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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is the PS3 REALLY getting more AAA games than the 360 this year?

What's the point of arguing over which games are AAA before they're even out? It's just an argument over which console has the most hyped games.

Who cares?

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They might have same amount of AAA titles coming out but what matters is what AAA is gonna push the most sales in hardware and software. Say splinter cell sells near 1.5, then fable sells 2.5mil, Ninja Gaiden around 1mil, banjo 1mil, etc.. but then lets say FFXIII sells 6mil (all life time sells), it'll equal to those games from xbox.

Games might have high ranking but still don't sell amazingly well, one game can sell amazingly well and other games just have good sales like what happened with brawl and DMC, add up all other games sales and compare to brawl, just one game still beats all of them or very close to it.

and wow banjo on xbox and not ps3? Wasn't banjo like the mascot of ps before o.o

AAA = hype, to most people

Zack & Wiki is a AAA game, but I only know one other Wii owner who has it and I bought it for him (after he tried it and liked it).

I wouldn't call Halo 3 a AAA game for myself because it didn't offer anything new, fun or interesting to me, but five million Americans obviously disagree. HYYYPPPEE

 I think it's really weak to categorize a AAA game by critic scores.

 But based on that, I think Sony has a lot more "AAA" hype this year than MS/Nintendo. MS is soooo smart to have gotten GTAIV for 360

Garcian Smith said:
Mummelmann said:
I don't see in any dimension or reality that PS3 is at a disadvantage this year when it comes to software. That is just not true, regardless of taste and stance in the whole "war".
How exactly is it the 360 has the advantage (again I might add) this year, Garcian? Gears of War 2? Fact is; you can't release hits from the same series every year and sell 8 million copies, it just doesn't work that way, even if you happen to love your 360.
And about the PC games this year; tacky comment, there truly are some monster hits coming for PC this year, and 2008 is believed by almost every PC gamer and critic to be the "revival" or "rebirth" of PC gaming as a mainstream industry since the decline from early 90's.
Lastly; do you think its a good idea to bash mods like that... ?

If you don't think that releasing the same series every year and selling millions works... well, EA and a little series called Madden would like a word with you. Not to mention every other popular IP in existence (Microsoft's own Halo 3 sort of proves the point; it's basically a graphically-updated Halo 2, and it sold over 5 million.)

And, no doubt there'll be some good games for PC this year, but listing every single game coming out for the PC as "AAA," including a slew of unproven IP, likely horrible games like Savage 2, and still-in-early-development titles like Dragon Age (which doesn't even have a release date yet, and likely won't for a long, long while) is just silly.

Lastly, I don't bash mods. I just call them out as I would any other poster when I think they're wrong. Being a mod makes someone automatically right on affairs concerning the forums, true, but it doesn't make them untouchable where their opinions on other subjects are concerned.

 Ah, Madden. The best selling Madden is Madden 2005 for PS2 which managed 4.5 million sales on a 100+ million userbase, so I can hardly see it as the Jesus of the 360 this year, especially since it has no market outside of NA at all.

But, basically; Madden will win 2008 for the 360 (a multiplat title) and Microsoft owns every popular IP in existence? I did not know that to be honest. And by using Halo as an example you're actually underlining the bolded part of my post. The biggest seller on the 360 this year will probably be GTA IV, and that's also a multiplat title (or at least shared with one other platform, the one that happens to be its nemesis). I commend you for trying, but there's really no firmament to your points the way I see it.

And about the PC games; the list that Shio, me and SSJ12 drools over is just the cream of the crop, there's over 900 PC games coming out this year globally, so I really don't see that list as "all the PC games coming out this year".