy, Spain, Germany etc. Even here in Scandinavia, Wii has all the time being easy to find, so they just do not sell more of those consoles.


Lost my faith in VGChartz. Too many stupid and ignorant Americans, even as moderators.

It's a shame, really. "The Boss" should do something radical about this Americanization, but it seems hardly feasible, so my days here are numbered.


Supply constrained.

I'm totally "SURE" this week is somehow, the week that the demand for the Wii exceeded supply, in North America, and it doesn't have anything to do sold about 440,000 units this week, making that number about 1/4th of 1.8 million which is monthly supply.

Goddamn PS3 fanboys man, you guys are assholes, you know that?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


The fad is dying!

Username2324 said:
The fad is dying!

LOL< yur attempts to anger me, the fanbowii is WOKring!!!


I stabr! 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Kayanator said:
If it is supply issues please inform me however last weeks surge in sales and Europes Double-NA wii sales tell me it is not an isue of supply as it has been resolved lat week when wii sales rose signifficantly. So why is this week so poor for the wii in NA?

I'll say this, and leave it.


The Wii arrives on a boat. Supply is contrainted worldwide, at 1.8 million a month. Sometimes, one place gets more shipments than another. It happens all the time. Sometimes, the NA Wii shipments will be 40 or 60k one week, and 160k the next week. There are ebbs and flows when sales are totally dependant on the supply, which ISNT constant, and ISNT relative to the amounts of consoles other regions recieve in that particular week. NA doesn't have a stockpile of 60k Wii's setting on the shelves unsold. The consoles are made week by week, and some of NA and some of EU supply went to Japan this week. Shipping and console supply to different regions can actually be determined before they are created, as Nintendo knew when Brawl was coming out, for a while.


I hope this answers your question, however, since I'm sure 20 or so people said that too you before I did, and you didn't listen then, it makes me wonder why I even bothered.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.