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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 8th Generation of Gaming[Nintendo]! Which Franchise is Out/Going to be Released/Have to Be Made!


Which of these needs to be on 3DS Asap?

Kirby 14 26.92%
Golden Sun 14 26.92%
Ice Climbers 1 1.92%
F Zero 2 3.85%
Custom Robo 3 5.77%
Punchout 1 1.92%
Sin and Punishment 3 5.77%
New IP 5 9.62%
Not Mentioned Franchise 4 7.69%
WiiU only games 5 9.62%

Wii U

Mario RPG... sorry but a paper mario on Wii U would be awesome

Fire Emblem.. 3DS just got one.. sooo.. it's time for one to come to Wii U.. (In addition this franchise is a system seller to a lot of people)


Punch Out


Animal Crossing

Pokemon Stadium (Sorry but I loved that one)

Custom Robo

Steel Diver


Yoshi (Fun little puzzle game)

Custom Robo

Chibi Robo

Golden Sun

Nintendo Wii by generations...

1. Wii

2. Wii U

3. Wii O U

Predictions made by gamers concerning the current Nintendo line up of games.

Pikmen 3= Little Bump to nothing. (Got Little Bump)

Wind Waker HD= Won't sell anything (The explosion happened here and at one time 4 Wii U games was in the Amazon top 100)

Super Mario 3D World= Won't help at all looks cheap. (Currently the most sought after Wii U game and continuing the Wii U increase.)

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BossPuma said:

F-Zero HD, with 30 player online, and track editing!! It would be kick ass

hell yea, at such highspeeds, it be a killer race... literally!

3DS doenst need games.

Nintendo need to focus on Wii U or it is doomed.


EDIT: nice OPINION piece on starfox. I dont agree with it but nice. I want evolution not rehash on starfox as rehash will only attract the very new starfox fans left who bother purchasing a Nintendo console.



I just want a 3DS Kirby game. Give me something like "The Amazing Mirror" or "Superstar Ultra" and I'll be happy.

NintendoPie said:
I just want a 3DS Kirby game. Give me something like "The Amazing Mirror" or "Superstar Ultra" and I'll be happy.

yes! Out of all the franchise announced this year on 3ds i wanted kirby! Kirby return to dreamland was amazing, and i love all kirby games on handheld! Im suprised nintendo hasn't made at least 1 by now? On DS there is like 4 or 5 games!

Around the Network
tbone51 said:

yes! Out of all the franchise announced this year on 3ds i wanted kirby! Kirby return to dreamland was amazing, and i love all kirby games on handheld! Im suprised nintendo hasn't made at least 1 by now? On DS there is like 4 or 5 games!

Well, the DS got a lot of special treatment. It also had two new Pokemon generations and a remake, remember?

Cobretti2 said:
3DS doenst need games.

That's a pretty silly thing to say. Without games it'd be selling like the Wii U is now.

Hal Labs has been free for a bit now, I expect more Kirby very soon. If you'd asked me 3 months ago, I would have said Kirby 3DS was coming this year. It's still possible, but I would think Nintendo would have said something by now, so maybe next year.

BossPuma said:

F-Zero HD, with 30 player online, and track editing!! It would be kick ass

Personally I rather see a star war racer game again. Was fantastic for it's time.



Einsam_Delphin said:
Cobretti2 said:
3DS doenst need games.

That's a pretty silly thing to say. Without games it'd be selling like the Wii U is now.

you misunderstood, by that I mean it already has plenty of annoucments no need for more at this stage.