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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Would you be a prostitute if you had kids to support and had no money?

I don't think male prostitutes get very far.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

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first i would stop whining to be so poor as someone who had luck to be born in a "first world country" which already makes me richer as most other people and then who knows lol

I'm not in that type of situation so I wouldn't say that that if I was that I wouldn't.

It's an awful thing to consider, but if it pays your bills and lets you get through another day...

Who knows.

Yes but Anus-Only. My kids, on the other hand could practice a part-time (blow)job

I wouldn't go into prostitution but i would do just about anything else if i was in that situation, including robbing banks. Fuck em, they caused this mess and expect everyone else to pay for it!

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