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Forums - Sony Discussion - Insomniac reveal Ratchet and Clank Into the Nexus. PS3 exclusive.

After All 4 One,Q-Force/Full Frontal Assault, Fuse and the Microsoft exclusive, I'm taking this news with a truck sized grain of salt.

A Crack in Time remains their last good game.

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NobleTeam360 said:
Angelus said:
Judging by the things Sony fans have said about Insomniac recently on these forums, I imagine none of them much care.

Don't worry they'll do a 180 and praise how great Insomniac is now, lol.

Or that's what you'll assume when there are five or so people praisinig this game.  You have to take note of that word in the grey box over to the left.  It's called a name and specifies a specific person.  One person might love the company because they're Insomniac, another might not give two shits.  Then there are the random few who think it looks good simply because it looks like a good game. 

I'm a Playstation fan but couldn't care less if we get an exclusive title when it sucks.  NIS and Compile Heart RPGs?  No thank you.  Garbage.  God of War?  The games are decent, but the worst in their genre.  There's better games in the genre that you can play on the PS3.  Ratchet and Clank?  Never really interested and only played All 4 One because it was free.  Game sucked.  Uncharted and Infamous?  Okay, now I'm just being silly because Uncharted and Infamous are awesome.

Angelus said:
Judging by the things Sony fans have said about Insomniac recently on these forums, I imagine none of them much care.

It happens, just like when Bungie were putting their game on the PS4. Xbox fans were calling them traitors. So it's boud to happen.




microsoft can have them, insomniac is shit nowadays and we got bungie now! (or something like that)

pezus said:
Figgycal said:
I think Insomniac is a mess at this point. Fuse, Resistance 3, and half of the Ratchet and Clank games this gen, haven't been all that great (pretty bad actually).

Resistance 3 was excellent??

Resistance 3 was straight butt cheeks- a huge disappointment after Resistance 2.

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Oops double post.

crissindahouse said:

microsoft can have them, insomniac is shit nowadays and we got bungie now! (or something like that)

You mean, like, Destiny ?

btw when I read (when worlds colide, heroes return) I wish the Insomniac games was Ratchet and Daxter or Crash the Dragon, 

Gaf seems to be sure that its Rachet and clank: Into the nexus

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

Well a r and c game is a disappointment to me.

kowenicki said:
People really want another R&C...?

I was under the impression (maybe incorrectly) that the last few of R&C sold badly... so I'm not convinced there are lots of people out there that want a new R&C game... even my kids are not fussed about them these days...  perhaps some kind soul can dig up the sales/release dates of the previous R&C games.

It's being suggested that its for PS3... so i'm even more confused... I know Sony want to show that the PS3 is still alive and kicking for a bit longer, but I'm more interested in PS4 games and in particularly new IP... guess have to wait until at least Gamescom for that.

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