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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Edge magazine goes CRAZY- "ps4 is your next console", "One; titanic failures"

tuscaniman99 said:
You honestly think there will always be a $100 difference between the two consoles? Both will be priced evenly by fall of 2014. Most of these multiplat gamers you are talking about can also be referred to as casual gamers. These casual gamers aren't going to drop that kind of money on next gen till the consoles drop to $299. COD can still be played on PS3 and Xbox One for at least a couple more years.

Uh. Only way I see that happening is if MS is getting clearly dominated in sales in USA. Sony will ALWAYS be in price advantage because they don't have to pack in a CAMERA AS A REQUIREMENT for the console to work, so they will always be able cut the price first or in response to Microsoft.

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tuscaniman99 said:
Logic dictates that indie devs want their games on as many platforms as possible. Furthermore Sony better get to showing these 20 games they have been talking about. So far they haven't shown anything interesting.

Octodad (one of the games shown for ps4) is already on 360.

Logic doesn't dictate that devs want their games on as many consoles. Vince Zampella (Respawn's CEO) even said that exclusivity has a lot of benefits. Small devs like exclusivity because they usually get deals with the console makers, getting help and funding, just like Journey's ThatGameCompany, whose social manager is a member here and said the same.

Secondly, I wasn't questioning the logic of 'devs want their game on more consoles', I was questioning why you are bringing that up. Nobody ever said that those indies would be exclusive, and all of them are already on PC, and some on 360. Sony was just showing how many indies they have on board, which is pretty much all of them. The same cannot be said about xbox one, but may be true about 360, although there are a lot of those indies that will not be on either, and will be on ps4/pc. Again, since you obviously did no research, I'll tell you that the Sony 20 are first party published games. It is a quote...but I do love to hear that hint of disbelief in your post. As if you not believing something makes it untrue. I can see I am truly arguing with a rational human being here.

tuscaniman99 said:
You honestly think there will always be a $100 difference between the two consoles? Both will be priced evenly by fall of 2014. Most of these multiplat gamers you are talking about can also be referred to as casual gamers. These casual gamers aren't going to drop that kind of money on next gen till the consoles drop to $299. COD can still be played on PS3 and Xbox One for at least a couple more years.

America was Microsofts domain because of the cheaper price point. They look at games console price first then games in most cases, because if you look at exclusive sales they are the farthest thing from loyal. They left Nintendo, they left Sony and they'll leave Mirosoft. You must always be thinking of incentives to gain and keep these gamers. Sony will definitely have a pretty good advantage out of the gate.

I don't care if they said they have 20 first party studio games being published. Let's see some actual substance instead of just throwing numbers out there.

tuscaniman99 said:
I don't care if they said they have 20 first party studio games being published. Let's see some actual substance instead of just throwing numbers out there.

You shouldn't doubt Sony Studios's "substance", especially when they just released the best game of the generation. 

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tuscaniman99 said:
I don't care if they said they have 20 first party studio games being published. Let's see some actual substance instead of just throwing numbers out there.

Look, if you want to have a discussion, don't say things that could be true of either side. You say that 20 games is baseless and without evidence, but what about MS' 15?

That would be like if I said "xb1 is ugly, nobody will want to buy some generic black box"

And you think all of these casual gamers are going to hop aboard the Sony train with their friends? Sony is going need to do a lot of convincing to get them to buy into PS4's online service and COD. Xbox is marketed as the place to play COD. Killzone and Infamous aren't going to sway anyone into buying a PS4. Right now Sony has the price advantage but both consoles will sell pretty badly until they both hit that $299 price point. If both consoles hit that price point at the same time (which I believe they will) then things won't change much in the US. Xbox One will outsell PS4 in the US.

Because MS actually showed tons of exclusives at E3 and new IPs where Sony showed the 4 exclusives we already knew about and 1 new IP and the rest of the show was dedicated to talking about used games and multiplats. Both are going to show more exclusives at Gamescom as well.

mutantclown said:
tuscaniman99 said:
You honestly think there will always be a $100 difference between the two consoles? Both will be priced evenly by fall of 2014. Most of these multiplat gamers you are talking about can also be referred to as casual gamers. These casual gamers aren't going to drop that kind of money on next gen till the consoles drop to $299. COD can still be played on PS3 and Xbox One for at least a couple more years.

Uh. Only way I see that happening is if MS is getting clearly dominated in sales in USA. Sony will ALWAYS be in price advantage because they don't have to pack in a CAMERA AS A REQUIREMENT for the console to work, so they will always be able cut the price first or in response to Microsoft.

Exactly and American gamers are majorly not loyal to brands just price and third party game availability.

tuscaniman99 said:
And you think all of these casual gamers are going to hop aboard the Sony train with their friends? Sony is going need to do a lot of convincing to get them to buy into PS4's online service and COD. Xbox is marketed as the place to play COD. Killzone and Infamous aren't going to sway anyone into buying a PS4. Right now Sony has the price advantage but both consoles will sell pretty badly until they both hit that $299 price point. If both consoles hit that price point at the same time (which I believe they will) then things won't change much in the US. Xbox One will outsell PS4 in the US.

Why do you think that Sony won't be able to always price their console lower than Microsoft's? 

If the XBO gets a price cut, the PS4 can get a price cut just the same.  Since the PS4 isn't bundled with any exotic peripheral, it's not that difficult to understand that Sony has a more flexible pricing margin that will only get more flexible as the gen goes on.