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Forums - Gaming Discussion - My one issue with the "exclusives" argument

Aldro said:


This also means PS2 HD Remastered games are exclusives on the PS3. Do you realise how fucking stupid that is? xD

Oh and also PS1 games.


So fucking dumb...


If you have a 60GB PS3 -> A shit ton of PS2 games are exclusive on the PS3 XD

And here is where it gets a bit complicated. If your comparing PS3 to would have to make sure they are "PS3" and "360" games. Being a PS2 or PS1 title......that kinda falls outside being a PS3 game. Its on PS3, but its not a PS3 title. Get it?

Now if a PS2 title gets a remastered version and gets a PS3 retail version, then yes it made the jump to a PS3 title and therefore it only makes sense that it counts, ebcause it isn't available on Xbox. Progressive thinking, try to embrace the idea of it :)

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That was the most convoluted bs i ever read... You buy a system/game based on what you want to play... Sure if you want to take into account great exclusives you look at all games u cant get on another console. However, when looking at first party support for a console you want to see who has the best first party track record, choices, and games that appeal to you. Doesnt really matter if one has 20x and the other 80 if those games dont interest you. Even still seeing the track record you can judge who will do better in the future

Talal said:
I will permaban myself if the game releases in 2014.

in reference to KH3 release date

So you have to forget you have a PC if you want to have a discussion with Sales2099 now.

Yep, not doing that. Even my laptop from 2006 runs Minecraft.

Sal.Paradise said:
Carl2291 said:
I think a game on multiple platforms is a multiplat.

Its the exclusives that differentiate your platform from other platforms.

If your "exclusives" are on another platform, theyre meaningless in a discussion about exclusive titles.

Aand we're done here. Can't lay it out more simply than that.

On the flipside, I wonder why I don't see PC fans class all those PC/360 games as 'PC exclusives'? It's almost like they don't feel like they have something to prove against a competing platform, so they don't have to REACH to justify their purchase over another. 

Anyway, the term 'console exclusive' has arisen for us to ignore the PC as a gaming platform in fanboy wars, so I guess it's a non-issue now.

The Master Race do not engage in such petty arguments.

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sales2099 said:
Aldro said:

Also the word exclusive has really lost its meaning with this generation. Sure you  can throw around "Console exclusive" or "HD Twin exclusive" but seriously =>


"ex·clu·sive - Not divided or shared with others."

If you can experience it somewhere else: Then it is not exclusive in any way. Period.

This isn;t about exclusives. This is about comparing what one has and the other doesn't.

Your filtering of just exclusives is the real problem; sweeping Xbox games under the rug like they don't exist. And even PS multiplats not on Xbox. Two way street. Just comparing exclusives is increasingly closed minded in this age, especially in a strict Xbox vs PS comparison.

I don't know what you're doing here then because the Thread title is "issue with the 'exclusives' argument".

If anyone asks me if Ico & SOTC are exclusive to the PS3, I will say no.
If anyone asks me if DC Universe is an exclusive to the PS3, I will say no.
If anyone asks me if MGS1 is an exclusive to the PS3, I will say no.


That's just my stance on it. I have a PS2, PS3, PC and I can play every single game that the "360 has and the PS3 does not". How some call that a 360 exclusive is beyond me as I ..very obviously don't need a 360.

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DucksUnlimited said:
sales2099 said:

Minecraft, among others like it = Multiplats, not on PS.

A Xbox gamer would however, treat it like an actual exclusive

So would Red Dead Redemption be considered a 360 exclusive by Xbox gamers because it's not on the Wii?


If something is on more than one system, it's not an exclusive. It's as simple as that.

That makes no sense because A real Xbox gamer only views PS as its one rival.

