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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Core exclusives Sony (PS3) Vs MS (X360).

If there are more games to add to this list on the 360 side that are console exclusives (not PC) then add them people, I wanna see what they are and make sure i'm not missing out on too much ;)
I do enjoy a good game.

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This is really really interesting. We already knew that Microsoft pretty much abandoned the core gamer beyond the Halo or Gears fan but I never thought the # of Kinect games outnumbered the core games. Wow. That says a lot.

I'd love to see what excuse some people make for Microsoft here.

kowenicki said:

Past performance is no indication of future returns.

The ONE has more exclusives coming than the PS4 at the moment.

Uh, yes it is. This right here is a HUGE warning sign. Look at how many Kinect games were released on such a small install base compared to core games?

Next-gen I expect that number to go up(in Kinects favor) due to the thing being included in the box.

Past performance IS indication of future performance. Sony gave us a ton of amazing exclusvies this year, this is why you don't have many PS4 exclusives announced yet. We know they're coming though. Sony delivers on the core exclusives. You can't say the same for Microsoft. The core exclusive list is bound to dry up as time goes on for the XB1 just like it did for 360.

KylieDog said:
DarthVolod said:

Very deceptive list. XBLA is excluded, and console exclusives gone along with a focus on 2010-2013 which ignores over half of 360's life cycle (which includes a bunch of great games you can pick up dirt cheap now).

According to Wikipedia:

List of Xbox 360 games = 959 games (multiplatform: 757; exclusive: 123; console exclusive: 79) on this list as of June 6, 2013.

List of PS3 games = 772 games (multiplatform: 621; exclusive: 143; console exclusive: 8) as of January 14, 2013.

Keeping in mind that the PS3 list is not as well maintained for some reason, we still get (even with a decent margin of error) a much better picture of the 360 experience which includes a much larger number of console exclusives (79 vs. 8) than the PS3. Get rid of console exclusive, you get rid of awesome games like Minecraft, Fable, ect. ... so what if you can get these games on PC. Not everyone has a $900 gaming rig that can handle modern games with no performance issues.

Omit console exclusives and manipulate a few variables and yes, a very one-sided list you get.

Also, this pretty much shows us that Sony has abandoned the MOVE. Hate Kinect all you want, but at least it has support. 

Exclusive is exclusive, 'console' exclusive is a term invented by fanboys with a console that lacks exclusives.  XBLA wouldn't add much since most of them are on Steam and/or PSN too.  Lastly Sony doesn't make many Move only games and instead adds optional Move support for regular games which is much better.

I disagree, but how about a compromise. We can put a giant asterisk on the list that says "must own a high powered gaming PC in order to get full exclusive experience" next to the PS3 list.

Microsoft gives optional Kinect support for plenty of games too, but it doesn't change the fact that it still gets more actual support.

bananaking21 said:
DarthVolod said:

Very deceptive list. XBLA is excluded, and console exclusives gone along with a focus on 2010-2013 which ignores over half of 360's life cycle (which includes a bunch of great games you can pick up dirt cheap now).

According to Wikipedia:

List of Xbox 360 games = 959 games (multiplatform: 757; exclusive: 123; console exclusive: 79) on this list as of June 6, 2013.

List of PS3 games = 772 games (multiplatform: 621; exclusive: 143; console exclusive: 8) as of January 14, 2013.

Keeping in mind that the PS3 list is not as well maintained for some reason, we still get (even with a decent margin of error) a much better picture of the 360 experience which includes a much larger number of console exclusives (79 vs. 8) than the PS3. Get rid of console exclusive, you get rid of awesome games like Minecraft, Fable, ect. ... so what if you can get these games on PC. Not everyone has a $900 gaming rig that can handle modern games with no performance issues.

Omit console exclusives and manipulate a few variables and yes, a very one-sided list you get.

Also, this pretty much shows us that Sony has abandoned the MOVE. Hate Kinect all you want, but at least it has support. 

a lot of the core games in the PS3 list can be FULLY played with the move. heavy rain, killzone3, littlebigplanet karting, infamous 2, Socom 4, resistance 3 and littlebigplanet 2. could you tell me how the kinect list can even compete with that? add to that bioshock infinite it fully playable with the move as well. 

You are ignoring all of the games with optional Kinect support (Mass Effect, Ghost Recon, Halo, pretty much every sports game, ect.)

Also, lol at move support with those games being an actual thing ... not saying that Kinect optional features are good, but honestly how often do you think this scenario happens in real life: "Hey man I need to grab my PS move so I can play Bioshock Infinite!"

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So much variety here on the Playstation.

Hopefully, Microsoft has enough studios to improve this. I say stop getting timed exclusive deals and make new games for Xbox instead. There is also too much stuff for Kinect

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DarthVolod said:

According to Wikipedia:

List of Xbox 360 games = 959 games (multiplatform: 757; exclusive: 123; console exclusive: 79) on this list as of June 6, 2013.

List of PS3 games = 772 games (multiplatform: 621; exclusive: 143; console exclusive: 8) as of January 14, 2013.

Wow, so that is over 200 360 games you cannot play on PS3 versus over 150 on PS3 you can't play on 360. And even if you take out "console exclusive", the difference is 20 games. A ton of which (most definitely more than 20) can be attributed solely to Japan. Yet people talk as if MS is terrible at pumping out games, let alone exclusives. Thanks for this tidbit of into, very eye-opening. I assume it includes XBLA/PSN?

Maybe Sony had learnt their lesson with the PS3 and aren't announcing exclusives to early i.e FF XIII , KZ2, MGS4 and GT5. Of course Sony have more to announce at Gamescom and TGS. Yes i'm sure MS do too, but judging the exclusive line up of them when there's TWO more Game shows before launch is riduculous.

foodfather said:
Halo 4 outsold all ps3 exclusives put together last year. What does that tell you about the quality of the ''exclusives''.

Absolutely nothing.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Domination where it matters.

Oh dear. If Move would have been as successful as Kinect you would see a lot more games for it too.