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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I would buy SSBB at full price just for the SSE game!!!!

BenKenobi88 said:

IGN also only played 30% of the SSE mode, fact.

It was Bozon, who can be kind of a whiner, and the other ones there who were apparently stupid. They talked about how they didn't wavedash because it was lame like snaking in Mario Kart...which doesn't really make sense...wavedashing is a hard, advanced move that they likely didn't know anyway, plus IT'S NOT EVEN IN I pretty much gave up on IGN there. They're clearly thick.

And no, this isn't just me getting pissed because they talked my precious Brawl down (ok a little), but it's clear by this and a couple other Brawl articles that they don't know as much as you think they do, and they clearly did not play the Japanese Brawl for very long, as they came away with little of importance to say. Just searching for criticism and bashing the game for no reason...not even mentioning the myriad of amazing additions this game has.

Their reviews might be fair in the end, but it's clear they're not following Brawl close enough, and it's clear they don't give a sh*t about its fans.

You should hear the 3 red lights podcast.


Someone writes in asking them what games for the Wii in 08 do they want to play, besides Brawl or Kart,(and they couldn't say "nothing").


None of them could name one game.


So, they called the Nintendo podcast guy with the accent, and he couldn't name one. Finally he said Wii Fit.


No mention of Oboro, Tales of Symphonia, Fragile, Crystal Chronicles, Animal Crossing, Kirby, Rygar, ect, ect.


These fuckers WORK for a goddamn videogame site!! 


Then they went on to bash Wii Ware games, said XBox arcade was gonna have better selection, and finally said that the "real" console race was between the PS3 and the 360 because they Wii didn't have a "high def" experience and that was what this generation of consoles is all about.


Honestly, I could cut their fucking fanboy heads off, for pretending to be credible. I'd rather have Jaffe talking about the Wii, because even he wouldn't have the pure assholish gaul it took to spew some of that bullshit.


Also, how do I know like 10x more about the game industry than anyone on that podcast, and they're always looking shit up, like release dates and sheets, and don't even know Kirby was announce, and get all shitpissed excited about Halo Wars and Too Human(true story).


Then, the super prick of the show(sounded just like the superprick of Wiikinreview, mighta been him) started spouting about how the 360 had no future, that it needed a console redesign, would be dead soon, and all this shit, because Blu-Ray won. He said Microsoft had no clue and didn't care if they did.


If you really wanna get homicidal, listed to that goddamn "3 red lights" podcast, and lose respect for all things IGN in the process.


The prick guy is just so dismissive of all things that are against what he says, but he just knows so much less about gaming than I would expect anyone paid to follow it.


Spews pure Wii hate fanboy rhetoric one minute, then talks about how Warioware was in his top 10 games of last year. The guy with the accent in the Wii podcast, he's like the boss, or something, knows little to nothing about gaming. Then the prick guy, and finally the guy who just kinda lets the prick guy talk, and then hosts the show. The guy who lets the prick talk is the most informed one there, but still, 6/10 gaming knowledge, imo.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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Who cares about IGN and any other review sites people, the game is epic... that's all that matters ^^

Wow gamingdevil is playing Smash in Greece waaaaaah! And you still find time to post on this site while you could be playing SSBB! I envy you man! It must be an honour to be 1 of the 1st million users to play Brawl!

Joeron said:
Wow gamingdevil is playing Smash in Greece waaaaaah! And you still find time to post on this site while you could be playing SSBB! I envy you man! It must be an honour to be 1 of the 1st million users to play Brawl!

First off, trust me there are much more people playing Brawl now...

Also, i've played 16 hours the last 2 days... my eyes hurt lol.  And i didn't even like Melee to begin with xD

Dang! I forgot, I have to multiply the units sold with 4 to know how many play Brawl. If it don't get the title of most sold this year, atleast it will get the title of most played ^_^

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whether u watct the SSE video or not, SSBB will stiill blow you away with everything more it has to offer than Melee

@ ZenfoldorVGI: That's what Nintendo gets for not hyping all of the good releases for their system to death. Had they acted more like Sony and hyped No More Heroes, Zack & Wiki, or Elebits, those games would have not only sold more, but they'd have made reviewers' "most wanted" lists many months in advance.

In that case, IGN would know that there's much more than SSBB, Mario Kart Wii, and Wii Fit coming out this year. In fact, I'd say that the Wii has a better lineup for '08 than the PS3 does at the moment - and we don't even know what's coming out for the Wii past June.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



i would've too to be honest



wiiforever said:
whether u watct the SSE video or not, SSBB will stiill blow you away with everything more it has to offer than Melee

 SSE is a game mode, not just a video.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Me too. Me too. Definitely!