This isn't about exclusives, its about comparing what one has and the other doesnt

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sth88 said:

Just because you have a PC doesn't mean you can play any PC game on it.  My PC is a low-end laptop that can't play AAA games, or at least can't play them at high graphics settings, which is one of the main reasons one would game on a PC IMO.  Even for a game like Minecraft I'd rather play on 360, since I get achievements and since the multiplayer is easier to set up.  I have zero interest in spending the time or money to build a fancy-schmancy rig that can keep up with next-gen titles, and I don't want to have to think about hardware upgrades (outside of buying additional storage devices, which looks like something I'll have to do this coming generation no matter what platform I play games on); I want to play games on a platform that lets me get into my games with little hassle and doesn't make me learn a whole bunch of technical jargon.  And even if I mind learning the technical stuff, I don't have the money to invest in two platforms (at least not right away, or when one of them is PC which is more expensive hardware-wise than console).

So just saying "well everyone has a PC, so why buy an Xbox" isn't gonna cut it.  For people like me who are console-only, it doesn't matter if an Xbox game is available on PC, because PC gaming is not on our radar at all.

I have a notebook with a GMA HD 4000 video cars (that included with Intel CPUs)... I can play almost all games with quality close to PS3/360.

sales2099 said:

It is, but it also has no place in the crystal clear PS vs Xbox rivalry.

Xbox gamers have no problem keeping it mono-a-mono, its the PS gamers that can't seem to stand up on their own brand.

At that point we are merely creating debates due to made up rules. :/

Also, 360 obviously cannot keep it mono-a-mono if they need help from the PC to bolster it's library.

It works both ways.

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DucksUnlimited said:
sales2099 said:
psrock said:
sales2099 said:

THANK YOU. I thought I was the only one lol.

In short: PS3 has multiplats not on 360 like MLB, FF14, and a few others. But Xbox multiplats not on PS3 are vastly numerically superior. It is one of MS's #1 strategies this gen.

Sony fans praise the almighty exclusive not just because they are what they are, but in short doing so cripples Xbox's main strategy: to secure games NOT on playstation.

Gears of War, Left 4 Dead 1/2, Dead Rising, Witcher 2, Minecraft, etc etc etc........not on PS3. Doesn't count, it aint exclusive. Upcoming X1 games that are shared with Windows 8, XBLA games shared with tablets.......sorry, not exclusive. It doesn't exist.

This is a Sony world unfortunately, something Ive been trying to fight for a while, and sadly it comes to the point where we just live in their world and play by their rules. It sickens me to no end.

If its on one and not the other, it counts, both ways. In a true Xbox vs PS debate, these titles deserve a mention. Any filtering of these games is propaganda, nothing more, in its lowest form.

Add them then, It still doesnt fix the facts that Minecraft has become your idea of xbox exclusivity. That's what happens when you stop making games on a console and move on to the next.

Minecraft, among others like it = Multiplats, not on PS.

A Xbox gamer would however, treat it like an actual exclusive

So would Red Dead Redemption be considered a 360 exclusive by Xbox gamers because it's not on the Wii?


If something is on more than one system, it's not an exclusive. It's as simple as that.

If someone were trying to decide between an Xbox 360 or a Wii, Red Dead would TOTALLY count because we are doing ONE CONSOLE vs ONE CONSOLE. 

If someone were doing PC vs PS3, then PC gamers could say "Hey, I can't play Halo on a PS3 so I'm going with the PC!"

The most common comparison is PS3 vs Xbox 360!  How hard is it to just say "If I have a PS3 I can play this but I can't play it if I only have an Xbox 360" or "If I get the Xbox 360 I can play this game but I can't play it if I only have a PS3"?



If you compare one console's entire library to another, then it should be crystal clear which games are fair game and which games ar not.  It seems so simple but alas.

sales2099 said:
Euphoria14 said:

That's like saying the 360 couldn't keep up with PS3 so it went to the PC to "go get some help".

Except I would refer to the Xbox version....a PS gamer would refer to the PC version. lol please

Doesn't matter, in the grand scheme of things it's still classified as a multiplatform title.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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