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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 outselling the 360 by 10,000 with US and Others COMBINED!!!

hahahah none of the 360 fanboys want to see it but the ps3 is and WILL catch up. even if the ps3 does not outsell the 360 in USA it will still beat it in terms of overall sales. sony will match ANY price cut with one of there own. microsoft dropped the ball and it will never get it back.

When microsoft makes another console so will sony and sonys will be cheaper. they wil never do what they did here and charge 600 dollars again.

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No it isn't. Perhaps you forgot that the 360 has a 7m lead. PS3 has long, long way to go before it beats out the 360,

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

I didn't expect this. Also, doesn't the arcade system suck? If so i don't think lowering the price of the arcade is going to make a big difference.

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

@Riot of Blood

&.....It's a step in one clear direction....up

we all knew Ps3 wasn't gonna sell like wii since such optimism is only fair

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Well, the Xbox better have a big lead, the came out a year in advance! GO PS3!

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if the difference continues at it's current rate (200k/month roughly) then it is going to take a long time to catch up the 360. Basically, the PS3 has to be outselling the 360 by 100k each week to catch it any time soon, but that will not happen and it would still take more than a year to catch it

This isn't that great. But, it is a step in the right direction. A mother f---ing huge step. I mean, the PS3 is within 10k of the XBOX 360. Does anyone else not get that. And the JP numbers are not in. It's already made up 200k units of lost ground in Jan, with no exclusive releases. Imagine when LBP or MGS4 or Resistance 2 or something of the like comes out. This does very little for their deficit, but the growth year to year is amazing.

This was totally unexpected to me. I didn't doubt the PS3 could outsell the 360's world wide numbers with Japan, but I didn't think it would outsell the 360 with just NA and Others alone. It seems since the introduction of the 40gb, the PS3 has been gradually eating the 360's market share. I doubt the PS3 will get to 2nd place this year, but who knows. Sony has a heck of a year ahead of them.

PS3 Trophies

OMG why isn't this topic considered spam haha.

"Hey guys, guess what?!? My losing system (PS3) is winning against another loser system (360). That's how I feel better about my PS3 losing to a gimp system called Wii :D But let's ignore the Wii because I have tons of excuses as to why the Wii is not in the same market as the PS3 like the multimedia function or being HD. Yes yes, I know, its making games but they are NOT the same games so even if the Wii is handling my PS3's ass, its just not the same! Long live my PS3!!"

What are you looking at, nerd?